Technology: Enhancing Life & Influencing Change - Paper Example

Published: 2023-10-29
Technology: Enhancing Life & Influencing Change - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Entertainment Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 741 words
7 min read


Technology is essential in modern life; because of the various forms of convenience, it helps create. Modern technology is important because it is responsible for directing, controlling, creating and influencing people in positive ways. Various sectors are influenced by modern life. That includes, but is not limited to, business, domestic life and entertainment. That underlines the importance that is associated with technology in the various spheres of life. Technology is consistent with the interests of people; therefore, it rules their tastes and preferences. The innovation that goes into technology is based on the prospect of satisfying individuals. Therefore, when modern technology is removed from modern life, there will be dissatisfaction with people on many levels. That highlights the significance that technology has in individuals’ lives. The significance of technology in modern life is so significant that people might not function effectively as before.

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Modern Technology and Entertainment

One of the primary uses of technology is entraining people; through the use of various instruments. In most cases, entertainment is from music, which people listen to and achieve relaxation in multiple ways. Music has fascinating ways through which it affects the mind and mood of an individual. Through specific brain circuits, music is capable of stimulating human emotions (Goldstein, 2017). Based on the rhythm created by music, a product of technology, there is a desirable physical and emotional experience that is created. Furthermore, listening to music has desirable effects on an individual’s cognitive performance. Music is associated with relieving people from the adverse effects of anxiety and stress in their life. When the stress and anxiety are eliminated from an individual’s emotions, they can concentrate on the work they are doing. That enhances quality performances by individuals, enhancing better cognitive performances (Dolegui, 2013). Happiness and improvement in health is the other positive attribute associated with music. The bonding in a choir enhances positive emotions, which are essential for better health (Launay & Pearce, 2015). Therefore, it is evident that music in modern life is important in various ways, like improving performance and health.

Modern Technology and Domestic Life

Domestic life concerns the social perspective of an individual’s life. The relationship established with close associates is improved in multiple ways through technology in music. First, there is the cognitive, social and emotional aspect of bonding associated with music. Through the incorporation of music in numerous aspects of human life, people’s welfare is enhanced (Hargreaves & North, 1999). Furthermore, there is enhanced cooperation and coordination among individuals as a result of embracing the significator embrace music. The performance and enjoyment of music involves many people, which increases involved participants’ coordination and cooperation (Suttie, 2015). There is an increase in levels of oxytocin, increasing bonding and trust among people. Engaging in group activities like in a choir has benefits of bonding, which increases happiness and positivity among people (Launay & Pearce, 2015). That highlights another positive domestic attribute of music. Therefore, through emotions and bonding, there can be numerous desirable attributes of music identifies.


Modern technology is created with the idea of enhancing convenience among people in society. Music is one of the aspects of convenience and enjoyment associated with innovation. When the positive attributes of technology and music are eliminated from people’s lives, there will be less satisfying. That highlights the need to appreciate the role that music and technology play in our lives. The emotional and interpersonal effects the innovations based on technology have justified all investments in that direction. Therefore, all efforts towards technology should be appreciated because of the benefits they are associated with.


Dolegui, A. S. (2013). The impact of listening to music on cognitive performance. Inquiries Journal, 5(09).

Goldstein, B. (2017). Music and the Brain: The Fascinating Ways That Music Affects Your Mood and Mind. Conscious lifestyle.,held%20on%20a%20subconscious%20level.

Hargreaves, D. J., & North, A. C. (1999). The functions of music in everyday life: Redefining the social in music psychology. Psychology of music, 27(1), 71-83.

Launay, J., & Paerse, E. (2015). Choir singing improves health, happiness–and is the perfect ice-breaker. The Conversation, 66-67.

Suttie, J. (2015). Four ways music strengthens social bonds. Greater Good: The Science of a.

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