Free Essay Example on Project Manager Duties

Published: 2018-03-09
Free Essay Example on Project Manager Duties
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management Leadership analysis Management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1330 words
12 min read

Programming, Planning, and Practice

Principles of program monitoring indicate that every project deserves to be allocated its own resources, depending on urgency and the resources available. Therefore, projects whose urgency is greater need to be executed first (Waara, 2008, p. 142). Planning should also take into account the time needed for the project to be completed and the complexity of the project. Different types of programs can be utilized for programming and planning. These are inclusive of computer software such as Ms. Access and spreadsheets.

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While planning for a project, it is important to keep in mind that including float time is significant. Float refers to the time that is provided in which a project can be delayed without causing the actual delay in actual completion of the project. It is necessary to allocate float time to recover when events delay without unnecessary lagging the project behind the schedule (Fellows et al., 2009, p. 56). Using the path analysis technique, a programmer can use regression models and negotiate a path in which a project can be completed in time despite hitches experienced. The path analysis process makes use sets of variables and combines them to come up with a way in which the process can be completed as per the planned time.

Projects that are behind the schedule need to be accelerated so that they are cleared in time. The acceleration technique applied by the firm should be in consideration of the time impact. A renowned acceleration technique is a resource-increase technique where the contractor seeks to increase resources such as the human and time resources as a manner to offset the time lag. The disparity between the planned performance and the actual performance is the determinant of the acceleration technique. At this instance, a contractor seeks to be more keen with the technique and advise accordingly of better techniques for utilization to reach the planned performance.

A competent construction manager assesses planning and makes adjustments where needed to avoid chances of conflicts. The Grant chart is a necessary tool used in the analysis of planning. Whenever a program cannot be altered, the construction manager should seek ways to review available techniques to accelerate performance. Such a manager should also be efficient in handling instances of failure and developing new mechanisms to make a cover up for the lost time (Kibert, 2016, p. 12). Providing corrective measures is, therefore, a practice that every construction manager needs to subscribe to. Such measures can lead to a shift in concentration, increasing the working time among other alternatives. Planning and programming, therefore, come as events that are in purpose with the project’s objectives.

Construction Technology and Environmental Constraints

Construction technology is a skill that involves actual project running from inception to completion. A competent contractor can make a rough estimate of the turnout of events, the activities to be involved in completing the project, and the finalizing of the project (Fellows et al., 2009, p. 47). This skill is not only local but also extends to international practices that need to be followed. Construction is an activity that directly affects the environment. It, therefore, reflects that a rational constructor would follow environmental conservation regulations. Such regulations include managing the noise coming from the construction site, ensuring proper disposal of wastes and maintaining the whole process in an environmental-friendly manner.

Various elements of building interrelate following an arranged plan of execution. Elements such as the plan of the building determine the materials to be used. The process must also be in a manner that follows national and international legislations. It is also worth understanding that maintenance of a construction work to some extent is a duty of the contractor (Goedert and Meadati, 2008, p. 510). Competency in construction also extends to understanding various building designs. For instance, constructions design for industries vary from those of residential houses.

Construction designs are also regulated by the place where the building is to be set up. Some designs are not allowed in controlled development areas. The contractor should, therefore, be informed of such regulations (Goedert and Meadati, 2008, p. 511). Being informed he or she, therefore, has the ability to advise the client of the choice of acceptable designs, which meet the requirements.

Construction processes always utilize many resources, and hence it is evident that many wastes are also recovered from the same. A credible constructor, therefore, finds ways to execute ideas to evade the problem. This might be by designing solutions such as warehouses that have an ample dumping (Fellows et al., 2009). The constructor also needs to adopt construction frameworks that also solve the problem of dumping. An example of such is piling or which he or she may feel comfortable utilizing.

In compliance with measures of construction and environmental conservation, an eligible constructor should apply his or her knowledge and plan before execution of the project. By doing so, he or she can advise workers and juniors on the planned solutions to the expected construction and environmental problems. However, these activities need to be conducted in an economically friendly manner.

Good leader traits

Leadership is an important requirement in all areas where a human resource exists. People need not only to follow the rules but a leader to realize the organization's goal. In this case, a leader ought to facilitate a smooth time organization of the workers by demonstrating competency in leadership. A good leader possesses a few characteristics, which are the basis of his or her administration. A leader should demonstrate confidence while dealing juniors (Clarke, 2013, p. 24). A leader should also be transparent because it is the only way to create a good channel of communication and confidence with the junior workers. A leader should also be innovative to derive innovative strategies towards problem-solving or approaching a hard task. Having patience is also an important aspect of a leader. Guiding a big number of people does not just happen smoothly. It sometimes involves a lot of difficulties, and hence the leader ought to be courteous and patient with the workers rectifying the issue.

Different leadership styles could be applied in the area of construction. One is the Laissez-Faire approach which is commonly used by employees who have received high-level training the autocratic leadership style is another one used when a leader makes all the decisions without involving other employees. Other leadership styles include the participative, transactional and transformational leadership styles.

The transformational leadership style is the best applicable style of leadership in the field of construction since it turns a leader into a motivator. Being motivated, the employees work hard and achieve the set goals (Kibert, 2016, p. 11). For instance, a leader could motivate the employees to finalize on a project earlier with the promise of starting another project soon. Since the employees are concerned about earning, they will work extra hard with a view of the promised project.

Organization communication strategies have a huge impact on the leadership of an organization. A leadership that lacks a proper channel of communication has a poor relationship with the employees. Consequently, poor performance is noted since employees do not take their duties seriously. In the long run, the organization is not able to meet its goals because of a failure in the leadership. A leader who wants to face off these problems can change the leadership style to tackle these problems (Bosher et al., 2007, p. 167). A leader who, for instance, uses an autocratic style may change and utilize the participative style. With this style, employees feel close to their head and problems are efficiently solved.

However, utilizing one leadership style does not always add up. When conditions arise, a leader is at the discretion of choosing another approach for the benefit of the organization. For instance, if a project is delayed, the manager may substitute a transformational style with an autocratic style, which makes the employees change their work ethic and makes them more cautious (Bosher et al., 2007, p. 174). The outcome of a good leadership style is motivated workforce that delivers to the expectation of the organization.

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