Sexual Behavior of Young People - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-25
Sexual Behavior of Young People - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human sexuality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 710 words
6 min read


The sexual behavior of young people is greatly influenced by the relationship between them and their parents. The parental factor that influences adolescent sexual behavior includes communicating, monitoring, and disciple. Therefore, the parents are responsible for the teenagers' sexual behavior as they are supposed to monitor and communicate with them (Miller et al., 2017). Most of the teenagers initiate sexual behavior at a tender because of negligence by the parents or guidance (Widman et al., 2016). This paper supports the fact that adolescents who have a close relationship with their parents are less likely to start sexual activity at an early age. Furthermore, a good line of communication with their teenagers tends to delay the onset of sexual activity.

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Close Relationship

The close relationship between the parent and teenager makes it easy to initiate a discussion about romantic relationships and sexuality. The discussion is essential and necessary because it is meant to educate teens about sexuality. Parents have the opportunity to teach their children about the dangers of engaging in romantic relationships at an early age. A romantic relationship influences the quality of a teen's life and mental health. Parents should overlook or dismiss such kind of relationships (Miller et al., 2017). Therefore, a close relationship between the parents is important as it creates room for educating the child about sexuality and romantic relationship. Enabling the teen to understand romance and sexually at an early age, delays them from initiating sexual activities at a tender age. Parents find it uncomfortable to discuss essential topics with their children, mainly when there is a bad relationship between them (Miller et al., 2017). Therefore, a close relationship between the parent and the adolescent is essential in delaying the child from initiating sexual activity at an early age.

Also, I support the fact that a good communication line between parents and teens delays the onset of sexual activity. A good communication line gives the adolescent freedom to freely share any issue with parents (Widman et al., 2016). An excellent real-life example is a story about my cousin, who was affected by a hostile environment. Growing up, I lived with my aunt, who stayed at a neighboring States. My aunt was so strict that we were limited in the things we were allowed to do. She was extremely strict on my cousin, who is her biological daughter. My aunt could give us some rules which were above parental boundaries. Occasionally, we could be beaten for going against some of the rules. Therefore, communication became one-way since we felt frightened in her presence. My aunt gave her job priority that she could not even spare time to communicate and monitor her only daughter. She did not even find time to talk to us about life or sex. With that said, my cousin left the house at the age of 18. She ended up becoming pregnant at the age of 20. I do not want to blame my aunt, but I believe that the luck of an exemplary communication line between her and my cousin influenced the poor behavior and choices. I believe that early discussion about sex could have helped my cousin to develop good sexual behaviors.


In summary, it is important to note that the relation between parents and teens greatly influences their sexual behaviors. A close relationship between parents and adolescents positively influence their sexual behavior. Adolescents who have a close bond with their parents are less likely to engage in sexual activities at a tender age. I believe that teens who are educated about romance relation and sexuality at an early are likely to engage in sex responsible or wait longer. A good communication line between the parent and teen is crucial as it influences the teen's sexual behavior. Therefore, I support the fact that the teen’s sexual behavior is positively influenced by a close relationship and a good communication line between them and their parents.


Chen, E., Brody, G. H., & Miller, G. E. (2017). Childhood close family relationships and health. American Psychologist, 72(6), 555.

Widman, L., Choukas-Bradley, S., Noar, S. M., Nesi, J., & Garrett, K. (2016). Parent-adolescent sexual communication and adolescent safer sex behavior: a meta-analysis. JAMA pediatrics, 170(1), 52-61.

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