Free Essay Example on The Gay Science Book

Published: 2019-09-13
Free Essay Example on The Gay Science Book
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Nietzsche Philosophers
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1925 words
17 min read

The Gay Science is the book that was completed by Nietzche where the author uses different phrases discussing various aspects of society. Friedrich Nietzsche used different phrases and parables in the book in explaining this concept making it appear complicated expressions. According to his statement, the poems that are found in The Gay Science were completed and are reminiscent of the practical idea of Scienza. In the Gay Science, Friedrich Nietzsche also discusses the experiments with the notion of power, but he fails to advance the systematic theory. He believes that the life we are living now we shall have to live it one day in our lives for several years. There are different critics that Friedrich Nietzsche discusses in the book, and this include; Christianity, Cause, and Effect, Science, Reality/Realism, Conventional morality, or Truth. The primary objective of this paper is to critiques regarding Christianity as Friedrich Nietzsche discussed it.Introduction

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It is not clear how much impact that the author may pose to the preceding generations. Friedrich Nietzsche is the primary example in this case. The fact that he has been largely neglected during the time he was alive, his works remain significant in the society and have a positive influence on the society as a whole. This is because the writings completed by Friedrich Nietzsche were progressive and had important consequences for the coming generations. The ability to have the accuracy, which is regarded as reminiscent, Friedrich Nietzsche has the capacity in forecasting the emerging philosophical arguments paradigms as well as the cultural shifts. In this case, it is surprising, how much of what Friedrich Nietzsche completed can be regarded as the forecast and to what extent this managed to shape the thoughts of scholars bringing out the meaning of these implications. Regardless of the approach, it can still be emphasized that Friedrich Nietzsche possessed insight knowledge about the behaviors of human beings. The Germans are also believed to have helped him in forecasting the decline of Modernity and the creating of the foundation for the upcoming relativism. As a result, Friedrich Nietzsche seems to be aware that the rational scientific imagination is on the way out and that cynicism has more chances to take place. In this paper, we are going to review the text The Gay Science that was completed by Friedrich Nietzsche and later translated by Kauffman. This will criticize the critique that Friedrich Nietzsche provided on morality. The critique of Nietzsche on Morality Summary

In his case, morality is regarded as the difference that exists between the philosophical laborers and the real philosophers. The philosophical workers are believed to focus on completing the history that is meant to provide a justification of their moral concepts. In this sense, Nietzsche managed to portray those individuals as cheaters, manipulators who were motivated by the selfish and self-centered drives so that they can attain whatever they wanted in society. They implemented the reliable system so that they could be able to support their abstract ideas. He believes that if they were real philosophers, they could have exhausted the past events and the facts in both subjective and creative manner so that they can be able to predict the future of the man in the society. Further, he also believed that Plato was a real philosopher and believed that the philosophies of Plato were always manipulated so that they can be in line with the philosophical laborers

According to Nietzsche, morality is a system that is made up of errors that individuals in the society have incorporated into their primary ways of imagining, the way they feel and live. This is regarded as one of the greatest and significant symbol that is related to the level of ignorance to the people and the world that surrounds us. In the Gay Science, he also notes that people in the society have been educated by four different errors that exist. These mistakes include the aptitude of individuals to see themselves as incomplete, sanctioning themselves with the fabricated characteristics; we place ourselves in an untrue rank in about animal and flora that is, we observe our ability as being inherently superior.

However, Nietzsche does not recommend we ought to brand ourselves feel remorseful regarding our incorporated mistakes ( that they have delivered us with original energies); and neither does he want us directly to accuse or blame the past. We need to struggle to be fairer in our assessments of life and the living by, for example, thinking beyond good and evil.' For Nietzsche, it is largely the prejudices of morality that stand in the way of this; morality assumes knowledge of things it does not have. Nietzsche argues that their efforts to provide the accountability for morality among the philosophers are something that is suspicious and creates the question as to whether morality emerged from the inquiries that remain as a form of belief. Further, the modern European morality is herd animal morality regard itself as being the precise description of morality and assumes the only morality is valid for many people. Critique of Nietzsche critique on morality One of the aspects that Nietzsche objects is the heard morality due to the fact that it tends to value something that it does not have. It is in the interest of the lower but not the higher. If every individual in the society may decide to impose value that helps in the process of establishing warm conditions to guide them and this is the reason human beings must embrace this idea with joy and make sure they live by it. Herd morality is regarded as the development of the ancient slave morality that is responsible inheriting the content along with their interpretation of different traits such as importance, obedience, forgiveness, goodness, equality, and the longing to living a dynamic life.

