Some of the laid guidelines aim at governing and regulating the student's behavior while others are meant to put in check the tutors and ensure they are following the right techniques to the latter. For the specific physics lessons, maximum interaction should be maintained for the students to understand the different concepts and thus be in a position to tackle various mathematical problems, which eventually help in solving real-life problems (Leask, 2004). It is, therefore, a unit that should be treated with the utmost care and given its rightful status as well as concentration.

Published: 2023-08-22
Some of the laid guidelines aim at governing and regulating the student's behavior while others are meant to put in check the tutors and ensure they are following the right techniques to the latter. For the specific physics lessons, maximum interaction should be maintained for the students to understand the different concepts and thus be in a position to tackle various mathematical problems, which eventually help in solving real-life problems (Leask, 2004). It is, therefore, a unit that should be treated with the utmost care and given its rightful status as well as concentration.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategy Psychology Law Society Nature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 989 words
9 min read

One significant measure that has been laid down is that of delivering the pedagogical knowledge to the students. Since the teacher isn't present physically, the way, he provides the content that he is acquitted to really matters. It is accurate as this is the backbone of the teaching process as every guider tries to guide the learner in the way that they understand better. In the UAE, the tutors are encouraged to have a good knowledge of the subject matter so as to provide an elaborate and easy to understand the approach to the issues at hand. Due to the different levels of understanding among the students, which is purely genetic and cannot be altered, one should compile short and precise notes which ensure that the students add to his understanding in the notes. With that done, the teacher's idea of the stated topic is driven home.

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Another essential aspect that gets addressed in this system is the ability to organize the different tasks in an orderly manner to ensure that the student's learning is systematic and allows his knowledge to grow in every daily study. With poorly organized work, the learners are likely to get lost in between as the work has no flow, and one might miss out on relevant topics that are very erratic when dealing with physics. A missed concept can be a cause of many troubles not only in the field of study but also for the future in tackling the real problems.

The instructors also are well-informed on the tools and applications used for this particular task. With technical instructors, they play a very critical role in the students getting at home with the interface and showing great comfort while dealing with the apps (KERRES, 2003). The applications may be a totally foreign concept to the virtual learners as they have never interacted with them before and could, therefore, be a challenge just as it is for any first-time users. The instructor's ability to navigate through the apps comfortably gives the students an edge as they are likely to learn from them and end up having the know-how of operating the same.

Schools, especially high schools, are social centers, and therefore, this aspect should be incorporated in the online system. It gives both the learners and the instructor a feeling of inclusivity as an online community is created, and everybody occupies a specific position in the communal chain. The system should, therefore, provide this to allow for the comfort of everybody. The welcoming atmosphere that's created provides a conducive learning environment for everyone and, thus, better learning outcomes.

The system also has its ways to assess the student's daily progress. It helps in monitoring the student's progress and identifying those who may be encountering problems as well as areas that might require special attention for the sake of the whole class. There are several methods that have been adopted, and some have almost 100% efficiency, as nearly 80% of the students are in favor of their enactment (Smith, 2003). The methods are mainly based on four main steps of the learning process. In this, the students are required to provide a review from previous encounters from which they move to their first and second tests within maybe 2weeks time in between the tests (KERRES, 2003). It allows the students to adapt and learn in between the given time span in which the topics are subdivided.

There is a final phase that involves the course feedback in which the learners are given a chance to provide their own opinions on how the entire course was. The different evaluations that come in between the learning can be classified into different groups depending on their intensity as well as the timing. Since assessment is used as a tool to show the students competency, knowledge as well as skill for a particular subject, high school physics is no exception.

The most common of them all is the use of quizzes. This are short questions that are often timed and administered at the end of every chapter. Its main aims are to evaluate the student's knowledge of an individual section. It is indispensable as the chapters are arranged in such a way that they are correlated, and thus a student is likely to get lost if they miss any crucial concept from an individual chapter. The quizzes eradicate this as the learners are forced to revise and understand before attempting the quizzes, which are timed and also contribute towards the final grading of the unit.

The other most prevalent method is the use of real-time quizzes. They are more prompt, and the students are required to have the answers at their fingertips (Kitchenham, 2006). Due to this kind of pressure, they are forced to fully understand the topic so as to be in a position to give the right answers to the questions posed for them. The other fundamental and final method is the test. This covers a whole lot of the coursework, unlike the quizzes which cover small areas. They can be administered either twice or even once as the final paper. In this, they are the ones with the most points and are therefore a crucial part in determining one's grade and thus establishing whether it is a fail or a pass. In the above methods, a well-structured and device-independent platform should be developed so as to enable the ease of access to everyone.

Since physics is both an art and science, it also requires a practical part. Going to the labs and conducting actual tests and experiments is not feasible at the moment and is very unlikely, and therefore an alternative means have been adopted to facilitate the same. The use of simulations is the most widely used of these adoptions. In this method, the simulator acts as a virtual lab and eventually gives the learner the required results for an individual experiment (Leask, 2004)....

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Some of the laid guidelines aim at governing and regulating the student's behavior while others are meant to put in check the tutors and ensure they are following the right techniques to the latter. For the specific physics lessons, maximum interaction should be maintained for the students to understand the different concepts and thus be in a position to tackle various mathematical problems, which eventually help in solving real-life problems (Leask, 2004). It is, therefore, a unit that should be treated with the utmost care and given its rightful status as well as concentration.. (2023, Aug 22). Retrieved from

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