The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Human Resources Manual

Published: 2022-12-13
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Human Resources Manual
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Business Medicine Society
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1245 words
11 min read

The CDC's functionality revolves around effective translational research and direct fight against contagious, persistent, and emergent diseases. It is a non-profit organization with a key goal to enhance public health and safety. Therefore, a detailed human resource guidance manual specially aims to confine the workforce's operations within the acceptable limits of the nonprofit organization. The CDC's human resource manual feasibly provides the employees with adequate relevant information regarding work from the CDC's point of view. It is centered on the premise that well-echoed goals and operational principles are necessary for guiding the workforce toward the desired direction. The HR manual entails vividly outlines the anticipations of the nonprofit organizational management of its workers. It critically strives to encourage adherence to the National Healthy Worksite Program (NHWP).

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The NHWP program empathizes on the preferred guidelines to create a healthy worksite case, adopt and comply with the right leadership and organizational culture, and evaluation and effective data collection (Viridian Health Management LLC and the CDC, 2011). Other essential chapters of the manual include the program evaluation and program planning and implanting directives. In a nutshell, the manual provides adequate guidelines to the workforce in light of how to sustain reputable operations and cultures whilst at the worksite (Viridian Health Management LLC and the CDC, 2011). Further, the manual provides a clear direction on how to solve emergent problems that would otherwise deter employees from discrete performance according to the CDC policies and laws (Berrios-Torres et al., 2017). Essentially, the manual highlights key strategic areas that must be adhered to through work practices. The strategic arenas include effective training and mentoring others, prior-service education, HR information systems, and retention and performance. The manual highlights the essential areas that workers ought to focus on while carrying the organizational image.

The Human and Personnel Management Department at the CDC

The human resource and personnel department in the CDC is headed by an organizational director. This top management post is entitled to the political appointment without Senate approvals. As a jurisdictional nonprofit organization, the CDC director has a responsibility to promote the pleasure and manifesto of the President while doubling up as the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's Administrator. The current managing director, Robert R. Redfield, has served the CDC from 2018 (The CDC, 2019). Other critical persons include associate directors, departmental managers, research personnel, direct care workers, nurses, trainers, and physicians (Viridian Health Management LLC and the CDC, 2011). Besides, volunteers who are capable of providing evidenced information regarding the CDC include some members of the public around Atlanta, Georgia, health researchers, and healthcare practitioners. Notably, every member of the CDC human resources prolifically contributes to the attained level of effectiveness when it comes to goal achievement and satisfaction.

The director and his immediate followers have the mandate to ensure effective policy formulation and management with an aim to quench the needs of the stakeholders who facilitate the workability of the CDC as a nonprofit organization that serves the United States and an extensive global population through health-based care and safety assurance (Berrios-Torres et al., 2017). The departmental managers ensure communication and follow-ups on the benchmarked standards that should guide the operation of the entire workforce. Further, regular workers are necessary for upholding the desired principles and cultures through practice while strategically pursuing the outlined mechanisms of work at the CDC (Berrios-Torres et al., 2017). Therefore, all the workers must advocate for the CDC's objectives and principles to a healthy life through lifestyle and professional characters. Notably, every activity they engage in counts on the effectiveness of the CDC nonprofit organization (Sellers et al., 2015).

Online Survey through SurveyMonkey

Online surveys are indubitably credible for demographic data collection. Internet-based sites such as the SurveyMonkey provides an opportunity to reach out to individual CDC persons to gather relevant biodata and statuses. Since information is critical for human and personnel management initiatives, survey questions are recommended for formulation, revising, and accordingly editing to leverage and match the needs of the nonprofit organization and individual stakeholders that are directly or indirectly affected by the law, policies, and practices that bear the CDC brand name (Sellers et al., 2015). The choice of the SurveyMonkey website is prompted by the need to timely reach out to a relatively large number of respondents through a professional soliciting process that brings about informed consent.

SurveyMonkey Survey Questions

What is the population of the CDC's workforce?

Kindly, break down the population according to gender, educational achievements, and age categories.

What strategies does the nonprofit organization (CDC) manage its human and personnel resources?

What are the common motivation, job satisfaction, and employee retention measures does the CDC employ?

On a scale of 1-10, how does the CDC workforce perform? Kindly explain your answer.

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: The CDC's Organizational Chart (The CDC, 2019).

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: A statistical graph showing the impacts of HR practices on public health and safety levels (The CDC, 2019).

Analysis of Survey Findings

According to figure 1 above, the CDC adopts an organic organizational structure whereby the top management is entitled to policymaking and ensuring effective enactment and assessment while intermingling with the stakeholders such as through transformational and transactional leadership programs. For instance, leadership practices must be communicated and advocated for by the director, associate directors, and departmental managers with an aim to enhance a positive change amongst the people. On the other hand, the regular employees are answerable to their leaders upon failure to attain the prior-set goals. Moreover, figure 2 above clearly indicates the overall efficiency level of the workforce's efforts to attain organizational goals. It reflects the essentiality of the people management strategies the CDC resolves to adopt.

Summary of the Findings

According to the information presented in the CDC human resources and personnel analysis, the nonprofit organization relies on effective leadership and policymaking to run according to stipulated standards. The workforce is managed through an organic structure that ensures adequate focus on assessment, performance review, and improvements implementations to align the operations of the people to the desired standards at the nonprofit organizational level (Patel et al., 2016). Therefore, the CDC prioritizes goal attainment through the mission mystique belief that encourages the workforce to follow the rules and policies of operation.


Berrios-Torres, S. I., Umscheid, C. A., Bratzler, D. W., Leas, B., Stone, E. C., Kelz, R. R., & Dellinger, E. P. (2017). Centers for disease control and prevention guideline for the prevention of surgical site infection, 2017. JAMA surgery, 152(8), 784-791. Retrieved from:|article_engagement&utm_campaign=article_alert&linkId=37317954

Patel, V., Chisholm, D., Parikh, R., Charlson, F. J., Degenhardt, L., Dua, T., & Lund, C. (2016). Addressing the burden of mental, neurological, and substance use disorders: key messages from Disease Control Priorities. The Lancet, 387(10028), 1672-1685. Retrieved from:

Sellers, K., Leider, J. P., Harper, E., Castrucci, B. C., Bharthapudi, K., Liss-Levinson, R., & Hunter, E. L. (2015). The Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey: the first national survey of state health agency employees. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 21(Suppl 6), S13. Retrieved from:

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2019). Data & Statistics. [online]. Retrieved from: (Accessed 13th Mar 2019).

Viridian Health Management LLC and the CDC. (2011). The Worksite Health 101 Training Manual. Retrieved from:

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The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Human Resources Manual. (2022, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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