Film Analysis Paper on The Pulp Fiction

Published: 2023-03-14
Film Analysis Paper on The Pulp Fiction
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1460 words
13 min read


Pulp Fiction is one of the notable film that has ever been created. The pulp fiction is an American film that was written as well as directed by Quentin Tarantino. This film was created in 1994, and the ideas were conceived together with Rodger Avary. The film was made up of several characters who helped to bring out the main ideas that the director intended. As a result, the starring for this film were Samuel. L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman, Tim Roth, John Travolta, and Ving Rhames. The main ideas that these characters helped to bring out in the film is about the criminal stories of Los Angeles. This film has been structured in various parts, which have enabled the presentation of the main ideas. The main parts of this film included the prologue, prelude to Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace Wife, Prelude to the Gold watch, the Bonnie Situation, and Epilogue. The main significance of the characters who had been involved in the cast of Pulp Fiction is that they played various roles, which were important since they helped to understand the issues relating to crime, with the main focus being Los Angeles (Mark 45). Also, the significance of Quentin Tarantino was that he directed the move well. It ensured that all the scenes were appropriately presented, and this ensured the audience could understand the film well. This research paper will provide a detail discussion of the Pulp fiction where the main parts include introduction, body, and conclusion. With that said, Quentin Tarantino's award-winning film intertwines three stories that are told in chronological order, and they are put together to show Tarantino's thematic interest, aesthetic taste and the stories he likes to tell throughout the film.

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Summary of the Movie and the Main Parts

The Pulp fiction starts with the Hitmen, Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield appear at a particular apartment to pick a briefcase that was meant for their boss. In this case, the boss of these two hitmen was called Marsellus Wallace, who was a gangster from an associated known as Brett (Ben 23). After the hitmen check the contents of the briefcase, one of Brett's associated is killed and then Brett himself for double-crossing Marsellus (Quentin 56). After the actions, these two men have taken the briefcase back to its own, Marsellus. However, these individuals have to wait as he is busy bribing a boxer to dive in the upcoming competition.

A day later, Vincent, who was one of the hitmen, buys a certain amount of heroin from Lance, who has his drug dealer. After purchasing the drug, Vincent shoots up, and the goes ahead to meet Marsellus' wife called Mia. He then escorted Mia while Marsellus was not around. These two then eat at a particular restaurant and then took part in a contest where they won a trophy (Quentin 56).

At home, when Vincent was in the bathroom, Marsellus' wife finds Heroine, and then overdosed on it after mistaking it with cocaine. When Vincent comes out of the bathroom, he finds Mia unconscious, and he takes her to Lance's place where she is revived through an adrenaline shot on her heart.

Even though Marsellus has bribed Butch to lose the bout, he won it, whereby he accidentally killed the opponent. After the scenario, Butch and his girlfriend are planning to flee. Unfortunately, Butch remembers that she has not packed his father's precious gold watch, and he goes into a rage (Allie 98). Butch returns to pick the watch where he fined Vincent in the house and shoots him to death. Butch was waiting for the traffic lights to change, and unfortunately, Marsellus spots him and chances him. As Marsellus chases Butch, they are captured at gunpoint and locked up in the basement.

This film is made up of many parts that have been used to help in delivering the required ideas. The first part of the film was the prologue, and this was where it was starting. The second part of the film was the prelude to Vincent Vega as well as Marsellus' wife (Quentin 56). After that, the film moves to the third part, which is the prelude to the Gold watch.

The Gold watch was the one that had been forgotten by Butch when wanted to flee, but then he remembered. The third part that was the bonnie situation and the last part, which marked the end of the film, was the epilogue. In the last part, there were several characters in the dinner table, and some of them were thinking about leaving the life of crimes.

Tarantino's Thematic Interests

Tarantino is famous for films that are close to Pulp fiction. The main theme evident in Pulp fiction is the issue of crime and violence in society. In most of the movies that have been written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, It is evident that his thematic interests are related to crimes, which is one of the main issues that are present in the real-life society (Brian 56). An example of another movie that has been directed by Tarantino is the crime scene investigation, which shows the various procedures and activities undertaken during the investigation of a crime.

Tarantino's Aesthetic Taste

In the Pulp the fiction, the Aesthetic taste of the director is evident. The direct has good taste in aesthetic test because, throughout the film, he has managed to use different colors that would rhyme with a particular scene. Moreover, Tarantino has used different kinds of arts throughout the film. The good aesthetic taste has helped him to ensure the events presented in the film represent the real-life situations that the viewers could resonate with as they are watching the movie.

Tarantino's Stories

The way that Pulp fiction has been told is a clear representation of the writing style of Tarantino. Tarantino's style of writing is associated with long dialogues as well as high specificity among the involved characters. This style of writing is evident in the film, the Pulp fiction, whereby many of the characters are seen to engage in long conversations with each other through various scenes.

Wrapping Up

Pulp fiction has been made up of various parts that the director has used to try and help the audience to understand the major themes. Critically looking at these parts of the movie, it is easy to determine that the main thematic interest of the director is a crime and other elements related to it, and this is also present in other movies that he has directed.

While creating the film, aesthetic factors play a significant role in helping the audience understand the ideas presented. Tarantino has proven that he has a good aesthetic taste, whereby he has used various colors as well as arts in different places in the movie to help bring out the reality in the scenes of the film. As if this is not enough, the writing style that Tarantino has used is the one whereby the characters are involved in the long dialogues.


Concluding, Pulp Fiction is one of the interesting films which was written as well as directed by Quentin Tarantino. In this film, there were several characters that the director involved in the story. These characters played various roles, which helped to fulfill the main theme of the film. Also, the director divided the film into various parts so that he could be able to represent different ideas appropriately.

The film has helped to understand that the main thematic interest of the director is associated with the matters of crime and how many people go about it. Also, the issue is of crime is the main thematic interest of Tarantino because he has presented it his many other movies. The research paper also identified that the director of the film has a good aesthetic taste because colors and arts to create scenes that would resemble real-life situations and help the viewers to relate with them. Apart from these aspects, the director managed to his famous style of writing, which involved lengthy dialogues among the characters.

After looking at all these aspects, it is to say that Quentin Tarantino's award film, the Pulp fiction, intertwines three stories told in non-chronological order, and they put together the thematic interest of the directors, aesthetic use and the stories he mostly used in his films.

Works Cited

Eggert, Brian. "Pulp Fiction." Deep Focus Review, Deep Focus Review, 14 Oct. 1994.

Gemmill, Allie. "Pulp Fiction In Chronological Order." ScreenRant, Screen Rant, 13 July 2019.

Seal, Mark. "The Making of Pulp Fiction: Quentin Tarantino's and the Cast'sRetelling." Vanity Fair, Vanity Fair, 30 Jan. 2015,

Sherlock, Ben. "All Of Quentin Tarantino's Screenplays (Including The Ones HeDidn't Direct), Ranked." ScreenRant, Screen Rant, 8 July 2019,

Tarantino, Quentin, et al. Pulp fiction. [U.S.]: Miramax Home Entertainment, 1996.

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