Free Essay on The Importance of Academic Excellence for Students

Published: 2024-01-14
Free Essay on The Importance of Academic Excellence for Students
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Education Students Statistics Population
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 692 words
6 min read

1st Attention

The objective of any education system is to nature students into meaningful and reputable individuals who can fill the void left by the old and weary elderly citizens. For young members of the society to fill the void left in the society, they must be able to demonstrate some sort of excellence in whatever they are doing, or else the future would be uncertain even before we are there.

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2nd Need

According to data posted by the National Counselor Examination, the national average GPA is 3.0, which means that students who score lesser are below average. Such students also tend to struggle both in school and in solving real-life problems. Payne & Smith (2020) also added that students with a GPA of less than the national average are likely to struggle to solve whole word issues, get a job, and even if they get a job, they are likely to be paid lesser wages as compared to their counterparts. Such evidence reveals that these students do not meet the qualifications of replacing the retiring seniors' social and economic void. From this perspective, it would be justifiable to argue that these students jeopardize the mission, objectives, and visions of their respective institutions, and thus the institution would also be justified to terminate their engagement with such students.

3rd Satisfaction

According to data posted by the National Counselor Examination, the national average GPA is 3.0, which means that students who score lesser are below average. Such students also tend to struggle both in school and in solving real-life problems. Payne & Smith (2020) also added that students with a GPA of less than the national average are likely to struggle to solve whole word issues, get a job, and even if they get a job, they are likely to be paid lesser wages as compared to their counterparts. Such evidence reveals that these students do not meet the qualifications of replacing the retiring seniors' social and economic void. From this perspective, it would be justifiable to argue that these students jeopardize the mission, objectives, and visions of their respective institutions, and thus the institution would also be justified to terminate their engagement with such students.

Another study by Whitcomb & Singh (2020) stated that students with a GPA lower than 2.75 are less likely to be accepted in technical courses such as engineering, medicine, technology, and science. As we all know, in the future, technology would drive most aspects of humanity. Therefore, if an individual cannot manipulate or invent a new technology, society's existence becomes more of a burden to society than an advantage. If the education system aims to prepare an individual for the future, but if this individual is not ready for this future, what is training them in the first place?

4th Visualization

A chain is a strongest as its weakest link; this means that students with below the national GPA of 3.0 define us as a society, and therefore not giving a solution to their problem, would be like the proverbial ostrich that buries its head under the sand when it sees a threat, instead of dealing with it. In this case, I suggest that we set up separate institutions that would cater to such students' needs as a society. Since the MEC system accommodated a considerable number of students and thus it is challenging to focus on every student's needs, the separate system should be aimed at giving personalized coaching to these students so that they can improve on their grades. Once students have identified their respective weaknesses, they are likely to improve on it and even surpass the national average GPA. Apart from setting up a system, parents should co-coordinate with teachers to offer remedial and extra-tuition classes for these struggling students. These classes should aim to understand students' needs and ensure that their performances improve to an acceptable level.

5th Take Action

We should strive to coordinate with teachers and educators to establish a framework that will improve learners' performance with a GPA of less than 3.0. Such partnerships should be sustainable to achieve a long-term solution that would empower the learners to have better outcomes both in school and in the future.

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