Essay sample: Type 2 Diabetes Primary Prevention

Published: 2022-10-28
Essay sample: Type 2 Diabetes Primary Prevention
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Diabetes
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1824 words
16 min read

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition where the human body produces insulin, but the cells in the body fail to use it the way they should or when the human body does not provide adequate insulin. Type 2 diabetes can either be inherited or brought about by the lifestyle of the people. Adults and Church group form the audience for this presentation as they are critical to the community. The paper focuses on the summary of the teaching plan, epidemiological rationale, response of the community to teaching, teaching response evaluation and areas to be Improved and strength.

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In the human body, insulin is produced by the pancreas. Insulin is vital in facilitating the flow of blood into the cells since the cells require energy. The body cells don't usually react to insulin during the prediabetes, and as a result, the pancreas produces more insulin in a bid to make the cells respond. As time goes by, the pancreases cannot keep up, and as a result, the sugar level in the blood rises hence preparing for prediabetes and the onset of type 2 diabetes (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017).

Epidemiological Rationale for the Topic

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 100 million adults in the U.S are living with prediabetes and diabetes. The report by the CDC found that as of 2015, American totaling 30.3 million which makes 9.4 percent of the United States of America population have diabetes. Also, 84.1 million Americans have been found to have prediabetes which is a condition often leads result to type 2 diabetes when not treated in five years. One is considered prediabetic if the blood sugar level rises slightly above the normal. A hemoglobin A1C level of between 5.7% and 6.4% is taken to be prediabetic. Progression of prediabetic tends not to be inevitable, and the prediabetic can bring back glucose level in the blood to the normal limits through increased exercise, modification in the diet and weight loss programs. National Institute of Health and the Diabetes Prevention Program put forward scientific evidence explaining that initial signs of diabetes could be delayed or avoided. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) postulated that adults who have prediabetic could reduce the risk of progressing diabetes in the course of the study by 58% through various changes in the lifestyle like reduction on the amount of fats intake and calorie. The changes in lifestyle proved to be effective in delaying and preventing diabetes among all ethnic groups and ages in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). The chances of advancing to type 2 diabetes for people who are 60 years, and more was minimized by 71%, and the DPP indicated that changes which result in modest loss of weight are a key contribution to making the difference as per the report by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Summary of the Teaching Plan

To be precise about the teaching plan, this was my initial presentation to a large group of people and especially to mature men and women. I was very anxious during the presentation; I had an aversion to speaking in public. I detect I did well since I am passionate about the topic. The pamphlet used for the teaching was well precised and clear to the point, and this made it easy for me during the presentation. The education presented to the audience was about 30 minutes long, and several the people present had several questions about type 2 diabetes leading to an engaging discussion. Many asked about the causes of type 2 diabetes and several measures to prevent and manage the condition. I made sure that each person got a copy of the information for future reference and emphasized on primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes. After the education I tested the audience by asking a few questions since I feel it was beneficial to enhance their understanding of the topic. Individuals shared several experiences of themselves, close friends or even relatives who had the type 2 diabetes and how they dealt with it. However, the period was limited because I had only thirty minutes for the presentation, so I asked just a few questions. In general, I feel the teaching experience had a positive result.

Overall Community Response

The community's response to the education was generally very successful. The audience acclaimed the teacher on the power point presentation and their general participation in the teaching experience. The objectives and aims of this education were profitably met. We conversed about the several risk factors of type two diabetes and the various measures to prevent and maintain the condition. Many were thrilled to know that Type 2 Diabetes is not inevitable and that it is also preventable it all depends on an individual's lifestyle choices. We all discussed the various food types to avoid especially junk and over processed foods such as fries which can lead to obesity a major cause of type 2 diabetes. Some of the participants complained about the education forum venue and argued that the room was too cold. Others complained that the audience was too large such that the short-sited people at the back were not able to see the power point presentation.

In general, most of the participants complimented the teaching and showed satisfaction with how the educational forum took place and the overall conduciveness of the room. Many showed the willingness to make the necessary lifestyle changes and adopt a healthier lifestyle to reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes development. There would be a need to make a follow-up plan to the community and see if any difference was made.

