Free Essay with Fluid Flow Meters/Tray Hydraulics Sample Calculation

Published: 2018-04-07
Free Essay with Fluid Flow Meters/Tray Hydraulics Sample Calculation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Problem solving Engineering Physics
Pages: 1
Wordcount: 193 words
2 min read

Blower: Chicago Blower Corp. Turbo Pressure Blower (centrifugal) Model B2-5-184 rated at 1000 cfm at 15 inches of water with 5 hp motor with 8" butterfly inlet valve:

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This means the designed air velocity for the blower is 1000ft3/m. Its equivalent in seconds is 16.67ft3/s. Hence to get % flooding, use

Where Un is the air velocity. This is done for all the values of pressure at different heights of water.

To calculate ht,

ht calculation

calculation of ht

This step requires the temperatures of water, which was unavailable. This prompted the modification of the data from the earlier graphs provided.

Aeration factor depends also on the above equations

aeration factor

aeration factor calculation

Further explanations are found in chapter 8 of (Gupta). There is a lot of information that was lacking in the data provided, but I tried as much as possible to come up with reasonable results. For example, the manometer readings water temperatures and physical properties of water. In view of this, I modified the data from graphs drawn earlier. If you could provide additional information, I could interrogate further.


Gupta, A. (n.d.). Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations. In P. Avinash Gupta, Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations (pp. 300-400).

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Free Essay with Fluid Flow Meters/Tray Hydraulics Sample Calculation. (2018, Apr 07). Retrieved from

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