Paper Example. Technology on Loneliness

Published: 2023-03-17
Paper Example. Technology on Loneliness
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  Relationship Social media Interpersonal communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 598 words
5 min read

Technology advancement has allowed modern-day humans to increase interactions via social media. Technology has simplified the way people do shopping, pay bills and even participate in games with competitors behind the screen. People can perform all these activities at the luxury of their homes. As a result, the social network has shifted to online, reducing the offline network. Technology has made people stay in touch while they are at a distance and hence denying them that physical relationship. This paper is a discussion of how technology has contributed to loneliness among humans.

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In the present day, people are becoming more addicted and attached to their phones, computers, tablets, and social media. Much of their time is spent on these technologies, and hence they have very little time to talk and interact with people around them. With this kind of attachment, people start comparing their lives to those of others, and they judge themselves by the number of likes and followers they have on social media. Individuals with less amount of likes and followers feel neglected and not good enough as other people with many likes and many followers. Such a situation is the first sign of loneliness and even depression.

Advancement in technology has increased teleworking in many workplaces. According to Brown (n.p), 66% of firms have allowed for remote working, and among them, 16% are completely remote. Though technology helps in improving flexibility and cutting costs associated with travel and time, it makes people lonelier. Remote employees use technology to communicate rather than face-to-face communication. The employees spend an entire day working in the house without interacting with other people; hence they develop no social relationships. A high level of loneliness reduces employees' engagement as they have no connection to their office-based counterparts.

Through technology, people are sharing personal concerns with others who are miles away other than having direct and physical communication with people who are around. Most of the online users (48%) have been found to have only one confidant. Twenty-five years ago when technology was not so extensive, an individual would have like three people to confide in (Warrell n.p). Many people do not have a touching relationship with those close to them. As a result, they have no one to trust. Such a situation makes many people lonely.

Technology develops an impression that people are highly social and connected when, in reality, they are deprived the genuine human interaction. According to Warrell (n.p), "Yet it also provides the illusion of friendship that, in real life, maybe shallow, superficial and unable to stand the demands and pressures genuine friendships entail." The freedom provided through technology only provides a reverse effect on people's personal needs. The online relationships may not work enough since there is no personal contact between the communicating partners. As a result, individuals have no skills how to interact physically with others, an aspect that makes them lonelier.

The more humans depend on technology in their lives, the more they should mind limiting its usage and focus on spending time with their other human counterparts. People should embrace the idea of visiting and meeting other people physically to have some offline interaction and talks. Physical interaction eliminates loneliness, and boosts emotions and productivity. Online communication can never substitute one-on-one professional and personal relationships.

Works Cited

Benny, Rose. "Technology Makes Us More Alone." The Comet, 9 June 2017,

Brown, Terry. "Does Technology Make Us More Alone?" ITChronicles, 6 Aug. 2019,

Warrell, Margie. "Text or Talk: Is Technology Making You Lonely?" Forbes, 25 May 2012,

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Paper Example. Technology on Loneliness. (2023, Mar 17). Retrieved from

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