Free Essay on the Impact of 3D Printing on Global Logistics and Technology

Published: 2022-09-16
Free Essay on the Impact of 3D Printing on Global Logistics and Technology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Supply chain management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1222 words
11 min read

3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology that is used in making three-dimensional objects solid in nature. These solid objects are made up in coatings with the aid of digital documented case. 3D printing technology is capable of building these three dimensional solid objects without the cutting tools. They use computer-aided designs (CAD) to interpret the design into three-dimensional objects (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017). These designs are then divided into numerous dimensional designs, which then give instructions to the 3D printers on specific spots to sediment specific layers of the stuff. 3D printing technology of product production has entirely revolutionized manufacturing industry having major impacts in both Global Logistics and technology (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015). Three-dimensional products are then produced by the continuous process of layering attenuated materials.

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This technology has got the enormous potential of becoming one big uncontrollable occurrence that is likely to massively and negatively affect global industries. The most captivating logic neighboring 3D printing technology is that products that were individually manufactured by big companies can now be manufactured through mass customization strategy. This would, therefore, relief companies from incurring wastage and the high cost of production. In addition, they could also save an immense amount of time manufacturing (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015). Products that have been manufactured through 3D printing technology are of high standards and sometimes more than those that have been created via traditional methods (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017).

The Impact of 3D Printing on Global Logistics

3D printing integrally presents a big vault between large-scale manufacturing and manufacturing process. Combination of most effective manufacturing methods and 3D printing technology will certainly revolutionize in reaction to the continuous change in customer clamors (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015). Therefore, it is clear that the whole manufacturing industry is really set to take a pronounced transformation as the new technology is becoming more meshed in the entire global civilization. As most of the ancient methods of product manufacturing are being left unnoticed, manufacturing doctrines are also transforming. Hence current products are manufactured in accordance with the customer precise desire and taste. This makes 3D technology as one of the major disruptive in global logistic (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017).

The insinuation of 3D printing technology in logistics is very enormous. Products customization is likely to lead to low level of inventions as customers products are frequently custom built frequently (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017). This, therefore, reduces the need for warehousing services. Consequently, it reduces the shipping of products and air freight capacity (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015).

According to Mohr, S and Khan, O (2015), companies are tremendously becoming bound with their own solo provisions, making chances for logistics providers associated with upstream supply chain companies diminished. In addition, downstream logistics are also overridden. This is due to the custom built strategy of production via 3D printing. The strategy of production via 3D printing and other quantum production master plan also influences the relationship between manufacturer-wholesaler and retailer. Due to the advancement in production technology, the huge variance is highly expected in upcoming shopping encounters with retailers or becoming only shop window displayers for other producers. This is because the new technology has enabled customization of product where consumer's orders can always be produced and transported directly to their residence for ideal efficiency (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017).

The service facet of the global logistics sector has already experienced the effect of 3D printing technology of manufacturing products. If engineers can design products parts online and can again download the designs, print 3D models and then suit the products in a very short span window, then the national warehouse, front warehouses, and the global logistics as well will no longer useful (Kubac, L, and Kodym, O, 2017). However, there is an emergence of a new precinct within the logistic industry dealing with accumulation and movement of raw materials used to feed the 3D printers. 3D printers are generally becoming inexpensive hence more affordable to the society, therefore, home dispatch market for these products is likely to increase. Logistics industries, therefore, can provide 3D printing and transport services as well (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015).

The impact of 3d printing on Time to Market

Time to market (TTM) is the time taken by an organization to come up with a service or an idea up to the end time when the definite service or the product is launched to the market (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017). Momentum at which organizations and companies launch new products to the market is very significant for supporting aggressive advantage and securing considerable market share. Additionally, it also helps the company to get higher fees for their product (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015).

Currently, organizations are consumed with maintaining product quality and meeting deadlines for their launched product. This is because failure to meet deadlines and maintaining a constant quality of the product, already captured market share is likely to be eroded. With the advancement in production technology, 3D printing technology has made it easier for business and organizations to bring their products faster to the market. Making it more preferred over the traditional method of production (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015). The conventional model of product development process is always time-consuming and results to a high cost of production. The traditional model for developing products always comprises the following steps. Designing a product, making the mold for the prototype, making the prototype, and finally putting the prototype in to test. Then the company has to make design revision, make a new mold for the next rev. 1 prototype, and finally revising the first prototype (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017).

Through this type of production, making prototyping is expensive and time-consuming compared to 3D printing due to the high cost of molds required. In 3D printing technology, some of the time consuming and the most expensive steps are eliminated, this accelerates product development timeline (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017). 3D printing technology or the additive manufacturing timeline is much faster than the traditional method of product production. This enables the producer to take their product in the market much earlier. With 3D printing technology, there is an enormous transformation in our manufacturing industries and it completely transforms the global logistics industry as it is capable to produce customized products in mass production than traditional manufacturing technique (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015).

3D Printing put together with other most effective methods of manufacturing, the entire principles set during the first industrial revolution will are revolutionized. There will be re-establishment of the local manufacturing close to end markets, and this allows the flexibility to reformation in response to transforming consumer demands as well (Mohr, S, and Khan, O, 2015). The nature of production will be very different from traditional models of production in which it takes months or even years to build production plants to retool. Three-dimensional products are produced by the continuous process of layering attenuated materials. And this method of product production has got diverse impact in both Global Logistics and technology (Kubac, L and Kodym, O, 2017).


Kubac, L. and Kodym, O. (2017). The Impact of 3D Printing Technology on Supply Chain. MATEC Web of Conferences, 134, p.00027.

Mohr, S. and Khan, O. (2015). 3D Printing and Its Disruptive Impacts on Supply Chains of the Future. Technology Innovation Management Review, 5(11), pp.20-25.

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