The Aging Nurses' Workforce in Nevis: Strategies for Retention, Article Analysis Sample

Published: 2022-03-01
The Aging Nurses' Workforce in Nevis: Strategies for Retention, Article Analysis Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Nursing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 688 words
6 min read

Uthaman, T., Chua, T. L., & Ang, S. Y. (2016). Older nurses: A literature review on challenges, factors in early retirement and workforce retention. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 25(1), 50-55.

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The journal article was authored by Thenderal Uthuman, Tse Lert Chua and Shin Yuh Ang all from the Division of Nursing from The Singapore General hospital. It is a literature review explaining that the aging process renders difficulty in operations of nurses and employers should introduce improved practices at the workplace that are considerate on retention and retirement . The work uses qualitative research based on databases, reviews and primary studies and chronologically outlines the results of the age definition, age concerns, and the strategies that could be put into place to retain older nurses (Kurowski et al, 2012). The context explained under the article is of a medical institution and is directed to employers in these institutions. The author's purpose is to explain the strategies and challenges in retention of the older nurses to ensure that employers devise better ways in dealing with them.

The strengths of the article come from its qualitative analysis based on three databases. It also uses recent reviews between 2004 and 2015 and primary sources to support their claim which makes the conclusions credible. It however uses very few quantitative research methods and has an inconsistent definition of older nurses (Griffith, 2012). The article is relevant to the study since it critically analyses the limitations of the aging nurses, introduces strategies including computerization and shifting and finally explains the challenges that would come with the retention.

Moseley, A., Jeffers, L., & Paterson, J. (2008). The retention of the older nursing workforce: A literature review exploring factors that influence the retention and turnover of older nurses. Retrieved from on 2/14/2018 at 00600hrs

The article is authored by Mosely, Jeffers and Peterson from Flinders Centre for Clinical Change & Health Care Research. It is a literature review asserting that there are factors that influence the decisions of nurses to retire or get retained to the job; understanding the factors will therefore help in creation of policies that will influence their decision of retention. It takes an administration context and is intended for the government, nursing administration bodies and hospital administration (Cooper, 20013). The organization of the work takes a review of the factors influencing the retention decisions them makes proper recommendations on the policies that could be applied. The purpose of the article is to show that the retirement decision in order to create a framework within the hospital where policies and practices influence the nurses to be retained after their retirement age.

The tone of the article is of authority over the content. Published under the contemporary nurse journal, the article conclusions are credible. It gives variety of recommendations on a government, and administrative level which is the basis of the Strategies for Retention research (Carpio & Fuller, 2003). The focus is however majoring on the factors that affect the retirement decision instead of the recommendations towards influencing their decisions. The article research was based in Australian with a significantly lower population of aged nurses as compared to the Caribbean regions. It therefore affects the credibility of the paper for the Nevis research.


Carpio, C., & Fuller-Wimbush, D. (2016). The Nurse Workforce in the Eastern Caribbean: Meeting the Challenges of Noncommunicable Diseases. World Bank Publications.

Cooper, E. E. (2003). Pieces of the shortage puzzle: Aging and shift work. Nursing Economics, 21(2), 75.

Griffith, M. B. (2012). Effective succession planning in nursing: a review of the literature. Journal of nursing management, 20(7), 900-911.

Kurowski, C., Carpio, C., Vujicic, M., Gostin, L. O., & Baytor, T. (2012). Towards a regional strategy to strengthen the nurse workforce of the English-speaking CARICOM: international legal instruments, agreements and obligations.

Moseley, A., Jeffers, L., & Paterson, J. (2008). The retention of the older nursing workforce: A literature review exploring factors that influence the retention and turnover of older nurses. Retrieved from on 2/14/2018 at 00600hrs

Uthaman, T., Chua, T. L., & Ang, S. Y. (2016). Older nurses: A literature review on challenges, factors in early retirement and workforce retention. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 25(1), 50-55.

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The Aging Nurses' Workforce in Nevis: Strategies for Retention, Article Analysis Sample. (2022, Mar 01). Retrieved from

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