USA: A Diverse Nation of Immigration Challenges and Opportunities - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-13
USA: A Diverse Nation of Immigration Challenges and Opportunities - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Immigration
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1541 words
13 min read


The USA is one of the diversified nations in the world; immigration is one of the leading factors that have influenced diversity in terms of cultures, race, religion, languages, and other aspects of diversity. As a result of the diversified environment, the country has been faced with challenges associated with these diversities. Immigrants have developed a firm existence within the country with most of the forming ethnic communities. Expressions of ethnicity, such as language, race, and religion, are identified as symbolic elements in society following the improvement of socioeconomic statuses. The two readings that are “Beyond Census 2000” by Prewitt and “Defining Hispanicity” by Tienda identifies some of the diversities in the USA and explains how they have influenced the way of life. Immigration in the readings is considered as one of the grounds for diversity. Prewitt, 2001 affirms that the 2000 censuses were a turning point in the USA that allowed people to identify themselves as a multiracial society. He highly comments on the issues raised for the country concerning the option of multiple races. Tienda et al. 2006, on the other hand, defines Hipsnicity from immigration and racial diversity perspectives and follow the history of the Hispanic community in the USA. The two readings provide credible information on the migration and diversities in the United States and how these elements have impacted the way of life.

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Immigration and diversity are the main elements identified in the readings; the authors base their comments and analyses on the impact of immigration on the diversified contemporary cultures, race, and languages in the country. Tienda, 2006 explains that Hispanicity is the leading endure of minority and ethnic groups in the country. The main focus in this reading uses the historical development of the Hispanic community in the country to establish its stand. The community has diversified in different concepts, including political, social history, legal status, national origin, socioeconomic status, and racial views. The author affirms that the Hispanic community is likely to experience a similar social transformation like other immigrants groups. The Hispanic community has become a symbolic identity of Latin Americans. It has diverged in various aspects, including their origin, legal status, and their social, economic status. The reading identifies that all the American census since 1790 have attracted questions about American race diversity. Most of the U.S. residents were asked to identify themselves as either Hispanic or Spanish origin. From these concepts of racial considerations in the country, it is clear that immigration and racial differences remain a point of concern in the country.

On the other hand, Prewitt, 2001 identifies these aspects of diversity in the country form a general perspective that is across all communities in the country. The main aim of the reading is to express there need for leaving together as a nation regardless of the ethnic, cultural, language, and religious differences. Several issues face the country as a result of these differences despite various approaches that have been used by the government to promote unity. From the reading, it’s evident that racial diversity and origin of some of the American communities influence the way of life. With ethnic differences, there is no peace; according to the author, the census shows that these differences will remain a national problem for more decades. 2000 census showed that the country is at an early stage of diversifying its population, considering that the people who were born in foreign states make up 10% of the community. The culture of the nation has, however, transformed to accommodate the differences that exist and embrace assimilation despite several challenges caused by racial and origin diversity. The main concern in this reading is to identify the obstacles towards attaining a unified structure where there are no racial or ethnic group considerations in the country. The author believes that if this is not achieved, there will be a movement to dismantle ethnic and racial classification. As a result, this will lead to a series of uncomfortable issues associated with diversity.

Tienda, 2006 defines the shifting concept of race in the U.S. the material uses various racial identities that are Mexican, Chicano, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and other Hispanic or Spanish communities to determine racial and ethnic diversity in the country. According to the author, use the terminology- race during the 1980 census to distinguish between blacks and whites and native Americans and Asians is different from the 2000 census as identified in the first reading. Census Bureau poses a challenge to the ethnic groups, especially when classifying them into specific ethnic or racial groups. Some find it hard to identify themselves with a particular category, as presented in the census. According to this reading, the differences between the Hispanics pose a critical challenge to racial contours. The generational self-identity of the Hispanics tends to shift to a multiracial state. Earlier immigrants especially form the eastern and southern Europe cultural assimilation, and social acceptance involved moving nonwhite to white racial identity. Tienda, 2006 reading, mainly focus on the Hispanic community and their historical development in the USA. They have been transformed into ethnic identities bearing racial components.

Prewitt, 2001 also identifies that the combination of diversity and discrimination is significantly harmful and affects the cultural aspects in the country and each community in particular. If people continue to consider elements of diversity and incorporate discrimination, Americans will grow weaker and extend the level of diversity. As indicated in the second reading, Prewitt, 2001 identifies the census of 1790 as one of the best census based on racial and ethnic considerations. There were three sections to determine one’s race and ethnic group; these are slaves, whites, and other free persons, unlike other censuses that came afterward, where racial questions have always been of more significant concern. The Hispanics form a critical aspect of racial matters in the country; it evident from the details of the census mentioned in the reading where racial questions have always risen after every census. Racial and ethnic differences are influenced by political beliefs and terms used in the census to classify people based on their races. Racial taxonomy in the country has led to the development of statistical proportionality as an approach to governance. Based on the rising diversity in terms of race and ethnicity, there will soon be a need to have separate accommodation and recognition. According to Prewitt, 2001, for example, the Arab-American community advocated becoming a racial group that the government must recognize in every census. For this reason, racial diversities are increasingly influencing more communities and transforming the country into a more diversified state.


Conclusively, immigration and diversity in the United States are some of the problems facing many people. The racial difference, in particular, is one of the main concerns that has brought about complexities in society. The readings identify the role of immigration in evolving diversity in the USA. Both texts perceive racial and ethnic diversity and one of the main problems affecting the socioeconomic and cultural state of the nation. It evident that discriminatory acts that some people experience are a result of racial and ethnic diversity. Series of censuses identified in the readings, including the 2000 census, acts as the turning point of these diversities. Historically the immigrants are classified as poor communities in the country because most of them come from weak states.


In summary, the readings provide credible information that can help readers to understand the impacts of immigration and diversity in society. In particular, the texts focus on ethnic and racial diversity; authors justify their opinions on these aspects using some of the details from a series of censuses conducted in the USA until 2000. “Beyond Census 2000” by Prewitt and “Defining Hispanicity” by Tienda provides essential data to analyses the transformation of some of the ethnic communities and the need to address these issues to avoid worse situations caused by the differences that exist.

In comparison, Tienda, 2006, and Prewitt 2001 focus on the topic from different perspectives; however, on the one hand, both use the same data analyses of censuses. It justifies their understanding of the topic. According to Tienda, 2006, Hispanics have gained more concerns in a series of census use and instances of racial and ethnic issues, with many of the Hispanic people identifying themselves as the same ethnic group. The differences involving racial issues in the country continue to rise; most of the people are shifting from nonwhite to white, as seen from the census results. It essential to consider that the more these differences continue to influence the stricture of the society in the country, it is likely to have an uncertain future.

Conclusively, the racial and ethnic diversity is a critical issue that the government must consider, in every census. The census bureau should consider categorizing them correctly to determine the suitable options that all the communities, including the immigrants, can identify themselves effectively to avoid controversial questions associated with it. The readings serve a critical role in understanding the topic and identifying the implications of racial and ethnic disparities.


Prewitt, K. (2001). Beyond Census 2000: As a Nation. We are the World.

Tienda (2006). Defining Hispanicity: E Pluribus Unum or E Pluribus Plures?. In Multiple Origins, Uncertain Destinies: Hispanics And The American Future. National Academies Press (U.S.).

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USA: A Diverse Nation of Immigration Challenges and Opportunities - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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