Evaluation of Teaching Experience

It is always difficult for a person to evaluate himself or herself especially from the trainees' point of view. I provided evaluation forms to the attendees to get valuable comments as to what went wrong and what went well and the possible improvements which can be made in future. In general, the teaching experience was a success with a high attendance of over forty people per group; this was much higher than expected. This is a clear indication that most people in society were interested in knowing more about the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes. A user-friendly power point with simple words which everybody could understand with statistics and facts from reliable sources was set up. The power point had designed pictures which were appealing and noticeable with a laptop computer projecting the power point to a clear screen offering a crystal-clear point of view. The sitting place was well organized with accommodating chairs and pamphlets which included information from the National Diabetes Prevention Program and the National Diabetic Prevention Program (NDPP). The information was in slides format for assistance especially for participants who are visually impaired.

I started my presentation with questions to get every participant thinking about the causes and risk factors of type 2 diabetes, the possible prevention, treatment and maintenance measures. My main aim and goal were to let the audience know that type 2 diabetes can be prevented and in case a person has the condition, he or she can treat it and also maintain it. I was able to evaluate the population by asking them to verbalize their understanding of the message, and they responded satisfactorily by saying that prediabetes is different from Type 2 Diabetes. The adults repeated loudly that the disease was preventable and reversible from their Pamphlets. To summarize the evaluation exercise, I asked questions randomly and picked a few Adults from the population to summarize for us the main topic of our discussion and asked them about their experience during the presentation.

Areas of Strengths and Areas of Weaknesses

Many regions of strengths were identified in this teaching experience. I found the evaluation tool very important since it provided detailed feedback from the audience. I also noticed that beginning my presentation with questions which got the audience thinking on causes and risk factors of type 2 diabetes and responding to those questions made it easier for the participants to understand the other parts of the topic. They could recall the basic concepts with ease, organize, interpret and comprehend the topic better. Use of clear and on point pamphlets enabled me to carry on with the presentation with minimal challenges. The use of clear and simple words for the power point presentation made the understanding of the topic better since it was very informative. Everyone liked the engaging discussion where they could give their views and opinions and narrate their own life experiences on the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes.

There were also a few areas of weaknesses which were pinpointed. The time provided for the presentation was short hence not all the participants were able to ask questions on the education topic. The room was a bit cold making some attendees not comfortable with the venue hence distracting their focus although only a few did that. The advertisement for the education forum was done somehow late; it was done a bit earlier, it would have attracted a larger crowd and also covered more wide locations to reach more people within the community. Most of the participants lacked proper knowledge of primary prevention of type 2 diabetes and the possible causes and risk factors of the condition.

Strategies to Overcome These Weaknesses

There are more essential approaches which can be taken to address these areas of weaknesses and barriers. These include early and constant health education which centers on primary prevention of type 2 diabetes and adoption of healthy lifestyles, environmental blueprints at workplaces, schools and community that encourage regular physical exercises, a balanced diet and avoiding unhealthy behaviors such smoking and excessive alcohol intake. We should also ensure medical services which give effective drugs and also therapies consistently. The information provided about the topic should be clear-cut to enable the community members to gain valuable knowledge about the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes which can be of use to them now and in the future. The time provided for the presentation should be more and not limited to ensure full participation and discussion to further understanding.

In conclusion, the topic proved to be of great importance to the population, and the adults left the place with an experience worth not forgetting. With a huge percentage of adults at risk of Type 2 Diabetes, the topic proved to be critical as it aimed at explaining to the population that prediabetes can be prevented and maintained from becoming Type 2 Diabetes. The adults agreed to share the information all over the community since they might not be directly affected, but someone around them might not be having knowledge of the disease and the need for the preventive measure.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Prediabetes. Retrieved from:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Prediabetes and Primary Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved from:

American Nurse Today. (n.d.). Using teach-back for patient education and Self-Management. Retrieved from:

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Essay sample: Type 2 Diabetes Primary Prevention. (2022, Oct 28). Retrieved from

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