The Beginning of a Relationship - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
The Beginning of a Relationship - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human Relationship
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 685 words
6 min read


I had never been so anxious in my lifetime. I had just met this lady who I believed was my only source of happiness. Though I had never met her before, I wanted nothing but to be near her the moment I saw her first. The anxiety that I had never allowed me first to introduce myself initially, but I did it later after composing myself. When I met Angela, my life completely took a new turn that I had not expected. Many people confessed to seeing a new person in Frank since I changed significantly in different things.

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Positive Changes

One of the positive changes that meeting Angela brought to me was getting company. Before meeting her, I used to live as a solitude man and thought I was self-sufficient. However, the moment I met this girl, I could not live anymore without her. If a minute passed while she was away from me, then her phone would receive countless calls from me. Although many people believed that I would be better when unaccompanied than when in others' company, angel and started something different from what the people expected to see in me. I had to travel for miles to meet Angela and talk to her to satisfy my heart. Angela, too could not live comfortably in my absence, and she made some moves, which I saw as dangerous at times to enjoy my company. In addition to enjoying Angela's company, I also started feeling the comfort of having friends and socializing with people near me.

Another thing that changed in me when I met Angela was the element of trust that had never existed in my heart before. Through falling in love with Angela, I started to at least show confidence for someone. Since my childhood, I had never trusted anyone, and I was doing it not only to the lady I had fallen in love with but also to other people around me. Those who had known me could not believe that I could now freely socialize with people around me. Some even saw a new person in me. I lived as an antisocial person throughout my young age but not after I met with Angela. I also could not believe how fast I had changed in terms of interacting with others. I felt like I had just become an ultimately newborn person after starting the affair with Angela.


It was also unbelievable how the start of a relationship with Angela quickly brought happiness to my life. Ever since I was young, I was always unhappy with everything and everyone that came my way. Some people would say that I still was hungry, not only with others but also with myself. I also felt the unhappy nature, people, myself, and anything that was near me. There was nothing that I appreciated; neither was there anything that could ever make me happy. After starting the relationship with Angela, I became completely different, and I started taking everything positive. The experience even caused me to make new friends and boosted my self-esteem. Even Angela herself could not believe it when my friends told her that I used to be always unhappy and hungry before our encounter.


In conclusion, the moment when I met Angela was a mark of a new life in me. Experience of love was a new way to me as I had not yet loved nor felt anything or anyone deserved love. The start of a relationship with the girl made me develop new values and principles and changed my social life. The association brought a lot of happiness to the people around me and me. I changed to a person who no one at any moment would have ever predicted I would become. After the start of the affair between Angela and I, one can say that I became a newly born person, and my life started all over again. The reason for my life had remained hidden in Angela, and the reason why I had never been happy was that I had not yet met her.

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