Free Essay Sample about Teenage Female Sexual Exploitation

Published: 2022-07-06
Free Essay Sample about Teenage Female Sexual Exploitation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Counseling Sexual assault Sexual abuse Human trafficking
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 832 words
7 min read

Human sex trafficking is described as a form of repressive sexual exploitation of highly vulnerable persons against their will and it has become a massive problem across the globe. The implications of sex trafficking include; undermined human and women's rights, reduced social development, disrupted communities and poor public health. Teenage sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of teenage females are some of the major public health challenges that are not only taking place in the United States but the whole world in general. Despite the great numbers of American and foreign youth affected and the plethora of serious mental and physical health challenges that are related to teenage sex traffic and commercial sexual exploitation of teenage, there still limited information that is available to the other health care providers and pediatricians in helping to protect female teenager. Sex trafficking involves coerced or forced sexual exploitation, that has no limitation to prostitution and has become an important and a growing challenge in the recent past (McClain & Garrity,2011). In most cases, victims of sex trafficking acquire adverse social disadvantages a psychological health condition. Hence, sex traffic is one significant health issue with a greater social implication that demands both legal and medical attention. Therefore, the paper focuses on teenage female sexual exploitation and treatment recommendations for therapists.

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According to Karlsson (2013) and Hardy, Compton, and McPhatter (2013), teenage females are easily trafficked due to their weak decision-making ability and emotional instability from the challenges they face. Hence, they can be simply deceived, manipulated and coerced. The main methods of trafficking include; false exploitative marriage arrangements, tricking girls and parents with false promises. In addition, parents are forced to sell their daughters as a result of poor economic conditions as well as enticing the teenage into giving sexual services in return of lucrative jobs and gifts (Hossain et al.,2010). When the teenagers resist the harsh conditions of their recruiters, they are often subjected to starvation, gang rapes, severe beatings and payment denial. Furthermore, some traffickers go further by spraying chili powder into the victim's eyes and burning their bodies and genitals with cigarette buds. As a result, the victims are exposed to detrimental physical and psychological health care issues that require the help of a therapist.


Teenage girls who fall, victims of sex trafficking, are likely exposed to dangerous conditions that have a negative impact on their mental, emotional and physical health. Nurses, healthcare providers, and physicians have a significant role to play in providing assistance for affected girls. As a provider, one can play a significant role in offering means of improving psychological and physical health among victims in improving their social circumstances.

Normally, the therapeutic interventions seek to reduce the developmental effects that are as a result of maltreatment and the painful experiences faced. I would recommend the therapist to utilize eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) as an alternative treatment. The remedy focuses on helping the victims salvage and adaptively keep the traumatic memories. The treatment sessions deal with previous struggles that may have led to psychological disorders, situations that generate dysfunctional sensations, beliefs, and emotions as well as dwelling on positive experiences that can enhance future adaptive performance and mental health (Scheck, Schaeffer & Gillette, 1998)

Sex trafficking victims normally go through moderate to severe psychological trauma from daily emotional, mental and psychological torture and abuse in general. Acute anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression form part of the major psychological issues among the teenage females who have been subjected to sex trafficking. Therapist and healthcare providers are supposed to screen for feelings of shame, helplessness, disbelief, denial, self-hatred, confusion, disorientation, disbelief, suicidal thoughts and fear among suspected teenage girls. In one study, it was recorded that teenage girls who have gone through sexual abuse and trafficking are more isolated, less stable, face more severe trauma and greater mental health needs as compared to other victims of crime (Hornor, & Sherfield,2018). In other cases, some girls develop abuse challenges and addiction from being coerced through the use of drugs by their traffickers and usage of substances to escape or even cope with their desperate situations.


Hardy, V. L., Compton, K. D., & McPhatter, V. S. (2013). Domestic minor sex trafficking: Practice implications for mental health professionals. Affilia, 28(1), 8-18.

Hossain, M., Zimmerman, C., Abbas, M., Light, M., & Watts, C. (2010). The relationship of trauma to mental disorders among trafficked and sexually exploited girls and women. American journal of public health, 100(12), 2442-2449.

Hornor, G., & Sherfield, J. (2018). Commercial sexual exploitation of children: health care use and case characteristics. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32(3), 250-262.

Karlsson, M. (2013). AntiSex Trafficking Institutions. International Migration, 51(4), 73-86.

McClain, N. M., & Garrity, S. E. (2011). Sex trafficking and the exploitation of adolescents. Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing: JOGNN, 40(2), 243.

Scheck, M. M., Schaeffer, J. A., & Gillette, C. (1998). Brief psychological intervention with traumatized young women: The efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 11(1), 25-44.

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