Free Paper with a Speech Outline: The Benefits of Sports

Published: 2022-03-04
Free Paper with a Speech Outline: The Benefits of Sports
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 622 words
6 min read

Specific purpose: To tell my audience how best to write a formal outline

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Attention getter: Sports is right for your health to try this at your free time and even dedicate time to the activity.

Thesis statement: To elucidate on the benefits of sports to one's health

Statement of credibility: I have been fascinated by the fact that participating in games is a right way of keeping the body fit and a remedy for most health complications. Some of the health concerns that sporting can eliminate are obesity, cardiac disorders, blood pressure among others.


Sports is necessary for the development of the body and the mind. When one engages in sporting the body cells, become active, and regeneration of the cells takes place. The whole activity keeps the person active, fit and alert. In this regard one becomes sharp, and most of the lifestyle diseases become minimal.

Similarly, participating in sports can be a source of income for instance footballs, athletics, tennis among others have made people earn a right amount of money that they make it an income generating project.


Sporting is suitable for the development of one's body this is because it regenerates the cells and makes them active hence activating the body. Besides, sporting can be an income generating activity to those who participate in it wholeheartedly.

Restatement of the thesis

Sports are very beneficial to one's health because it keeps one fit and can be a source of income.

Action step

The dear audience this information is critical to improving your health and even makes you earn income if you fully participate in it.

Closing step

With this information, your health issues will be made right and one can get another source of income.


Can you imagine going to the hospital and the doctor informs you that your weight is way beyond your limit? Of course, it is not good news, but that is how things will be. The best way to keep your weight in check and to live a healthy life is to participate in sports. Sports are the best way to keep your body fit and keep all the sicknesses at bay. Try this, and your health will never be the same again. The purpose of this speech is, therefore, to inform you on the benefits of participating in sports.

I am captivated by the fact that participating in sports is a right way of keeping the body fit and a remedy for most health complications. Some of the health concerns that sporting can eliminate are obesity, cardiac disorders, blood pressures among others. Sports are essential for the development of the body and the mind. When one engages in sporting the body cells, become active, and regeneration of the cells takes place. The whole activity keeps the person active, fit and alert. In this regard one becomes sharp, and most of the lifestyle diseases become minimal. Similarly, participating in sports can be a source of income for instance footballs, athletics, tennis among others have made people earn a right amount of money that they make it an income generating project.

Sporting is an excellent way for the development of one's body this is because it regenerates the cells and makes them active hence activating the body. Besides, sporting can be an income generating activity to those who participate in it wholeheartedly. Sports are very beneficial to one's health because it keeps one fit and can be a source of income.

The dear audience this information is critical to improving your health and even makes you earn income if you fully participate in it. With this information, your health issues will be made right and one can get a source of income.

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Free Paper with a Speech Outline: The Benefits of Sports. (2022, Mar 04). Retrieved from

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