Contemporary Leadership - Essay Sample for Free

Published: 2018-02-21
Contemporary Leadership - Essay Sample for Free
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Learning Reflection
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 968 words
9 min read

A personal statement on reflection is a common practice used in the education system to evaluate and understand what an individual student learned in class. It helps to know the area of weakness and the changes that the course brought to the learners. In this course, several contemporary leadership concepts were learned. The current paper thus aims at giving a personal statement in which a reflection on some of the leadership theory learned shall be given.

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Mission Statement Example

A mission statement was one of the items which were gained in this course. This statement is an important part of all enterprises, and thus it occurred to me with no surprise that much emphasis had to be put in place when creating the statement. However, there are several things which were discussed in the mission statement I did not know early. First, this statement needs to be crafted in a given way so that it can act as a strategy rather than a generic, stale and useless piece of information. When working as a strategic statement, this mission statement is supposed to show the goals, culture, norms of making decisions, and ethics within the business. The topic on mission statement also opened a new understanding on what such a report should address. I learned that this statement should say what it does to the customer, employees, and owners.

Leadership Grid TM

The Leadership Grid TM model is also another interesting issue addressed in this course. This model developed by Blake and Moulton in 1962 show four type of extreme leadership that can be used in business. These styles include authority-compliance, country club management, impoverished management, and team management (Blake & Mouton, 1962). However, it is suggested that most businesses fall in the middle-of-the-road management. The Leadership Grid TM model came as a surprise to me as it has a good and straightforward explanation of leadership which I was not expecting. The first thing to surprise me in this model is that attaining both people and production concerns at the same time can be an extreme leadership; thus, a balance is required.

Moreover, I find this model very relevant to my studies because it will have a direct impact on future my career practice. Making decisions in a business environment is the order of the day, and thus the information acquired here will be useful in the future. Leadership Grid TM has demonstrated how each extreme can be dangerous, for example, having more concern on product and less on people can cause authoritarian leadership, which limits the success of the business (Blake & Mouton, 1962). The model thus shows the importance of having a balanced leadership style.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Myers-Briggs type indicator is a model which was developed to show the personality of individuals. It describes that human nature is made unique based on four factors which are sensation, intrusion, feeling, and thinking. The model also adds that every person has a single substantial factor among these four, and thus identifying a personal trait based on the factors as mentioned above can assist in determining their needs, values, and interest among others (Form & Form, 2009). Personally, this model introduced new knowledge to me as I did not know that humans have commonality in their personality have so much in common. I also learned that the human traits can be grouped into four categories, and such classes can be used as an effective way of leadership by having much better understanding of employees and other stakeholders. This is a whole new experience to me as it has increased my understanding on how I should manage my leadership, now and in the future.

Leader Traits

I found this to be a unique concept in management. Personally, I believe understanding other people is the key to having a sound management. This theory thus integrates with many concepts on leadership as it focuses on placing individuals of similar traits under the same leadership, thus positively impacting their contribution to the firm.

Behavior Definition

On behavior leadership, I find that relation orientation is the best model which describes an ideal management environment. Based on this concept, the leaders put more emphasis on team building. Such leadership creates more morale among the workers, and thus, they can be expected to work better. With motivated employees, the management can be sure of gaining more from workers, as they can dedicate their full effort on achieve the organization goals.

Favorite Leadership Theory

The leadership theory that I find more completing and relevant in the current society is the contingency theory. According to this model, different events call for different actions, and thus, leaders cannot have a single optimal psychological profile (Abbasiyannejad & Silong, 2015). I consider this theory as the best because it addresses the contemporary leadership in the society. Today, it is not only about leading people, but also being a leader in technology and fast paced society. Thus, leaders ought not to be defined by given characteristics as their roles are drifting from those psychological profiles.


In conclusion, the above reflection has given a personal statement in which some of the leadership concepts learned has been discussed. It has been revealed that a new method of writing a mission statement was identified. Leadership grid TM and Myers-Briggs type indicator have also been acknowledged as good leadership concepts. Moreover, it has to be argued that trait and relationship orientations are the best kinds of leadership while the most compelling leadership theory is contingency theory.


Abbasiyannejad, M., & Silong, A. D. (2015). Contemporary leadership theories. In Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2013 (pp. 327-330). Springer International Publishing.

Blake, R. R., Mouton, J. S., & Bidwell, A. C. (1962). Managerial grid. Advanced Management-Office Executive.

Form, M., & Form, Q. (2009). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®. Research in Psychological Type, 5, 78-79.

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