Free Essay: South Carolina Declaration and Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Published: 2019-09-23
Free Essay: South Carolina Declaration and Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History United States Government Abraham Lincoln
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 690 words
6 min read

Viewing both occasions of address that is, the South Carolina Declaration and Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address, the section of the American Constitution regarding the delivery of service and labor within the member states is at stake. As a matter of fact, it is the violation of that section of the constitution in the southern state that leads to dissent addressed by the president upon his inauguration.

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South Carolina Declaration

It is vitally notable that the South Carolina Declaration is made up after a vote by the members inhabiting the state to secede on the 20th of December of the year 1860. This happens just over a month after Lincolns underwhelming voting into the presidential office on the 6th of November of the same year; an election that the southern state, reportedly did not take part in. Therefore, rather than giving an inaugural speech that encompasses the anxiety and excitement that come with his entry into the North American nations top office, Lincoln seeks to address the matter that caused dissent and led to the South Carolina Declaration. Therefore, it seems rightfully placed to seek in a clear and concise manner the real bone of contention presented by the South Carolina Declaration and how the incoming president seeks to address in his inaugural speech.

The section of the United States Americas constitution that has been breached by the other states according to the South Caroline members gives a provision for non-discharging of persons bound to a certain service or labor by any law but by the individuals to whom his services were due. The declaration therefore cites fourteen states to have failed to live up to the constitutional clause but their own self passed decrees as far as handling slaves and fugitives is concerned. In fact, the declaration lays it open that the states have ceased to put into action the elements of the constitution and even severed any slight attempts to do so. Among these states include; Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, , Illinois, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin , Michigan, and Iowa,

After thoroughly justifying their course the declaration seeks for immediate dissolution from the other states making up the country and resort to independently stand independent in all matters. Other than being a legitimate call form an important part of the nation, the declaration is a potential source of national disunity and strife.

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

The address given by Abraham Lincoln therefore plays up as a call to avert an already boiling civil war rather than the presidential inaugural speech it was meant to be. Lincoln by himself prefers to treat such an action by the south as an act of rebellion rather than a legalized political step. From his address and the intents of the declaration, it is evident that the best interests of the national government and its safety are at stake.

In the capacity of an incoming head of the nation, Abraham Lincoln rightfully emphasizes the constraints of the majority rule through constitutional checks. He is justified in declaring the public opinion as the accepted true rule exercised by a free nation and its citizens. The vague manner of ruling matters as adopted by the southern state is therefore deemed to elicit strife or despotism. On the basis of Lincolns address it is right and acceptable that the sovereignty and unity of the states that make America united is perpetual, with no single minority portion of the combined states could undo this cohesion or separate them.

The cases above therefore represent a perfect case example where the interests of a state government or just a minority do not match up those of the federal government or the majority. At such points in the history of a nation, strife and unrest are bound to follow. More essential than the needs of both parties is a unifying factor that is hinged on the beliefs and history of the nation and a genuine father figure who can help guide to reconciliations with mutual benefits or appeal to the conflicting sides. That is what Lincoln refers to as a more perfect union in his speech.

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