On the contrary, happiness is opposed to the issue of suffering, pity, indifference and the dangers of life. This is the reason Nietzsche regards this form of morality as being shrewd and stupid since it has the both the powerful emotions and instincts. It is also stupid due to the fact that it is only determined by both misunderstandings and the fear that prohibits the development of individuals in the society to a higher level. This concept is true given that having fear implies that there is no appropriate love from the neighbors, but they are only the moral values that we have those forces to believe in them. Basing on this argument, the availability of fear among the individuals in the society does not primarily imply that we respect one another, but this can be explained in line with the lack of self-esteem and morals among us.

In the society, it is also important to have something that aspire them to meet their goals and understand their importance in the society. This is something that can be developed the moment people are moral. Having a moral society encourages individuals to work towards making themselves better so that they can attain what they wish for in life. It is also through this process that we have the capacity to grow and overcome our weaknesses that may retard our ability to advance in life. This is the reason it is true when Nietzsche states that herd morality has positively contributed to the degeneration of the human race due to the fact we have been able to develop to the people we wish to be and fulfill what we want in life.

Nietzsche believes that morality is something wrong and that it is made up of different dangers given the fact that it is not considered as life enhancing, but rather it is regarded as having the chances and the possibility of attaining achievement in advanced forms of life. Considering the fact that morality act as a thrives that motivates people to accomplish what they know and believe it is better for them, it can be contended that it the power of the human. As stated by Nietzsche it is also true to argue that the need for morality in the society is encroaching the high part of people in the community.

As a result, there is nothing that can stand before man that will prevent him from achieving his goals and the kind of life if he is determined. The analysis of Nietzsches regarding the factors that drive morality are in genuine and are in a way based on false claims. The fact that people are expected to remain moral in the society it is by itself a barrier. This is because the need for morality does not allow people to live the kind of life they want given the fact that they have to remain moral in all their lives. Despite the questions that arise from the arguments, on the other hand, they enhance the different aspects that should be understood. It is also evident that the statement of rejection of herd morality provided by Nietzsche requires deep explanation. Thus, the task that is executed by the contemporary philosophers in the capacity to uplift the human race must not be allowed to diminish because human beings have also failed.

This is where we ask ourselves on the reason that people should have to reject the herd morality and the same time decides to accept the values that Nietzsche provides to the will of power. It is right that the will of authority is determined by our capacity to maintain morality in the society and that we should not allow the instances of morality to interfere with our daily lives. In this way, we shall still have the chance to value our lives coherently without necessarily considering the power that it is there or not. However, given that the critics of Nietzsche about morality are valid, I doubt there is need to challenge the noble values that we all hold in our lives. The only thing that people should understand that person without herd do not have value, but rather it means that the claims of Nietzsche are based on the highest specimens.

In conclusion, Friedrich Nietzsche completed can be regarded as the forecast and to what extent this managed to shape the thoughts of scholars bringing out the meaning of these implications. Regardless of the approach, it can still be emphasized that Friedrich Nietzsche possessed insight knowledge about the behaviors of human beings. The Germans are also believed to have helped him in forecasting the decline of Modernity and the creating of the foundation for the upcoming relativism. As a result, Friedrich Nietzsche seems to be aware that the rational scientific imagination is on the way out and that cynicism has more chances to take place. It is important to recall that the claims of Nietzsche claims are dominating the European culture, and they all provide an assumption that having moral values in the society is imperative. Basing on the arguments, the critiques and the responses of Nietzsche, the moral values in the society have the biggest chance and values that they hold in the society. These are the arguments that Nietzsche has managed to explain in the cases that he has highlighted. In this sense, despite the fact that Nietzsche has failed to discuss the different aspects of morality, it is evident that the critiques that he provided will remain valuable in the society for many years to come. How morality dominates European culture and how the arguments have remained important in the 20th century.

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