Free Essay on Organization Culture and Police Misconduct

Published: 2019-04-03
Free Essay on Organization Culture and Police Misconduct
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Research Police Police brutality
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1201 words
11 min read

How does the organizational culture impact personnel decisions

The case on organization culture and Police Misconduct has an impact on personnel decisions. The presence of lenient culture permits administrators, officers, chief personalities to engage in ruthless behavior and will be indicative of illegal approaches to survive. There are many incidents in which Deputy Chief is involved illegally and his approach looks intolerant being in the respectful position. The culture of impunity displayed by the department should be investigated starting from the Deputy Chief by making everyone accountable for their mistakes and no one is bypassing the laws and regulations in the eyes of Justice. When the ethical code of conduct is missing and the department is dominant with the culture of impunity, it is not astonishing to find the resistance to an investigation into the Deputy Chief by his subordinates or the followers. Criminal justice organizations must hold behaviors which are favorable to the doctrine of justice and equality for all. The observance of this doctrine is supreme for the effectiveness of the criminal justice system.

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Organizational culture is the revolving key issue in the case having an impact on personnel decisions. Culture is the main factor not only in facilitating individuals to achieve organization goals but also in retaining talent and creating a positive public image by building a reputation in the society. If it is lenient for officials and gives a chance to break the rules of the department employing "blue wall of science" then there is no ethical conduct and regulatory norms prevailing in the organization or the society. The presence of lenient culture permits administrators, officers, chief personalities to engage in ruthless behavior and will be indicative of illegal approaches to survive (Barbara E Armacost). Defence, Navy and Army are the prime divisions and soul of the nation protecting the civilization by safeguarding the society. They have complete control on regulating the strict norms and enforcing rigid rules against exploitation, manipulation and violations. The presence of liberal rules allows officers to indulge in the act of abuse and violence, where the culture of impunity starts to emerge allowing officers to do anything they wish. The highest and lowest officials of the department engaging in a different level of unethical practices and illegal behavior are due to the culture of noncompliance with the regulations.

The act of Deputy Chief

Considering the act of Deputy Chief, in this case, I express my thought of indiscipline prevailing in the department and no one is above the Law of Justice. There are many incidents in which Deputy Chief is involved illegally and his approach looks intolerant being in the respectful position. He being the responsible person to protect the society involves in Hit and Run case, further trying to cover up the evidence. The culture of impunity displayed by the department should be investigated starting from the Deputy Chief by making everyone accountable for their mistakes and no one is bypassing the laws and regulations in the eyes of Justice (Loree, Don).

The potential consequences of my choices are further impediments to the investigation by the department being interrogated. When the ethical code of conduct is missing and the department is dominant with the culture of impunity, it is not astonishing to find the resistance to an investigation into the Deputy Chief by his subordinates or the followers. Therefore, I anticipate coming across difficulties when challenging to represent unethical behaviors, illegal enactments, occurrences of violence and culture of non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the department.

The moral and ethical considerations that need to be evaluated

Moral and ethical considerations are significant in decision-making. But in this case, there are many occurrences of immortality and unethical practices starting from the Deputy Chief to the lowest subordinates. The continuation of these acts has led to allegations of criminal behavior and unethical code of conduct in the society. Being a responsible individual in the civilization, Deputy Chief is found to be guilty of charges and penalty. These issues pertaining to ethical, legal and moral conduct should be evaluated.

The majority of law enforcement officers in the nation perform their very tough jobs referring to their neighbourhood and in compliance with the law. In spite of this, there are incidents in which this is not the case. Referring to this case, there are many laws address police misconduct including both criminal and civil status. Criminal justice organizations must hold behaviors which are favorable to the doctrine of justice and equality for all (Othman Domoro, Syed Omar Syed Agil). The observance of this doctrine is supreme for the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. The laws face the actions of State, central and local officers counting the officers working in prison and jails. Supplementing to this modus operandi and conventions must be enforced. This shall put in place with the ethical code of conduct ensuring to punish who violate the rules and further to taking actions swiftly. Even smaller violations must be punishable if ignored or tolerated this gives a way to indulge in higher illegal act and violations. Therefore, even minor issues should be given keen attention to correct and penalize in order to bring a complete code of ethical conduct and legal approach to the system.

The Strategy is a way of describing how to get the system in place. An efficient strategy takes into account the existing barriers and resources to stay with the overall vision of the nation in general and department in particular. The strategies are straight and proficient. In simple, any act of being offended and the violation is chargeable in the department. Formulating strict rules and executing rigid practices by credible and competent leaders having moral and ethical conduct would ensure highly disciplined and legal system in the community. There are many initiatives with different strategies. Implementing these proven strategies shall guarantee that the department has more possibilities to prevent the threat, violations, misconduct, illegal and immoral behaviors. The "blue wall of silence" simply implicates the culture of impunity and occurrence of unethical practices and misconduct. There should be a proper awareness among all the individuals on whistle blower policy and protection under the Whistle blower protection Act 1989 that brings any immoral or unethical practices to the limelight. It would in turn support with proof to investigate and evaluate the code of conduct in the department. According to the Act, whistle blower, if suffers from any discrimination, loss etc gets protection and safeguarded according to the law in the court of Justice.

Work citations

Barbara E Armacost Organizational Culture and Police Misconduct, 72 Geo. Wash. L.

Rev. 453 2013-2014 Content downloaded/printed from HeinOnline


Loree, Don, tCorruption in Policing: Causes and Consequences A Review of the Literature, Royal Canadian Mounted Policet, 2011, pp. 1-31

Othman Domoro, Syed Omar Syed Agil tThe Influence of Organizational Culture on Police Corruption in Libyat, IOSR Journal of Business and Management

(IOSRJBM) ISSN: 2278-487X Volume 2, Issue 5 (July-Aug. 2012), PP 33-38

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