Free Essay on Transmission Lines, Electromagnetics

Published: 2017-12-12
Free Essay on Transmission Lines, Electromagnetics
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Electronics
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 368 words
4 min read

1. In this network the best approach is to apply Kirchhoff’s Laws to derive Network Equations. The procedures are explained based on branch current process.

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Step 1: Draw the network of the circuit diagram form the given pieces of information and insert the necessary figures of sources with relevant polarities but if the diagram already exists then use the one provided.

Step 2: Note all the branches of the current with some assumptions about the directions and applying KCL at the different nodes and branches points.

At some point the assumed directions might be wrong. In such instance the answer of the solved current have a negative value. This will be an indication of the actual direction of the current.

Step 3: Marking the polarities of the voltage drops is important as well as per the directions of the initially assumed current that flows across various branches and loads in the network. This suggest the importance of applying KVL to the different closed loops.

Step 4: In this step the application of the KVL across the different closed paths within the given network comes into play in order to determine a corresponding equations. Every equation must have some items which is not derived in any of the previous equations

Step 5: The formed simultaneous equations of the unknown values of currents can now be solved. Once the values of the currents are known, the values of voltage and power can also be easily calculated.

2. In most of the electrical circuits, the distance of the transmission lines connecting various loads in a network can sometimes be ignored. This means that the voltage across the transmission lines is assumed that are all the same at all points. However, when the voltage across various loads changes in a given time interval while comparing this to the amount of time to take for a signal to travel across the transmission line, the distance becomes significant and the cable or wire must be considered as transmission line. Alternatively, the distance of a wire is equally significant more so when the signal involves components of frequency which corresponds to wavelengths that can be compared to or smaller than the wire’s length.

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