Paper Example. The Post-War Era in Europe

Published: 2023-03-15
Paper Example. The Post-War Era in Europe
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  World War 2 Economics Europe World War 1
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1153 words
10 min read

First World War undoubtedly caused European states to take over economies by taking the responsibility of sustaining the civilians after and during the crisis. Europe found itself displaced from the economy due to debts and challenging tasks in an industrial building. War had decentralized money markets making Asia, Africa, and South American countries more profitable since they were less dependent on Europe (Cole & Carol 845). The United States and Japan emerged as leaders of the new economy. War banished all forms of authority by overthrowing the Austrian and Prussian monarchies. Financing the economic war led to inflation that affected not only social relations but also post-war economies. The war led to a lot of military soldiers being demobilized, consequently being incorporated into civilian life. The state had increased its involvement in post-social and economic growth. Therefore, the paper compares and contrasts the post-war era in Europe after the First World War and after the Second World War.

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Versailles treaty was signed after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Paris on June 28, 1919. The Versailles treaty legitimately stopped the war between Germany and its joined power states. The contentious war guilt clause under the agreement blamed Germany for World War 1. As a result, Germany paid for the cost of the damages, disarm, make a territorial concession, and stripped of its colonies. A consequence of the Versailles treaty under article X committed members to go to war on each other's behalf upon an occasion of the unprovoked act. The Republicans and also some Democrats saw this act as a violation of the United States. They believed it would commit them into an alliance system, which could lead to an arousal of another war (Cole &Carol 852). This led to the arousal of The Second World War.

Fascism was a result of a free-market economy and a deep fear of communism. Besides, it also was a result of argumentative nationalism that encouraged conflict as a way of social improvement. Bennnito Mussolini was able to rise in power in Italy and transform it into a political state. European fascism influenced movements in both North and South America and led to the development of fascistic political groups rooted in European descendant communities (Cole &Carol 845). Germany embraced fascism by the National Social German workers party, also referred to as the Nazis. The Nazis and their political leader Adolf Hitler used racism by advocating ethnic clarity of the German people and the living space of the German people. Nazis assumed power when Adolf Hitler banned all the political parties that considered their governmental policies.

A policy of appeasement was made by the Prime Minister and President of Great Britain and France, where they caved into Hitler's demand to avoid war in exchange for Germany's promise not to make more territorial demands. Joseph Stallion was worried about the Soviet Union when he saw Western political states conspiring to give Czechoslovakia to Adolf Hitler. John Stallion made talks with Great Britain and France concerning a political treaty (Cole &Carol 972). Soviets made talks with the Nazis concerning the formation of a non-aggression pact. Finally, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was created and facilitated transfers and stakes of oil and food to Germany. Inside the agreement were clauses dividing Eastern Europe into spheres of power. It also had plans for the partition of Poland.

The Truman Doctrine was a policy by President Truman, where he assured that the United States would be of assistance to any nation resisting communism both military and economically to prevent is existence. The Doctrine was used to show that the United States' will not return to isolationism after Second World War Two, thus taking a significant role in World affairs (Cole &Carol 892). Truman's doctrine resulted in a conflict in Asia, where the United States government tried to prevent communism in Korea. The approval of aid by the Republican congress to Greece and Turkey after being left by Germany indicated the start of a long and cold war bipartisan unknown policy.

Soviet Union's power over the inclination of Western European Countries to Soviet extension and Eastern Europe escalated the sense of calamity. The predicament was solved by George Marshall when he projected that European nations build a plan for their economic re-enactment, and the United States government will aid in their economic assistance.1n1948 President Truman signed an act termed as the Marshall plan (Cole &Carol 892). Marshall Plan provided Europeans with capital, which enabled them to rebuild their economy consequently; the United States was provided a market of their goods. The Marshall plan proved profitable helping to re-establish the European economy states and providing a boost of the American economy this led to the creation of a reliable trading partner.

Europe's interwar economy began when countries in Western Europe were trying to recover from the economic effects, fascism, and other impacts of the First World War. Economic reconstruction was seen by some Eastern European states when they started a transition to industrialization (Cole &Carol 658) The European business was crushed, causing a rise in unemployment when American credit disappeared within the United Stock market crash in 1929. The United States suspended war reparations, which had a chain of reaction across Europe, causing a significant impact on the policies impacted by the European nations.

The collapse of the Berlin wall put a stop of the cold war. This fall led to the end of a communist bloc rivalry formed between the Soviet Union and the United States. Economic and political reforms were carried out throughout Europe, offering the right marketing conditions and the enactment of plural parliamentary democracies based on the rule of law. Western Europe was turned between hopes of being reborn and anxiety of tension. Still, the tension subsided when new regimes offered them financial help and assistance to facilitate the transition Western Europe turned down political and economic cooperation leading to extraordinary economic growth. Central and Eastern Europe were given prospects to access to peace and prosperity by the European Union. Eastern Europe sought to block a chart with a Soviet sponsorship achieving reticent economic growth in industries that manufacture consumer goods (Cole &Carol 972). In June 19993 European Enlargement Process was officially launched, which facilitated the transformation of a new political era.

In summary, the First World War led to debt and challenging tasks in the world economy. The war led to inflation that affected not only social relations but also post-war economies. The Post Era War in Europe began when countries in Western Europe were trying to recover from the economic effects, fascism, and other impacts of the First World War. European business was crushed, causing a rise in unemployment and a significant impact on the policies impacted by the European nations. The period led to economic and political reforms that provided the right marketing conditions in Europe.

Work Cited

Joshua Cole et al. Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civilizations. WW

Norton & Company, 2016. Print

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