The Elements of Doubt in the film "Doubt: A parable" - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-15
The Elements of Doubt in the film "Doubt: A parable" - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Movie review
Categories:  Entertainment Movie
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1108 words
10 min read

Doubt is a central theme in the film "Doubt." In contemporary society, people undergo a series of doubts on issues and people they interact with. For instance, several people have been disgruntled by social abuse cases, among other evils that have been witnessed in religion. Since religion is considered an embodiment of purity and holiness, religious leaders' cases engaging in evil practices raise doubt significantly (Lane et al. 2011). This paper addresses the elements of doubt supported by actions of the characters in the film, sexual content, drug, alcohol content, and crude or profane language.

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The element of doubt is witnessed in the actions of Father Flynn. Sister Aloysius discovers that some of Father Flynn's activities are strange. She becomes suspicious even though she cannot quickly validate this. There is a possibility that father Flynn molested Donald Miller. However, no one can easily substantiate it. Father Flynn appears to be very generous to Donald Miller than the other children. "That's for you, take it." (Shanley, 2008) To some people, this is just an expression of kindness. However, Sister Alloysius feels that there is something sinister that Father Flynn was doing with the boy.

Moreover, the kind of toy he presents to Donald Miller is designed for girls. Besides, since Father Flynn is a priest, it is not appropriate for him to give students a gift. Father Flynn's intention of gifting Donald Miller with a toy is uncertain.

Furthermore, when the boy is injured while playing with his colleagues, Father Flynn shows excellent concern. He even hugs him in a suggestive that raises doubt. There is a possibility that he is romantically attached to Donald Miller (Shanley et al.).However, no one can confirm this peculiar bond. Sister Alloysius cannot confirm her suspicions even though she occasionally witnesses Father Flynn having private meetings with Donald.

Moreover, Sister Alloysius strongly opposes the idea of the children singing secular songs. As the Principal of the school, she is concerned that Father Flynn's decision to allow children to listen to secular songs such as "Frosty the Snowman."In defense, Father Flynn feels that Sister Alloysius is repressive and wants the kids to have a friendly environment (Shanley et al.).After the meeting with Sister Alloysius, Father Flynn goes ahead and preaches about the dangers of gossip to one's reputation (Shanley et al.). Therefore, the element of doubt is evident throughout the film since no one can conclude whether Father Flynn is guilty or not.

The actions of Sister Alloysius also increase the element of doubt in the film. After Sister James comes back, they discuss Sister Alloysius about the resignation of Father Flynn. According to Sister James' opinion, Father Flynn is innocent. She feels that the allegations made by Sister Alloysius were unfounded (Shanley et al.). Besides, Sister James discovers that Sister Alloysius did not want her to know that she had called a nun from another. This dishonesty makes her doubtful about Sister Aloysius's intentions. Therefore, the dishonesty of Sister Alloysius to Sister James significantly increases the element of doubt in the film.

There is also an element of doubt with the priesthood evidenced by the sexual content evident in the film. For instance, Sister James felt that the act of Father Flynn, placing his hands-on Donald's head, was a sign of intimacy. Again, Donald's mother realizes that her son is attracted to men. However, she has no problem with it even after Sister Alloysius expressed her doubts with Father Flynn. Instead, Mrs. Miller says, "I'll be standing with my son and those who are good with my son," (Shanley 2008). Additionally, the nuns discover that some female students crave the attention of boys. These examples further validate the element of doubt that people have with the priesthood.

The element of doubt is further developed in the film. It happens by the drug and alcohol consumption by the characters such as Father Flynn and Donald. In some instances, the nuns and students see Father Flynn smoking at dinner. Besides, there are allegations of Donald taking alter wine. For a person of Father Flynn, drug and alcohol consumption gives a poor impression. There is an excellent possibility that many students can adapt this behavior as they see it as normal or acceptable. It means that if a priest can smoke, then everyone can do it. Besides, the influence that students have on each other is strong"Doubt2020". Therefore, the moment Donald has seen drinking alter wine, other students will also start such tendencies. Drug and alcohol usage by the priesthood raises doubt on the authenticity of the faith that they profess.

The usage of crude and profane language also develops the element of doubt in the film. The school is set in a church environment that no one expects crude and profane use (Cullingford et al. 2010). Some characters in the film freely use indecent language in their expressions. For instance, some students use inappropriate words. One of the students' crude and profane words is the "s-word" "Doubt2020". A school that thrives on Christian values should not allow students to use such words. Moreover, Mrs. Miller uses crude and profane words about her husband's action by stating that he "beat the h— out of" her son"Doubt2020". The "h" word is inappropriate and raises the element of doubt on the values that parents teach their children.

In conclusion, this paper addresses the elements of doubt supported by the actions of the characters in the film, sexual content, drug, alcohol content, and crude or profane language. The activities of Father Flynnraise instill doubts, especially in his interaction with some students such as Donald. Moreover, the dishonesty of Sister Alloysius makes Sister James begins having doubts about her sincerity about her allegations about Father Flynn. Additionally, sexual content in the film raises doubt on the priesthood. There are suspicions about Father Flynn's involvement in sexual activities with previous students, and it has also been seen by Sister Alloysius showing intimate reactions to Donald.

Moreover, drug usage by some people, including Father Flynn, raises doubts about the authenticity of Christian leadership "Doubt2020". Besides, crude and profane language raises doubts about the values that students and their parents. These examples highlight the effects of repressiveness and the hypocrisy witnessed in many schools led by religious leaders. They also show the level of secrecy with which such matters are treated by those supposed to address them.

Works Cited

Cullingford, Elizabeth. "Evil, Sin, or Doubt? The Dramas of Clerical Child Abuse." Theatre Journal (2010): 245-263.

"Doubt." Plugged in, Accessed 04 December 2020.

Lane, Christopher. The age of doubt: Tracing the roots of our religious uncertainty. Yale University Press, 2011.

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The Elements of Doubt in the film "Doubt: A parable" - Essay Sample. (2024, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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