Transforming Organizational Dynamics: A Journey from Tradition to Learning - Free Paper

Published: 2023-11-12
Transforming Organizational Dynamics: A Journey from Tradition to Learning - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Company Organizational culture
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1798 words
15 min read


The company needs to make some changes using the Systems Contingency Model. The model is appropriate in this scenario since it ensures that an organization's internal dimensions fit or even work together to enhance the company's output and input (Acrobatiq, 2017). The aspects include technology, culture, measurement systems, people, structure, vision, strategy, and nature of work (Acrobatiq, 2017). If the different dimensions are not well aligned, issues such as performance, teams, leadership, resources, or environmental resources may arise (Acrobatiq, 2017). Therefore, this is the best framework that leaders can employ to predict how a plan or change strategy can impact different dimensions of interrelationships. For instance, in this case, even though the organization has grown well through improved sales, the employees are not encouraged to be creative, and they do not have the power to make decisions or suggestions. Also, apart from the fact that it is doing well, it has not invested in training and development in encouraging process improvement and driving innovation.

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The systems contingency is the most appropriate model since it enables the organization to assess and identify the outcomes and processes it can utilize in completing services (Acrobatiq, 2017). Also, the model shows the structure, strategy, people, and visions should fit and even relate to its culture to get an excellent outcome for the clients (Acrobatiq, 2017). Thus, it provides more dimensions and essential information in studying how firms should plan, respond, and prepare for opportunities and external threats in the environment. The model assists in illustrating the way evolving to a learning company can enhance sustainable success. Currently, the company has passed the input phase by meeting the needs of the clients. It is in the next step, the transformation phase, where it is evident that it is not in pace with the group or organizational level. Finally, the output phase can only take place effectively at an individual, group, or corporate level as it maintains the client’s satisfaction.

The Differences Between A Learning Organization and A Traditional Organization

A learning organization is built through team learning, mental models, personal mastery in mobilizing mission, and shared vision (Acrobatiq, 2017). It moves from the mentality of 'me' to 'we,' and this is achieved through systems thinking. Furthermore, it has the vision of holding organizations and individuals through a long-term commitment. It gives people the chance to have an action plan by solving problems together, creating new services and products, and developing synergy in time (Acrobatiq, 2017). A team that reason and learn together is beneficial to the company. However, a traditional organization mainly emphasizes establishing a strong mission and vision that guides the organization (Acrobatiq, 2017). Learning organization is different since its values revision through analyzing implementing assumptions and making adjustments. While traditional organizations are highly structured and heightened for stability, learning firms are enhanced for change (Acrobatiq, 2017).

Stage of Woolner’s 5-Stage Model, the company, is Currently in:

The company is in the Third Stage of Woolner’s 5-Stage Model, which is a mature organization.

Why the Company is Currently in the identified Stage of Woolner’s 5-stage Model

The company is still in the third stage of the model called a mature organization. For the firm to efficiently grow, learning is valued (Acrobatiq, 2017). Even though the firm is well established in the industry, it has not allowed enhancing learning for its staff. A lack of resources has been identified as what makes the company lag behind, yet it is absent in the firm's strategic plan. Therefore, the firm should offer its employees internal training to enhance growth (Acrobatiq, 2017).

How The Company From The Scenario Would Use Senge’s 5 Disciplines To Become A Learning Organization

The company can use Senge’s 5 Disciplines in being a learning organization. The first discipline of system thinking will help the organization get the ability and evaluate relationships in different parts in identifying and solving issues correctly (Acrobatiq, 2017). System thinking will also encourage the organization to adopt learning. The second discipline, personal mastery, entails clarifying and deepening the organization's visions by enhancing patience, seeing reality, and focusing the people’s energies. There should be personal mastery for learning to take place because companies can only learn through the people taking the time to learn. If an individual is learned in the organization, it does not mean that the whole organization is learned. Furthermore, for all the disciplines to be established in a company, there should be a personal vision (Acrobatiq, 2017).

The third vision of the mental model entails deep generalizations and assumptions that affect how people understand the world and even take action (Acrobatiq, 2017). The reason is that people are not usually aware of how assumptions or mental models impact their actions, communication, or behavior. Building a shared vision is another essential vision. An organization should have a shared vision where everyone is involved (Acrobatiq, 2017). Currently, the organization does not involve the employees in its vision since they are not given a chance to participate in the operations of the company and come up with new solutions to the problems it is having in different areas (Acrobatiq, 2017).

