The LGBTQ + Community. Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-11-12
The LGBTQ + Community. Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Community Human sexuality Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 584 words
5 min read

How do we address our Sex and Gender with the emergence of the LGBTQ + Community?

Gender is not something we have, or is it something we are born with; however, is it something we perform or do. Moreover, gender is typically the social elaboration of the biological sex, whereas sex can be referred to as the biological categorization initially based on the reproduction capability. However, gender usually builds on biological sex by exaggerating biological differences. Also, it carries the biological differences specifically into domains of which it is completely irrelevant.

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With the emergence of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning), we can address our sex and gender by following these concepts. One, we should identify our self as a male or a female to the community. For instance, from the video clip, Ugla Stefania identifies herself to the community as a female while playing the virtual game (world and the warcraft). This is against the initial gender assigned to her as a male during her birth. Secondly, we should also address our sex and gender by taking up the roles of a specific gender, for instance, male or female. Notably, from the video clip, Ms. Ugla Stefania took up the role of female gender by proving to the medical professionals as well as the society that she was a girl and not a male gender as it was earlier assumed. Lastly, we can address our sex and gender by our dress code. From the video clip, Ms. Ugla Stefania took a step in buying female gender clothes as well as applying makeup before meeting a group of people she had known on the internet. Although she was nervous due to what society holds on her, she managed to gain the courage to meet this group of people and convince them that, indeed, she was a girl.

How do we assert our Sex and Gender and appreciate the Sex and Gender of the LGBTQ + Community?

In our various communities, we can assert our own sex and gender and appreciate the sex and gender of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) by categorically settling on one's own gender and sex. By settling on a given gender, the community as a whole will be able to identify one with a specified gender. From the clip, Ms. Ugla decided to settle on the female gender by proving to the medical professionals, the group she had known on the internet and the society at large that indeed she is a female.

Also, we can assert our own sex and gender by simply learning the roles of our gender. For instance, from the video clip, Ms. Ugla decided to learn to be a girl by dressing like a female gender, walking styles, and applying makeup to ascertain to the community that she is a female. Thirdly, in order to appreciate the sex and gender of the LGBTQ, we should conform to society by doing what is expected of us. Ms. Ugla decided to conform to the community as a female gender by dressing and applying makeup. Lastly, we can appreciate the sex and gender of the LGBTQ and the community by proving to every one of our genders. This is clearly demonstrated by Ms. Ugla Stefania when she had to convince the medical professions and society about the gender she holds.


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The LGBTQ + Community. Free Essay Example. (2023, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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