Essay Sample on Treatment of Females in Central Asia, South America

Published: 2023-01-30
Essay Sample on Treatment of Females in Central Asia, South America
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Women Gender Discrimination Violence Social issue
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1849 words
16 min read

Women across the entire globe have had issues handling the difference in gender equality for an extended period. The struggle began after independence when they realized that they could also have chances to achieve better lives for themselves in society. Different societies have had different challenges, for instance, in Central Asia and South America also known as Latin America have had. When it comes to economic status, different regions also have different ratings. Some have gradually become better until today, while others are not constant to determine the actual position. The same case applies to South America and Central Asia because the economies differ but may have some similarities that will also be identified. The differences and differences of the harsh treatment of women and the economies will be as described in this paper.

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For status, the struggle of women in Central Asia has had a long history to achieve equality of gender. There are various gaps of the women because the treatment of men and women in the labor sector is different. The worst thing is that the difference also comes with the pay that men and women receive. There is a less percentage of women attending work while those who go to work, a more significant portion of them receive about 30% less than men (the World Bank, 2019). On the other hand, Latin America women face a challenge in political matters where they are forced even to the extent of abuse to stop political movements. The women gave evidence of torture stories simply because they participated in political activism. The women have ended up occupying the most extensive population of women as political leaders than in any other place. The population of women leaders has continued to increase as women receive motivation to continue with striving for better positions. Although the journey for these women has not been easy, they have still managed to secure and maintain top political posts (United Nations Women, 2018).

The women in Central Asia founded a group that would assist them in curbing the challenge of violence of women in their region called "New Rhythm." The group first began as a private action but later decided also to include the public to work together. Their first campaign was directed towards notifying the women about their rights and the problems that they are likely to encounter in society. The group is considered as unique because other groups have not addressed the issues that they address. The organization's goal is to deal with gender issues to ensure that women no longer struggle with gender-based problems. The group focuses on the younger generation since they believe that they can help them make society change once they are aware of the rights that should be given to them. The major ideas are to fight against domestic violence, early marriage, and to motivate others to acquire higher education. The group does this with the help of practical cases and helping them argue out of the chances that they have not to suffer suppression on their rights but know that there is also a place for them to be protected (Ashiraliev, 2018).

The case is different in activism because, in South/ Latin America, activism is only centered on political empowerment. There are many women still suffering from other kinds of violence and discrimination, with no one to help them resolve their challenges. There are a lot of harassment cases ranging from physical, psychological, security in the family and other threats like kidnapping and rape threats. The women do not have programs established for them to be shown or have explanations of the manners through which they can deal with the challenges at stake. All that is left for them is to stand firm by themselves and find ways that they can help themselves and deal with the problems on their own. Unlike in Central Asia, the women here only struggle for political power and rarely focus on other ways that the women can still be empowered to gain better positions in the society (United Nations Women, 2018). The struggle is real and so should be the means through which they can find solutions to the challenges that exist in society, especially to help women be at peace and have a safe environment.

Aside from the differences, there are similarities observed from the assessment of the current information regarding the challenges of discrimination in the two regions. Using data from the differences, similarities were also found to be;

In both South America and Latin Asia, women suffer as a result of discrimination from all the sectors from the job markets, salaries, economic and political empowerment. The struggle has existed for an extended period.

In both regions, women activists are fighting for their rights. The women in Central Asia have their primary objective to be education, equal employment opportunities and abolition of unfair treatment of women, equal pay and fair distribution of resources. The activist group is focused on younger girls because they believe that they will make a difference for themselves. The women in Southern America laid more focus on political empowerment and are recognized worldwide for having a significant population rise in their parliament over a short period for women in the political field making a difference especially in their rights.

Lastly, in both regions, there has been a gradual improvement in women. For South America, it has been in the representation by women in parliament. In Central Asia, it has been women being able to reason out and having a position of how they are supposed to be treated fairly. Therefore through their measures, they have been able to acquire positive change for themselves.