The last vision that will play a role in improving the way the company operates is team learning. Team learning is defined as creating and aligning the team members' capabilities to establish results in the way they desire. Therefore, the five principles are essential as they will ensure that the organization gives the employees the chance to air their opinions regarding the company's issues. Team learning will also ensure that the employees build on the other four disciplines.

The End Result and the Nature of Change to Take the Company From a Traditional Organization to a Learning Organization Using Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s Model

In taking the company from a traditional organization to a learning organization, the best strategy is adoption. In the adoption strategy, the nature of change is incremental, while realignment is the end result (Acrobatiq, 2017). Taking the company from a traditional organization to a learning organization requires several steps since different changes should occur in the firm.

Why the End Result and Nature of Change Would Be Appropriate for the Company in the Scenario Using Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s Model

The realignment end result and incremental nature are appropriate in this company since it needs to invest in training and development to make the employees innovative. They are also relevant because making the company a learning organization means that it is developed through team learning to mobilize a shared vision and mission (Acrobatiq, 2017). Incremental means that it will be done gradually since having a learning type of organization cannot be achieved at once. Establishing a learning organization will first mean that the organization should align its vision and agree that it will give the employees the chance to participate in its decisions and get solutions to the problems it is facing. Realignment is also the end result because it entails an essential reappraisal of central beliefs and assumptions.

How Four Steps of the Action Research Model Could Be Applied to the Change Process (Traditional Organization to Learning Organization) for the Company in the Scenario

The action research model's four steps include diagnosing, action, planning, and evaluation (Acrobatiq, 2017). The first step of diagnosing will entail identifying the problem that the organization is facing, which include using top to a down mode of management, discouraging employees from being creative or making decisions and suggestions, and not investing in opportunities for training and development. Other issues include having antiquated software systems and processes utilized in inventory management. Therefore, in resolving the problems, the firm needs to change from traditional to a learning organization. Also, contracting a management expert means that the firm has acknowledged that it has a problem.

The second step after diagnosing is planning. The planning stage will entail gathering the necessary data that will help the firm change to a learning organization. Gathering information will involve talking to the employees and getting their views regarding the different issues affecting the organization. This step will help in making some decisions regarding the issues and plan efficiently. In this step, the related literature can be reviewed as it will help in getting more information regarding the issues affecting the organization. It will entail talking to the employees, the leaders, and any information that can be gotten from the company's website and manuals.

The third essential step in action research is action. It entails collecting data regarding the issues that are affecting the organization (Acrobatiq, 2017). For instance, journals or field notes can describe in detail the problems the organization is undergoing. Also, interviews are the right way of collecting essential information from the employees. One type of interview that can be used in this scenario is a questionnaire since it will provide additional information and can result in providing additional data. Existing records or documents is another essential place of getting information concerning the organization. Also, collecting data will help the company know what can happen in the company if the different change methods are well implemented. After collecting the relevant issues, it will be easier to know the best approach to resolve the problems.

The fourth and last step is evaluation. This step involves implementing the things agreed upon by the organization to commence changing the company from a traditional to a learning organization. Also, this step plays a role in evaluating the effectiveness of adopting a learning organization.

The four different steps are essential in turning the organization into a learning one since it helps in knowing and locating the problem’s source (Acrobatiq, 2017). The causes of the issues affecting the organization and internal. The opportunity, problem, and consultative search process confirms that the opportunities and problems of an organization come from structured steps (Acrobatiq, 2017). If the four steps are well followed, then the implementation process will be successful, and the company will get more benefits by being a learning organization.

Recommended Two Innovation Strategies That Management Could Use to Transition the Company in the Scenario From a Traditional Organization to a Learning Organization

According to the chapter on Innovation and Organizational Change, companies should embrace change and be flexible in their operations. However, this is a different case for the company in the scenario since it does not give its employees the chance to be innovative or creative. Also, its software systems are antiquated, meaning that it is not ready for any change. Although the company has grown in terms of sales, it may not last for long if it is not ready for any change to occur in the organization. Also, service and product innovation are regarded as the main ways firms adapt to the changes taking place in the markets, competition, customer demand, and technology (Acrobatiq, 2017).

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