Children and Asthma - Free Essay on the Movie

Published: 2018-01-03
Children and Asthma - Free Essay on the Movie
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Problem solving Movie
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1533 words
13 min read

“Children and Asthma” is a movie produced by Light Saraf-Evans Production aimed at investigating the issues to do with childhood asthma and the environmental issues associated with it (Children and Asthma, 2003). The parents have knowledge on how to care for their children and avoid the disease reaching an acute state where it can be very lethal. Asthma is known to be among the killer diseases in children, and managing such a condition requires knowledge on the part of the parents (Arshad & Babu, 2009). By raising awareness of the symptoms of asthma, the environmental conditions that cause and the necessary precautionary measures, people can raise a generation of children with the ability to manage the condition.

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Through the personal stories, one understands the implications of suffering from childhood asthma and the extent of both social and public health issues that arise. There is a link between the environment that a child grows in and their asthmatic condition. As such, knowledge can help one to manage the problem and maintain it at a level that is harmless (Llewellyn & Connell, 2001). The movie develops a debate on the effective strategies that are meant to control the ailment among children. The Center for Disease Control estimates that more than fifteen million children are affected by asthma (Children and Asthma, 2003). The film seeks to explain the problematic situations experienced by children that have undergone the severe effects of the disease.

In the end, parents are motivated to accrue knowledge on the management of this condition that is comes with high mortality rates. The ailment can be handled successfully to avert such a situation. The movie premiered in 2002 and had been important in enlightening people most of whom are ignorant of the facts about asthma. Parents need to know the exact fungus that is the biggest contributing factor to cases of acute asthmatics. The condition is characterized by sneezing endlessly, coughing and wheezing from time to time. The disease requires proper management by medical staff to ensure that it does not reach an acute level (Children and Asthma, 2003). The family plays a significant role in managing the problem which is attributable to some genetic correlations that exist within a given family.

The movie producer uses different characters that express the problems that come with the disease. The narrations go a long way in educating people on how to handle the condition. The movie begins with an anecdote that asthma has managed to kill more than six hundred children; from there since the 1980s the rate has virtually doubled (Greene& Films Media Group, 2013). Despite the disease cutting across all the geographical locations, especially among children in urban and populated areas, there is still widespread ignorance as a considerable number of people continue to suffer from the disease. Lois Gibbs and Yolanda Garcia ascertain at the start of the film that one can handle Asthma in children through effective education and awareness (Children and Asthma, 2003).

Data from the San Francisco General Hospital indicates that more than five million individuals are annually affected by the ailment. Veronica in a counseling session teaches about its existence. The children go through a rigorous text of spelling asthma and then asked whether or not they know of anybody who may be suffering from the disease. The responses from the young children confirm that their brother, mother, and children are indeed suffering from the disease.

The disease affects people that are close to everybody hence an attempt to learn issues to do with it can help handle the condition. Veronica indeed confirms the formation of a taskforce whose responsibility is to raise the awareness about asthma at a local level. Veronica also teaches the children about the primal place where the disease targets, the lungs. The film helps children learn about where the lungs are located and have a feeling of the condition although they may not be suffering from the condition. The children are thus challenged to learn about asthma and care about the people suffering from the condition.

Rosa Morendo narrates the daughter’s problem; the first thing was to take the child to the hospital for examination (Children and Asthma, 2003). Initially, people could say a lot of things and were challenged to do an examination, and it was confirmed that the child was suffering from the condition. The family identifies what really makes the daughter sick and this is attributed to dust and hair which are as sensitizers that motivate the condition. The second-hand smoke is also a sensitizing factor, and Gray, a medical professional, confirms it. Rosa also describes that inhalers are part of their lives, and have to be put in easily accessible positions within the house.

Veronica continues with classes and shows a packet of cigarette; the children can identify it as the causes of the condition of their asthmatic family members (Children and Asthma, 2003). The children are urged to stay away from people smoking as a precautionary measure to avoid getting the disease. The children have to keep away from smokers as passive smoking can be an ingredient to rapidly contracting the disease. Paul also contributes a point that the environment in San Francisco, promotes the growth of mold in cigarette, which is sensitizing factor for asthma. Paul suggests that it may be difficult to eradicate molds in the houses, and Michael confirms that they were indeed given the recommendation to migrate as the asthmatic daughter could not tolerate the conditions. David Schwartz, a medical expert, ascertains that the susceptibility to asthma relies on the genetic and environmental effects. People that are genetically resistant to such conditions require an environmental sensitizer as opposed to those who are less resilient. Children in developing countries are more susceptible to the disease than those in developed countries.

Yolanda Garcia narrates the story of a son who died from asthma after migrating to Puerto Rico and back to the country (Children and Asthma, 2003). There was a compromise to the environment and the ones in charge had to pay a price for their irresponsibility leading to the death. Lois Gibbs suggests that if people stand up for the rights of the children, then they will be protected from the disease (Children and Asthma, 2003). The children are shown the medication, how to use them that is by shaking the medication well and the use of inhalers in the right way. The environmental pressures such as dust encourage the development of the disease, and in some cases, people might be forced to migrate in certain areas where the sensitizing factors are below the minimum with which asthma can develop.

Frederica is keen on conducting research that identifies the factors contributing to asthma, and makes a consideration such that there is no confusion with other respiratory diseases (Children and Asthma, 2003). Children are encouraged to stay away from animals such as cats and dogs. Such animals can cause asthma since they frequently run up and down rubbing their bodies. In some instances, it is better to put children far off from such pets as the health of children is a priority over having a pet. Dogs are known to cause more severe effects of asthma as compared to cats, though they can both cause depending on the genetic susceptibility of a child. It is necessary to ensure that children are protected from sensitizing factors such as dust and hair which cause high chances of spreading the ailment.

The authors of the film also emphasize on the need for more research on the condition and how it comes to affect children. It is encouraging that research goes a notch higher in the provision of better medication procedures that can handle emerging asthma management strategies. It is also education and the access to knowledge that can change the way people handle children that suffer from the condition. Children have to be helped in handling the precautionary measures such as walking with an inhaler for any emergencies (Lara, 2001).

The film “Children and Asthma” is successful in its target of informing people of the need to take asthma seriously. The film places a major focus on educating children on the causes and symptoms of asthma, and the precautionary measures that can help control the disease. The film producers advocate for better awareness on the need to protect children from asthma and sensitizing the public on factors such as smoke, hair, and dust that worsen it. It also encourages a lot of research on the topic, in various institutions of research such as universities. Parents need to learn how to handle children with asthma as it is the only way to control the disease. There is a dire need for more investments by both the governmental and non-governmental entities in handling asthma among children.


Arshad, S., & Babu, K. (2009). Asthma. Oxford UP.

Children and Asthma. (2003). Filmakers Library.

Lara, M. (2001). Improving Childhood Asthma Outcomes in the United States: A Blueprint for Policy Action. Rand.

Greene, A. R., A.D.A.M., Inc, & Films Media Group. (2013). Asthma: Children. Hamilton, NJ: Films Media Group.

Llewellyn, C., & Connell, T. (2001). Asthma. North Mankato, MN: Thameside Press.

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