Business Essay Sample: SWOT Analysis of the Coffee Shoppe

Published: 2019-08-28
Business Essay Sample: SWOT Analysis of the Coffee Shoppe
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Marketing Business SWOT analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 707 words
6 min read

Developing a competitive advantage is considered to be an essential success factor for many upcoming and existing enterprises irrespective of the business size. The advantage can be maintained if entrepreneurs develop realistic and easy to operate models that can be sustained over a long period. For excellent maintenance of the competitive edge, SWOT analysis should be reviewed and evaluated regularly in order to improve on the weakness and strengths by being more innovative.

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SWOT is an acronym standing for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. The analysis herein focuses on the internal strength and weaknesses of the coffee Shoppe. Strengths in any business are viewed as the factors that promote the outstanding performance of the business as compared to its competitors performances (Valentin, 2005). In this case, the quality products and refreshing coffee are the major strengths of the coffee Shoppe as most consumers prefer these products as compared to their competitors. The freshly baked pastries and desserts presented by competitive chefs fill the air with the tantalizing aroma, which, acts as something for attracting the passing by population. The roasted coffee beans bought from nearby Shoppes, the perfect choice of location and terrific sitting arrangement magnifies the coffee Shoppe as the place of choice.

The management always has to buy roasted coffee beans as business does not have a coffee roasting machine. With the fast and quick sale of coffee, the Shoppe sometimes runs out of coffee beans; these developments weaken the Shoppes competitiveness. The Shoppe is small in size. Therefore, clients are forced to either purchase takeaway or inconvenience the loyal clients into rushed consumption of their drinks and meals. If the Shoppe moves to my area, they will sustain a competitive disadvantage as the coffee Shoppes in this area are spacious and have an excellent ambiance. Being an economic hub, the area possesses competitive human resource and the best facilities suitable for the smooth running of the business. The coffee Shoppe in the area has coffee roasting machines where house blends are formulated and produced to stimulate the best experience. Clients can buy house-blend coffee that is ground and packaged in various weights.

The Complete Competitive Profile Matrix

The complete profile matrix is formulated to utilize critical success factors that are considered as strengths. They include both internal and external factors, which impact a business and compare the enterprise to its major competitors based on the highlighted critical success factors (Capps & Glissmeyer, 2012).

Tims Coffee Shoppe Coffee Shoppe B

Critical Success Factors Weight Rating Score Rating Score

Location 0.125 4 0.5 1 0.125

Pricing 0.436 3 1.308 3 1.308

Brand Quality 0.365 4 1.46 2 0.73

Ambiance 0.052 4 0.208 4 0.208

Marketing 0.835 1 0.835 3 2.505

Operations 0.003 2 0.006 4 0.012

The Competitive Profile Matrix designed above provides strategic understanding through the utilization of Tims coffee Shoppe critical factors. This is applicable when evaluating the Shoppes relative competitiveness against the major competitor designated as Shoppe B. It is imperative to use both the external and internal Competitive Profile Matrix for enhanced strategic analysis that will help identify a weakness prompting its re-evaluation and improvement.

The Implications and Recommendations

Due to the numerous clients, Tims Shoppe serve strategies should be formulated to expand the venture or relocated to a larger area within the same locality. The extra space will create a better ambiance and stimulate a relaxation mood for clients. For continued supply of fresh, tasty coffee, the management should consider buying a coffee roasting machine that will be vital for continued supply and increased sales. The Shoppe will be able to sell freshly roasted coffee to customers hence increasing its clientele (Valentin, 2011).

The Shoppe should consider hiring an expert for a short period to train the waiters and waitresses on the principles of excellent service delivery. Magnificent service offered by friendly waiters and waitresses soothes the clients. Therefore, the customers will prefer the coffee Shoppe as their place of choice. With the application of these improved strategies, the Shoppe stands out with a competitive advantage that will last long enough for the business to realize success through a good reputation and profits.


Capps, III, C., & Glissmeyer, M. (2012). Extending the Competitive Profile Matrix Using Internal

Factor Evaluation and External Factor Evaluation Matrix Concepts. JABR, 28(5), 1059.

Valentin, E. (2011). Away With SWOT Analysis: Use Defensive/Offensive Evaluation Instead. JABR, 21(2).

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Business Essay Sample: SWOT Analysis of the Coffee Shoppe. (2019, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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