Free Essay: Using Bee Colony for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems TSP

Published: 2023-01-13
Free Essay: Using Bee Colony for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems TSP
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Knowledge Animals Sales Mathematics
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1894 words
16 min read

The optimization problem is defined as the determination of the best component from some arrangement of accessible options (Odili et al. 2016). In numerous such problems, a thorough search is impractical. Optimization problem has significant uses in different areas that range from artificial intelligence, mathematics, machine learning, and programming (Mahi et al. 2015). The vast majority of such problems are viewed as NP-hard. This implies that it is impossible to solve them to conclusion in polynomial calculation time. Some of the common problems associated with optimization include the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the minimum spanning tree problem. According to Gunduz et al. (103), TSP refers to an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization studied in operations research and hypothetical computer science. It is used in planning, logistics, network communication, planning, transportation, and in making microchips. The main objective of TSP is to reduce the distance, time and cost incurred by a salesman who intends to visit different cities and given distances between them.

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Different studies have been done to debunk this problem. For instance, in his work, Homer's Ulysses tries to travel to all the cities in the Odyssey at once. There were 653, 837, 184, 000 different routes. One needs at least four working days on a ground-breaking 28 MIPS workstation to find an optimal route. As per Bhagade et al. (330), an example with 85,900 was explained utilizing Concorde TSP Solver, taking more than 136 CPU-years. Different metaheuristics and estimate calculations that rapidly give great results, have been developed. Current techniques can compute answers for very huge issues (a large number of urban areas) within sensible time. Next, to that, different algorithms utilizing metaheuristic methodologies, for example, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Bee Colony Optimization (BCO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) were developed to understand TSP (Pathak et al. 2012). They connected BCO to comprehend TSP. The algorithms averagely gave answers with lower precisions. To enhance these outcomes the ABC calculation, a successful calculation previously being connected to a few streamlining applications, is engaged. This paper aims to solve the TSP utilizing the real variant of ABC algorithm utilizing SPV rule. The SPV rule is utilized to produce the routing sequence utilizing the real value created by the artificial bee colony algorithm. The resultant solution is then compared to the solution of the genetic algorithm to check the efficiency of the proposed solution.

Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)

The ABC is described as a recent novel optimization algorithm that falls under Swarm Intelligence. It was introduced by Dervis Karaboga in 2005 (Ouaarab et al. 2014). The social conduct of natural bees inspires ABC algorithm. They are excellent in hunting for food sources. Each time a bee finds food, it dances to flag the other bees about the discovery. The dance indicates the amount of food found and the location of its discovery. In this way, the bees are easily directed towards good sources of food as they continue looking for more food. The bees can draw in countless of other bees and proceed to search the food area.

The bees in ABC algorithms are grouped into three categories that include: employed bees, onlooker bees and scout bees. Employed bees visit the food source area in advance to collect data the area and quality of food. They have memory making it easier for them to remember all the spots they have visited previously and the type and quality of food recorded. Furthermore, they do local searches exploring all the neighboring areas of the source of food and pursuit the best places of nourishments in the encompassing zones. Onlooker bees refer to the bees that spectate around the dance area as they ponder the best food source area. The decision about ranking food source areas is made based on data given by employed bees. Moreover, onlooker bees carry out the worldwide scan for finding the worldwide optimum. Scout bees perform random food searches. They identify the new regions which are revealed by the employed bees. Scout bees are totally arbitrary in nature and their task of hunt. They avoid the search procedure to get caught in the local minima. The first half of a bee colony in an ABC algorithm comprises of employed bees and the second half consists of the onlooker bees. The quantity employed bees is equivalent to the quantity of food sources around the hive. The employed bee whose nourishment source is depleted turns into the scout bees.

Each food position in an ABC algorithm constitutes a possible solution to the optimization problem (Rekaby et al. 2013). Importantly, each solution in an optimization problem is linked to the fitness value such that the best solution is determined on the basis of the fitness value. Therefore, the amount of nectar in a source of food correlates to the fitness value of the associated solution in the ABC algorithm. The quantity of employed and onlooker bees is equivalent to the quantity of answers in the populace.

The ABC algorithm produces an irregular solution or starting populace of size NF, where NF signifies the extent of populace or absolute number of food source (Saji, Yassine, and Mohammed, 2016). Every solution represents the source of food position and denoted as xij, where i represents a specific solution (i=1,2,..., NF) and each solution represents a D-dimensional vector and j represents a specific element of a specific solution (j=1,2,...,D). The employed bees begin their search after the introduction of irregular solution (Tuba, Milan, and Raka, 2013). They search the food source close to the past food source and if the created new solution is superior to the initial solution, then the new solution replaces the former one. The examination of food sources or arrangements is done based on the fitness value or amount of nectar in a food source.

