Strategies for Repositioning Snack Brands: Meeting Health-Conscious Consumer Demands in a Competitive Market

Published: 2023-12-16
Strategies for Repositioning Snack Brands: Meeting Health-Conscious Consumer Demands in a Competitive Market
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Food
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 726 words
7 min read

Everyone has a favorite snack food that may not be categorized as a healthy snack. However, with the current shift to healthy foods, the snack industry, especially for chips, faces numerous challenges. As a marketer, my role would entail repositioning my snack brand to increase sales and consumer demand. According to Tanner and Raymond (2012), repositioning brands is beneficial to companies, especially if they intend to appeal to a different market segment. The current segment and value proposition for a majority of the snacks in the industry are functional such that the products appeal to individuals that are not too concerned with healthy foods. Repositioning of products is necessary in situations that would result in drastic changes in the competitive environment such as consumer behavior (Zhang et al., 2015). It is necessary to reposition my snack food to ensure that my brand would increase sales, stay ahead of the competition, and appeal to a broader market segment.

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I would ensure that my product does not center on taste or quality; instead, it would focus on what it brought to the customer. For instance, I would reposition the brand on creating unique moments for the consumer, such as focusing on enjoyment and happiness that the customers would experience when eating my brand of chips. As such, all marketing and communication strategies would focus on the moments of joy, and the advertisement messages would reflect the news across all outlet stores where our products are sold. Therefore, the best tagline for the product would be “Feel every chip moment.”

Repositioning my snack food would also entail introducing a new line of chips that would include reduced calories and fat that would be competitive in the healthy snack foods category. The likelihood of financial success is increased when the product is developed to clear specification of the target market’s needs (Hultink et al., 2000). The new line would consist of natural flavors and, at the same time, appeal to consumers who are mindful of eating healthy. Additionally, since our company is already known for producing quality products, the new line would target personal trainers and ft and easily recognizable people in the sports industry. This strategy would also alert our consumers that our brand of chips can be used by the whole family and is not restricted to people who are not interested in healthy eating. The approach would illustrate that the snack is edible by all people and does not have an age restriction.

This reposition strategy will be effective as we are in an era where people are more cautious of what they eat, and as such, most of the corporations are promoting health food slogans. Therefore, identifying a test market may be challenging for the company. However, I would incorporate the services of a paid focus group, which would give feedback in regards to the strengths and weaknesses of the product.

The product will also be offered at a special price. The primary reason for repositioning is to ensure that the product has increased sales and, at the same time, is affordable to the consumers. However, the price point has a high potential of breaking or making the line victorious. An extremely high or low price will discourage the clients, while a reasonable price will encourage them to purchase the product. Additionally, it is expected that the lowest cost product is brand items that belong to the store while the highest price for items belongs to national brands. Therefore, to achieve successful pricing, we will place ourselves in the middle, which will reasonably appeal to the consumers as the prices will neither be too high nor too low. Therefore, the company will be expected to make an increase in sales of up to 20% with increased loyalty and equity scores.


Hultink, E. J., Hart, S., Robben, H. S., & Griffin, A. (2000). Launch decisions and new product success: An empirical comparison of consumer and industrial products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17(1), 5-23.

Tanner. J. F., and Raymond. M. A. (2012). Principles of Marketing Version 2.0. Irvington. NY.

Zhang, C., Lin, Y. H., & Newman, D. G. (2015). Investigating the effectiveness of repositioning strategies: The customers’ perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(9), 1235-1250.

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Strategies for Repositioning Snack Brands: Meeting Health-Conscious Consumer Demands in a Competitive Market. (2023, Dec 16). Retrieved from

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