Economies of South America and Central Asia

In most developing countries, the capital flowing inwards is used for development, advance the standards of living and to boost productivity in the country. There are common aspects of the economy and varying perspectives considering the input of the country because it helps to determine the levels of growth and development. The differences and similarities in the economics of the two regions will be discussed. The differences will be first addressed;

To begin with, South America is asserted to have a higher development rate, then the other parts of America because the recovery rate is higher in the region. The recovery increases the advantages in policies dealing with monetary transactions, therefore, increasing the rates of finance and exchange. For the well-developed economies, the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development OECD that is characterized by low-interest rates and high yields that makes the currencies gain value and increased cash flow inwards. As a result, Latin/ South America did not suffer financially especially during the period when there was a global economic crisis. The region made strengths to its economy during the period and was able to attract positive outcomes like; current and fiscal surpluses, international reserves went higher, and there were versatile rates of exchange in different countries (Rosales, 2012).

Central Asia, on the other hand, has encountered severe challenges in reform, especially diversification. The problem happened after splitting of the regions, therefore, leaving each region to have to deal with their issues. Unlike in South America, in Central Asia, the economy is affected by geographical factors that are rooted in the institutional weaknesses since the economy is dealt with using political formulation and legal systems that may be imperfect at times. There has been a struggle in the region that still exists to achieve economic success (Batsaikhan & Dabrowski, 2017).

Compared to South America, Central Asia has suffered hardships to achieve a complete economic transition because there is no uniformity in the countries in the region. Considering that Central Asia was also in the same transformation as other countries that managed to acquire better economic positions, Central Asia still is straining to achieve the set targets of economic development and stabilization (Batsaikhan & Dabrowski, 2017). Latin America, on the other hand, managed to boost their economies in a short time, although it has been unable to reduce the productivity and industrialized economies. The region was therefore not able to cover the gap of unequal development status in the whole area. The difficulty is in the production rates not the general rates developing the economy to better standards (Rosales, 2012).

South America was able to signify the strength during the economic crisis because the region managed to maintain stable financial status. The outcome was partnering with powers lie China that helped them to grow their economy therefore making the imports and exports run smoothly in the region. The growth in South America has managed to find breakthroughs with other areas. The connection and new links with other regions like Europe have also helped the region to gain stability in the economy; therefore, it can stand as one of the economically stable regions (Rosales, 2012). Central Asia took some time to evolve to the current status fully and therefore is seen to have used much time hence contributing to it still being on the side of minimal development. The challenges have continued to be experienced over time. The region was not able to connect with developed countries for economic transactions after disintegration from the USSR (Batsaikhan & Dabrowski, 2017).

While in the Central region there are issues of security risks as Batsaikhan & Dabrowski, (2017) assert that in South America, there have not been issues of insecurity. On the contrary, security is stable, therefore encouraged successful trade practices in the region (Rosales, 2012).

In spite of the two regions having differences in the economic levels that have affected the development, there are also similarities. The similarities are;

  • Both regions encountered differences. South America faced a difference in economic growth in the region. The same case applies to Central Asia; also, there was a difference in the language spoken through the region; there was no stability in the economy.
  • Both regions are still striving for better economic status. In South America, measures are being taken to further develop the network with the economically stable countries (Rosales, 2012). In Central Asia, steps have been put in place to lay strategies of creating uniformity to proceed then to act on meeting the targets (Batsaikhan & Dabrowski, 2017).

Various regions have ways that they differ from all aspects whether social, political-economic legal and other important matter in society. In the same way, one may find that there are also similarities in the different regions that are easily identified as the difference also reveal themselves. It is essential because it helps in the identification of the region's best suited for a purpose like choosing a well-suited region for business.


Ashiraliev, E. (2018). Feminism through Pictures: How girls of South Kyrgyzstan fight for Women's Rights.

Batsaikhan, U. & Dabrowski, M. (2017). Central Asia: Twenty-Five Years after the Breakup of USSR. Russian Journal of Economics 3(3).

Rosales, O. (2012). Setting the Agenda: Asia and Latin America in the 21st Century.

The World Bank, (2019). Gender Equality in Europe and Central Asia.

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