People Living with Diseases Such as Aids - Paper Example

Published: 2023-09-24
People Living with Diseases Such as Aids - Paper Example
Essay type:  Admission essays
Categories:  Nursing HIV Community health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 578 words
5 min read

Dear Madam Mary

I am Julia Brown from New York, a nurse working in Botswana, Africa, for charity. I was born and raised in the USA, and my passion for helping others made me fly to Africa so I am a volunteer as a nurse to the needy people there. I have worked here for a while now, but I drift in and out of Africa once in a while. My interest in Africa is helping the needy, sick children, and also people living with diseases such as AIDS, which is the reason I am writing this letter to you.

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I am aware of your organization and the excellent work it previously did here in Botswana. The people here have so much respect and love for your organization since it offers so much help to the people living here. The situation here is dire, and just as your mission reads that you help poor people to improve their lives, it is my hope that we will work together and help the less fortunate, especially those living with AIDS.

I am at this moment writing to you requesting for your financial assistance. The fund is aimed at helping in the fight against AIDS and also improving the living conditions of those living with the disease. The aim is to create awareness about the disease. We will need to organize seminars so that we can train the local people about the prevention measures and train them about how to live with people suffering from the disease.

As we come together to raise awareness, the money will be used to improve the lives of Botswana people, especially those who are poor. The expectant women will be assisted with proper diet and sanitation. They will be trained on how to take care of themselves and their unborn babies and also about appropriate sanitation and hygiene. Adequate nutrition is a real issue here, so we hope to provide food and other essentials to people suffering from the disease.

25% of the adults in Botswana have been affected by the disease. It is one of the most hit c countries in Africa (Jason,2012). Almost every weekend, there are funerals of people who have died due to the disease.

My team and I also intend to purchase the necessary drugs that are required by the patients. We will collaborate with the health practitioners in Botswana to find a solution to those living in the slums who are at a higher risk of getting infected due to less knowledge about the disease. The health workers will also receive specialized training to avoid some mistakes, such as harm. Harm could be in the form of negligence or ignorance.

School-going children will receive training and also learning materials that I intend to purchase for them. There will be posters printed out showing that there is an ongoing campaign about AIDS. I plan to have a mass testing week, and the equipment for testing must be imported, which will cost us a lot of money. I have high hopes of getting a donation from you to continue doing the excellent work of helping the poor.

I hope that you consider my request, and I hope that your organization will continue to touch the lives of those who need you. I wish you the best in your charity work, and I hope to hear from you soon.





Beaiebien, J. (2012). Botswana's Stunning Achievement’ Against AIDS.National Public Radio.

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People Living with Diseases Such as Aids - Paper Example. (2023, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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