Paper Example on Tech Revolution: Transforming Global Business Operations

Published: 2023-11-30
Paper Example on Tech Revolution: Transforming Global Business Operations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1178 words
10 min read


The advancement in technology in the present world has triggered changes in the way that businesses globally are running their activities. Some of the large multinationals are now working on relying on the internet to sell their commodities. These organizations have noted that a significant number of clients in the market are reverting to using the internet to search for commodities and making purchases. The world has become a global village, and people can now make purchases for commodities at the comfort of their homes from a company that is in another continent. The move has led to reduced advertising costs by the companies, and they have managed to have a wide customer base, for they can manage to make sales even in countries that they do not have a physical subsidiary.

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There are many entities that exist in the clouds meaning that they do not have a physical location that they use to run their operations. They rely on the internet, and their clients run their activities online. It is not just the companies that are benefiting from the use of the internet. Many people are profiting from using the platform, with YouTube being one of the many platforms used by entrepreneurs to make money (O'Connell, 2018). They are uploading their clips to their YouTube Channels, and when they get viewers, they are getting payment from YouTube. A common phrase that the viewers of these YouTube channels are likely to see are the words “like, share, and subscribe” at the beginning or end of a video.

The Stakeholders Doing the Monetization

When engaging in the YouTube monetization, there are various requirements that an individual is supposed to meet. On the matters involving the ad revenue, the owner of a channel must be 18 years or more or they must have a legal guardian who is 18 years or more to ensure that they can receive the payments that are generated in AdSense. The information that is uploaded to the channel should manage to meet the advertiser-friendly content guidelines. It means that the content should not contain inappropriate language, adult content, or violent elements. Additionally, it should not contain dangerous elements or make the inclusion of controversial issues.

The persons that are involved in the monetization program should ensure that they have a channel membership of more than 30,000 subscribers. The merchandise shelf should have more than 10,000 subscribers, and when using the super chat, the person involved should be in a region that allows the use of this platform (Seale, 2019). Getting the YouTube Premium revenue demands that an individual involved should manage to create content that is watched by a viewer who is a YouTube Premium subscriber. Any person is allowed to engage in the You Tubing program so long as they meet the above-highlighted rules. People from all walks of life can participate in the monetization process and provide materials from all topics. The material provided can be on health care, climate change, environmental conservation. The details can be educative; they can provide entertainment or to inform.

The Way Monetization Works

When undertaking the monetization program, some of the materials to undertake include first signing in to YouTube and then moving to the studio section. There are menus on the left where an individual is supposed to select videos and then click on the work monetization. At this point, an individual is expected to select the ad type that they want to run, and this is followed by clicking the word save. The monetization policy changes with time, and a YouTube channel holder must understand these measures to ensure that they comply with all the required guidelines. It is essential to have at least 4,000 hours of watch time in one year with 1,000 subscribers (Seale, 2019). The policy was introduced at the start of 2018, and this is a procedure that enables YouTube to have a priority for watch time (Seale, 2019).

The watch time has become a valuable component since YouTube wants to keep users on this platform for an extended period. It is illegal to try to use the “sub4sub” or “view4view” procedures, which involves people watching or subscribing to the channels of their friends in exchange for them subscribing back and watching their videos. If such an issue happens and YouTube manages to realize, they can deny the monetization process and block an individual from undertaking the activity. YouTube has an advanced algorithm that manages to detect these activities.

A YouTube channel should be prepared for the monetization process. Before clicking the “enable” button for the monetization process, it is critical to ensure that the account is in a better position to be approved for the monetization program. Some of the issue to avoid to ensure that a YouTube channel is approved is to ensure that it is not duplicated. There is a need to have all the required licenses when making use of the stock footage and audio.

Monetization is one of the ways that an individual can make money online. The other strategies that an individual can adopt include patronage, merchandise, affiliates, product features, and paid sponsorships. Through the patronage procedure, loyal followers are required to pay a certain amount of money every month to enable them to access the content on that platform. Loyalty is gained by having consistent engagement and communication with followers.

The merchandising process involves selling products that followers like on the YouTube channel (Johansson, 2016). An individual may decide to sign for an affiliate program with a given brand, and that person will get a unique discount code that the followers can utilize when they are shopping with that specific brand. The product features involve companies giving the owners of an account their products to review, and the issue happens for the persons with a huge following. The paid sponsorship is a significant way of making money on YouTube. A company usually pay a channel owner to advertise their products in their account.

What It Takes for Monetization to be Successful

Becoming a success in the monetization process calls for an individual to remain in constant communication and engage the subscribers often. Additionally, following all the regulations highlighted by YouTube will enable a person to become a success, and this means avoid cases of the “sub4sub” or “view4view” activities. Having quality content will attract many views, and this is a move that will make a YouTube channel holder successful. The content provided should not be illegal drug-related or providing coverage of the firearms and their usage. The materials should not be on hateful elements but should rather be educative or offer entertainment that is not adversely affecting the human mind or behaviour.


Johansson, A. (2016). Here's How You Can Actually Make Money With YouTube. Entrepreneur.

O'Connell, B. (2018). How Much Do YouTubers Make? Revenue Streams and Top Performers. The Street.

Seale, G. (2019). Making Sense of YouTube’s Monetization Policies. Law Journal Newsletters.

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