Free Essay Discussing the Gender Stereotype in Media

Published: 2018-12-11
Free Essay Discussing the Gender Stereotype in Media
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Discrimination Media Stereotypes
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1331 words
12 min read

The vital role of Media in the contemporary society

Media plays a vital role in the contemporary society through their ability to advertise information and entertain various stakeholders in different parts of the world. There are different forms of advertisement such as TV, the internet as well as press among others. The company selects the approach that will work best for them at any instance. Ideally, TV has the most influence, and advertisers regard it when advertising different contents in most parts of the world. The message that these media outlets create is detrimental since they can manipulate people’s attitude as well as opinion (George and Tommy 12). The bulk of the essay will focus on the problem that might arise due to the development of various perceptions. The approach will be possible through the investigation of commercial structures. Again, the ability to specify the different gender stereotypes that exist in an advertisement in the form of persuasion approach will also enlighten on some ways.

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Human is interactive and will acquire information within their environments. Hence, they tend to sort and simplify most of the information that they obtain. The outcome is the formation of the cognitive scheme which represents the reality depicting the fundamental elements present in any given instance (Gill 22). The systems play a role in defining the essence of the worldview, and that has an implication on the social cognition that exists in most occasions. Stereotype emerge as one of the common types of schemes, and there is need to employ the most effective approaches that will change the mindset of entities in any given environment. Ideally, that is necessary since stereotype mostly present a subjective as well as a false image of reality.

Gender role in mass media

Gender role in mass media is currently a concern and reaches more audience than before. Media outlets tend to use stereotype when creating universal as well as acceptable images with the aim if filling social life and evoking certain associations. Additionally, the society tends to create a hegemony of males that makes it possible for men to dominate women in most instances. The implication of the same process regarded females as housewives and people who lacked the moral obligation to take part in any constructive activity that will develop themselves.

The social norm is an instance that is currently prevalent in most parts of the world due to the scalability of the application of the media. It is unfortunate that gender role still exists even among children in the contemporary society. Ideally, the community has a role to play in shaping the idea. They have to do the same fast enough to eliminate any instance of misunderstanding.

The search of the American advertisements could not depict a clear understanding of the idea, and that was still the case when analyzing the gender-neutral products. The sidewalk chalk is one of the platforms that will create an understanding of the entire realm. It is evident that all the girls colored on the sidewalk with only one boy rapping. The instance makes the male counterpart the main character within the play. The media, therefore, sends a different message that has a different implication from what the firm tends to communicate to various stakeholders.

Television is also a platform that promotes gender discrimination

On the contrary, Tide, a Proctor and Gambling laundry detergent has a different notion of the same instance when it formulated a different understanding of advertisement and that improved its reputation in the global arena (Procter & Gamble par. 2). From the story, it is evident that the leading male actor proudly claims to stay at home and later undertakes the role of braiding the daughter’s hair. Tide is different from the other depiction in the media industry since the ad advocates for universality in various families. Hence, it will be possible to achieve equality in the society, and that is an instance that will foster growth.

Television is also a platform that promotes gender discrimination through the various ads that exist in their programs. An example of these programs that clearly outlines the level of discrimination is the Big Bang Theory that had only one female lead in the earlier season. Markedly, there was the emergence of various instances of sexual tensions that have an adverse impact on her social life. Even though more female actors came later, Penny’s character remained the same in creating the romantic tension within the script. That is a notion that dominates different parts of the society, and there is a need for the most effective approaches that will bring a shift in the paradigm. Another program that enlightens on women representation of TV exists in the Office with five consistent female leads. These characters had a significant role in the play. Even though some of them never displayed female gender roles, they had enough development as well as background to depict more than the action of a stereotype within the realm. The Office is one of a kind since it brings a different picture that relates to the mitigation of the problems that most societies face while addressing stereotype issues.

Again, the existence of commercials in different parts of the world is another instance that results to gender stereotyping in the various regions. Ideally, that is the case due to the inclination to a particular gender (Chrisler and Donald 34). Hence, there is need to employ the most efficient techniques that bring a halt to the entire condition in different parts of the world. Women take the lead in the commercials since they are actively involved in making the daily purchases. Men, however, are leading in ads that concern with properties as well as electronics.

Non-schematic ideas

The use of non-schematic ideas during advertisement should be a concern in the contemporary society due to the presence of the stereotypes in commercials. The depiction of both genders in most occasions is never right all the time, and there is need to embrace effective mechanisms that will improve the condition in most circumstances. The existence of Dove campaign is non-stereotypical and brings a different understanding of the entire scenario. That is an approach that brings a different image that still has an impact on the lives of stakeholders in various parts of the world. Again, the British commercial of cleanser, Ajax, redefines that position of men in the society and that is necessary for eliminating the previous discrepancies that impacted negatively on the lives of different stakeholders in the community.

In conclusion, it is evident that commercials can significantly shape and improve people opinions in various parts of the world. Ideally, the use of stereotypes in commercials assists with the persuasion that translates to the increase in the sales of the company’s products in most occasions. However, mass media should embrace universality and improve the condition of stakeholders in different parts of the world. The depiction of males and females in various commercials has a clear relationship to the notions of gender. Hence, women tend to dominate men, which never applies in reality. The best approach is to change the condition is different parts of the world and make it possible to improve the state of both gender at any given instance. Young men and women may try and emulate some of the findings from their respective media outlets not knowing their implication on their lives. Therefore, there is need to employ the most effective techniques that will create a clear understanding of the entire paradigm.

Works Cited

"Procter & Gamble - Professional > Laundry Detergents." USA Flag. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2017.

Chrisler, Joan C, and Donald R. McCreary. Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology. New York: Springer, 2010. Internet resource.

George, Amiso M, and Tommy Thomason. Race, Gender, and Stereotypes in the Media: A Reader for Professional Communicators. , 2013. Print.

Gill, Rosalind. Gender and the Media. Cambridge [u.a.: Polity, 2006. Print.

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