Organizational Ethics and Diversity, Essay Sample for Free Use

Published: 2022-10-20
Organizational Ethics and Diversity, Essay Sample for Free Use
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Ethics Diversity Business ethics Organizational culture
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1022 words
9 min read

It is essential for every organizational leadership to enhance diversity and ethics as a way to enhance successful operations. According to Wood and Wilberger (2015), there are ethical and legal considerations which businesses need to consider when approaching issues regarding diversity. It is also essential to consider profitability and productivity while handling ethical and diversity matters. The process of ethical decision making is necessary for every business. Leadership should, therefore, address vulnerability or contention about the competing qualities. When forming a diversity and ethics policy statement, it is important to develop positive directions and habits which are useful for business operations.

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The moral compass is the basis of forming ethical behavior within organizations or businesses. The moral compass is a direct reflection of the senior managers of the business or the owners. Johnson (2018) asserts that ethical behavior is all about doing the right thing in different situations. An instance of ethical behavior within an organization is a cashier calling a client who forgot to take the change at the counter. There are rules and regulations which guide ethic policies. These rules and regulations are derived from government or regulatory bodies. It is essential to keep the client's information private and discreet. Ethics is crucial in preventing outside perpetrators from doing bad things.

Rabl, del Carmen Triana, Byun and Bosch (2018) elucidates that a diverse workforce is essential in that it involves different individuals from diverse backgrounds who make up staff in an organization or a business. The modern globalized economy has opened opportunities for jobs and education. Most businesses find talent in diverse and unique areas. Various teams are therefore coming up from different religious, cultural gender and ethnic backgrounds.

McLeod, Payne and Evert (2016) agree that embracing diversity helps in building stronger teams and effective communication. Groups become innovative and manage to tackle issues from diverse perspectives. Failure to embrace diversity impacts businesses negatively and ends up becoming an ethical issue within the organization. Ethical issues also involve harassing or discriminating a person concerning his beliefs and background. The results of such discrimination are low productivity, conflicts, and possible lawsuits.

Driskill (2018) suggests that primary leadership within an organization should consider ethical standards such as self-governance, equity, non-maleficence and value, and hierarchical and proficient ethical codes and models. There are various components which are significant in developing worry in social insurance associations about ethical issues such as reaching to and reasonableness, esteem based care, quality, mergers and acquisitions, and understanding safety. The policies should also include advances in restorative innovation and budgetary and other asset imperatives which confuse necessary leadership which is close to the finish of life.

In every organization, Luthans, Luthans and Luthans (2015) explains that every member of the staff (from junior to senior most level) has an obligation of addressing the various emerging complexes ethical challenges which they are experiencing. However, the teams are not in a better position to settle on such decisions on their own or without an active, necessary leadership preparation. It is essential to make use of a precise and clear primary leadership process which is critical in filling in as a valuable device which administrators and other individuals can use when they find themselves in challenging ethical situations.

Ethical and diversity policy statement is, therefore, concerned with embracing and encouraging the employees with regard to their difference in gender, age, color, race, ethnicity, disability, mental and physical ability, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, political affiliation, veteran status among other elements which makes the staff to be unique.

According to Johnson (2018), religious polarization concerning policy statement establishes that humans live in an environment which consists of believers and non-believers. People, therefore, have no option but forced to deal with a three-dimensional matrix which is complex and comprises of opposing beliefs and thoughts. Since it is a difficult task to ask every individual to merely consider the ideas drawn from the perspective of other people's religion, the employees have an option of choosing mandate understanding which seems to be sinking. Business organizations can also promote a deeper understanding of other people's beliefs by providing education for the groups. There are situations when the tightrope walk emerges as an issue where people celebrate all faiths in a manner which is not offensive to any religion. When a business integrates diverse culture within its system, it places itself in a better position of celebrating the individuality of the beliefs of employees without relying on any side based on the highlighted factors such as age, sexual orientation.

The initiatives which the business offers are not limited but applicable to the policies and practices of selection and recruitment, benefits, and compensation transfers and promotions, termination and layoffs, and personal development and training social and recreational programs. These programs include termination and layoffs, proceeding development of a working culture which relies on gender and diversity equity. Such kind of gender and diversity enforces and encourages respectful cooperation and communication among every employee. Participation of the employees and teamwork are also imperative in permitting the representing groups and perspectives of employees. It is also essential to balance life and work through employing flexible work schedules which are essential in accommodating the varying needs of employees. When the business manages to set up authoritative rules and assets, there are possibilities of clashing interests such as parental figures, families, payers, patients and the association which can be suitably and keenly assessed in an auspicious manner.


Driskill, G. W. (2018). Organizational culture in action: A cultural analysis workbook. Routledge.

Johnson, C. E. (2018). Organizational ethics: A practical approach. Sage Publications.

Luthans, F., Luthans, B. C., & Luthans, K. W. (2015). Organizational Behavior: An EvidenceBased Approach. IAP.

McLeod, M. S., Payne, G. T., & Evert, R. E. (2016). Organizational ethics research: A systematic review of methods and analytical techniques. Journal of Business Ethics, 134(3), 429-443.

Rabl, T., del Carmen Triana, M., Byun, S. Y., & Bosch, L. (2018). Diversity Management Efforts as an Ethical Responsibility: How Employees' Perceptions of an Organizational Integration and Learning Approach to Diversity Affect Employee Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-20.

Wood, V. R., & Wilberger, J. S. (2015). Globalization, cultural diversity and organizational commitment: Theoretical underpinnings. World, 6(2), 154-171.

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