The employed bees then share the nectar information of food sources and their location with the onlooker bees after they all complete the hunt procedure. Presently onlooker bee picks a food source contingent upon the likelihood value Pi linked with the food source. The likelihood value for every food source is determined by following condition:

Pi=fin=1NFfn...1Where fi is the fitness estimation of the solution i or the amount of nectar of food source assessed by the employed bee and NF is the quantity of food source (Tuba, Milan, and Raka, 2013). Therefore, after the employed bees have assessed the food source, the probability value for every food source is computed which is utilized by onlooker bees.

The artificial bees use the following equation to create the competitor solution from the past solution:


Where j is a list for measurement (j=1,2,...,D), k is a list which represents specific individual or solution from the populace (k=1,2,3,..., NF), and i is likewise a list represents a specific solution (i=1,2,..., NF). The contrast between i and k is that k is resolved haphazardly and estimation of k must be unique in relation to i. Oij represents an irregular number between [-1,1]. It manages the generation of the neighbor nourishment positions around Xij. The contrast between the parameters of the Xij and Xkj diminishes, the annoyance on the position Xij diminishes, as well. Therefore, as the hunt ways to deal with the optimal solution in the inquiry space, the progression length is diminished. After the generation of competitor solution Vij, its fitness value is determined and afterward it is contrasted and the fitness of Xij. If the new hopeful solution has equivalent or preferable nectar or wellness over the bygone, it is supplanted with the former one in the memory. Something else, the old is held. If a solution is not improved further through a foreordained number of cycles then that food source is thought to be depleted. Depleted food source is supplanted by new nourishment source created by scout bees.

Fuzzy System

According to (), fuzzy systems are utilized to model profoundly complex and exceptionally nonlinear frameworks and the situation being what it is, the rule base extraction issue progresses toward becoming NP hard issue. The use of classical strategies becomes computationally extravagant when the issue is intricate. ABC represents a case of how a characteristic procedure can be designed to calculate optimization issues. The idea of scientific model is essential to framework investigation and plan which requires portrayal of frameworks as practical reliance between interfacing input and yield factors customarily, a numerical model is developed by examining input-yield from the framework.

As per (), optimization problems are mostly applied in calculating the almost optimal solution and are often used in different areas such as Container Loading problems (CL), engineering design, scheduling problems, TSP et cetera. TSP forms one of the NP hard enhancement issues. In TSP, the sales rep travels every one of the urban communities without a moment's delay and comes back to the beginning city with the conceivable briefest course in the shortest time possible. Numerous heuristic optimization techniques that have been developed so far are used to calculate the almost optimal solution in TSP problems. As per (), they include the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), the Genetic Algorithm (GA), the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the Simulated Annealing (SA).


The colony in the ABC model comprises of three classes of bees. They include the employed (honey) spectator and scout bees. For every source of food, it is assumed that there is just one artificial honey bee. This implies that the quantity of honey bees in the colony and the quantity of food sources around the hive are equal. Employed honey bees go to their food source and come back to hive and dance on this area. Any employed bee whose food source is deserted transforms into a scout and begins searching for a new food source. The spectating bees watch as the employed bees travel while dancing in search of food sources. The location of a food source in ABC, a population-based algorithm, constitutes the probable answer to the optimization issue. On the other hand, the quantity of nectar in the food source correlates with the quality (fitness) of the corresponding solution.

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

If one is given a number of cities and the fare of commuting around all of them, the main objective of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) is to compute the cheapest method one would use to visit all the cities and return to the starting point. In the standard version that is taught, the movement costs are symmetric such that making a trip from city A to city B costs the same amount of as making a trip from B to A.

As stated earlier, the TSP refers to an NP-hard issue in combinatorial optimization that has been under study in operations research and hypothetical software engineering for the past five decades. It has numerous uses that include planning, coordination, network correspondence, transportation, and the production of microchips. The main objective of TSP is to ensure salesmen who need to visit different urban communities and given distances can do so using the shortest routes and within the shortest time possible. The aim is to develop a sequence of cities to minimize the distance one has to travel. Researchers have developed ways of solving the TSP using the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm. Here, an underlying populace is picked by choosing irregular beginning values from the search space. Then the sequence vector linked to each person is determined.

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