Free Essay Sample: Universal Story Structure

Published: 2023-07-13
Free Essay Sample: Universal Story Structure
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Linguistics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 826 words
7 min read

There have been controversies over the existence of a universal story structure. In this case, a global story structure means a format in which the creation of narratives should follow. This is the format that defines the plot of the story. Several people have proposed several structures which are considered to be universal for stories. Studies that have tried to explain story structures analyzed previously written stories and how the authorizes did the work. This includes looking at factors like the way introduction, is done, themes in the story, the target audience, the aim of the story, and language use, among other factors. The story, in this case, does not necessarily refer to a narration based on past occurrences or fictions but can be the actual happenings in organizations, societies, communities, and cultures.

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Universal story structures try to explain is there is a natural way that should be followed and is identified by all authors globally. Provided that there is a standard universal story structure, then all stories who be the same and would have the same plot. For example, stories would be expected to have characters, each having a significant role. Some other analysis has claimed that stories can have a universal structure since most of the content is derived from the society in which the author comes from. The story is expected to have a specific purpose and can be easily relatable to all people of different cultures, nations, and traditions for it to be considered universal.

In my opinion, there are no standard universal story structures. The argument against is would be drawn basically from the meaning of the story. Human beings communicate information as an integral part of the society without which life would be difficult. These communications are formulated and named accounts. There are varied ways in which people communicate. In literature, these forms of observation are referred to as genres. Individuals can deliver in the form of a narrative, music, art, a poem, a dance, and other types of styles. All these forms of communication have different structures that would vary according to the culture and place that the author is. With globalization, however, people try to use structures that can easily be understood by others to pass the information. This desire for universal goal withstanding, there is also a deep desire to maintain the nature of the story to avoid leniency or miscommunication of the data. What can be common may be the target of a. information which now will guide how the author would structure their work. The structure so the intended effect of the narration would, therefore, guide a story. For example, how a fiction story and another based on an actual happening would be different in terms of theme, language, introduction, art used, and other factors that the authors consider. It is based on the psychology of personal receipt and passing of information and how they interpret it.

The hero's journey introduced by Campbell is no close to a universal story structure. This is because the structure that Campbell added applies to one genre, which in this case, is the fiction stories, which is based on an epic journey. The structure introduces characters who replicate the regular members of the society, and then along with the plot, a villain is introduced who interrupts normality in the community. The characters struggle with the villain, and then finally, a victory is won by a hero. This is one of the many story structures which has just been adopted by many people but does not qualify it to be the sole universal structure. Blake Snyder, in his book "Save the Cat," introduces another story structure which has a very similarity with Campbell. The Blake story structure is in continuous prose of transformation from one state to another. The difference with that of Campbell is that these transformations are very distinct and clear. In the book mainly, Blake divides it into fifteen beats, with each scene being a continuation of the previous. These, therefore, are almost the same but not the same; therefore, disqualifying the existence of a universal structure.

In conclusion, there is no specific universal story structure that guides the plots of stories. What may be similar is the intended effect of the stories, which often is to exude something from people. The meaning of the story in itself disqualifies the notions of universal structures as a story is any format in which humans use to communicate information. Therefore, how a poem is written is not the same as an epic story. Biographies may not have the same structure as a fiction story because the journal reflects real-life issues. The structures introduced by Blake and Campbell are strictly constrained to their genres, which defines the characters and the plot of the story. Therefore, a story structure is left to the authors to structure it, at the level best, which would suit the needs and purpose of their compositions.

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