Essay Sample on Company and Key Person Information

Published: 2023-09-13
Essay Sample on Company and Key Person Information
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Branding Customer service
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1403 words
12 min read

Company Name _Apple Inc. Type of Business: Designing, developing, and selling customer electronics, computer software, and online services.

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Prospect’s Name: Philip W. Schiller Job Title: Senior Vice President

Other influences on Purchase Decision. All key people involved in the buying process, provide names, job titles, departments, and roles in purchase decisions.

Philip W. Schiller: Senior Vice President Marketing Guiding the company in its two completely different marketing strategies. Such strategies include assisting the company in the product placement, especially through the celebrities and some of the popular shows, as well as the buzz that helps in creating a positive review about the products in the media.

Tor Myhren: Vice President of Marketing Communications Marketing Understanding the kind of products that overwhelms the customers hence reducing any complexity in the products to avoid any confusion through simplifying the web and sales copy.

Adrian Perica: Vice President of Corporate Development Marketing Understanding the audience and talking to them in their language.

Deirdre O'Brien: Senior Vice President Retail + People Marketing Designing a better customer experience. Providing an experience of every company's product, including the aspects from every purchasing process, which includes providing a comprehensive comparison between all the product versions.

Customer Value Proposition: A brief statement of how you will add value to the prospect’s business by meeting a need or providing opportunity. Include a brief description of the product or service:

The product that delivers value: The company's products are developed through voluntary trade with its existing and new customers.

Value proposition statement: The company's products are worth more than the ones provided by its competitors, and most of its existing and new customers agree.

Sales Call Objective: (must require customer action such as making a purchase, supplying critical information. Etc.)

Monitoring customer satisfaction on a weekly basis as a way of identifying new opportunities. The key aim is to increase sales through better identification of some of the key customers. They have already checked out a product page. Improve customer retention. Once the products have been sold to prospects, they eventually turn to customers, and the key objective is retaining the customers. The Objective should be targeting on improving customer experience and rewarding loyalty. Reducing the cycle time through the automation of email prospection. This will help the marketing team to close deals within the shortest time. That should be followed by thorough research and planning, which eventually assists the sales team in processing the purchasing process quicker.

Linking Buying Motives, Benefits, Support Information, and Reinforcement Methods: This section should address the buying motives of all persons involved in the upcoming sales call.

A. Buying Motives: What is more important to the prospect of making a purchase decision?Rational motives include economic issues such as quality, cost, service capabilities and the strategic priorities of the prospect's companyEmotional Motives include fear, status, and ego related feelings. List all relevant buying motives in order of importance. B. Specific Benefits matched to buying motivesBenefits to be stressed are arranged in priority order (sequence to be followed unless prospect feedback during the Presentation indicates an alternative sequence). Each benefit should correspond to one more buying motive. C. Information needed to support claims for each benefit D. Where appropriate methods for reinforcing verbal content (AV, collateral material, illustrations, testimonials, etc.)

Pride or prestige The buyers feel proud of possessing the company's products. The company sells the majority of its products based on how they appeal to the pride prestige of the customers. Testimonials

Emulation or imitation The customers have the desire to imitate others, which is one of the most important emotional buying motives. A person using an Apple iPhone may imitate another person using products from another company (Ladhari et al., 2017). Testimonials.

Affection Majority of the customers purchase the company's products since they help in providing them with an affection for others. This is one of the strongest emotional buying motives since they influence the purchasing decisions of other customers. Illustration

Comfort or desire for comfort The majority of customers purchase the company's products since they bring comfort to their lives. The desire for comfort is one of the most significant reasons why customers buy their products. Testimonials

  • Current Suppliers (if applicable) and Other Key Competitors
  • Competitor Strengths Weaknesses
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Dell Inc.
  • LG Electronics.
  • Lenovo Group Limited.
  • Sony Corporation.

The company has a unique ability to design and develop proprietary hardware, software, applications, and services. That strength allows the company to have the capability of introducing unique, innovative, and easy-to-use products.

Apple Company has a powerful brand that is supported by strong advertising and marketing capabilities. The company's brand is one of the most valuable and recognizable in the world.

The company enjoys customer loyalty in the majority of the products it offers in the market because it does not have a loyalty program. Compared to similar products being offered by the company's competitors, its products are overpriced hence reducing its competitive advantage.

The company still has a smaller market share compared to its competitors.

Another weakness is that the company faces many risks hence being a reason why it should not rely so much on innovation and management power of a single individual.

Beginning the sales Dialogue:

  1. Plans for the first few minutes of the call
  2. Introduction, Thanks, Agenda Agreement. Then begin to ADAPT as appropriate.

Assessment: The assessment will help in understanding the plans and practices of the salespeople based on their preparedness for increasing sales.

Discovery: The discovery needs to be done in a two-way conversation since it is a critical part of the lead qualification process. It will be conducted through the phone, although it can as well be conducted through an email exchange.

Activation: The Activation will be conducted to understand whether the company fits with its customers while at the same time understanding the priorities of all customers.

Projection: The Projection will help in understanding the revenue that the company expects to earn in the future through a positive relationship with the customers.

Transition to Presentation: The transition to Presentation will help in enduring that the salespeople are well organized and have a clear understating of all the areas they have to prepare for the sales presentation.

Note: The ADAPT process might take place over several sales conversations during multiple sales calls. In other cases, it might be concluded in a single sales call, then immediately followed by a sales presentation.

Questions & Objections Responses

At this point, it is important to understand the uniqueness of the company and have a better explanation of that point. Do you work with your competitors? We are not asking you to rip anything at his point, and most of our customers are still using the competitor's products. We would only wish to explain to you how we are different from our competitors and our customers' additional value.

The question is not so much of an objection as an obstacle, but dies your products satisfy the needs of your customers? I am happy that you asked that question, but I think this is the right time to talk about that. Let us talk about that when we have a specialist, so when is the correct time to talk about that issue?

The customer's budget is an important thing. What are you doing with the products to ensure that it fits the customer's budget? The company never expects all the customers to buy everything they need not. However, it would be better for the customers to come back when they are financially stable.

Earn Prospect Commitment

A preliminary plan for how the prospect will be asked for a commitment related to sales call objective

The customers will be required to take specific and concrete actions to utilize the company's products. The customers need to be more committed by the end of the sales call hence agreeing to buy the company's products.

Building Value through Follow-up Action.

Statement of follow up action needed to ensure that the buyer-seller relationship moves in a positive direction

The success of the company is generally based on the part that all the parties play, especially the customers, to maximize their time, resources, and cash investment.


Ladhari, R., Souiden, N., & Dufour, B. (2017). The role of emotions in utilitarian service settings: The effects of emotional satisfaction on product perception and behavioral intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 10-18.

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