Social Work

Published: 2018-02-05
Social Work
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Motivation Society
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 856 words
8 min read

Having pursued my undergraduate studies in social work for the last four years, I have come to understand that my passion lies in helping the less fortunate. I am currently seeking to enroll in a masters course in social work to further my ambition of becoming a more effective social worker. Upon getting equipped with knowledge and skills in social work, I will be in a better position to positively impact the life trajectory of individuals in vulnerable conditions and those in need of help. It is an incredible privilege to be given a chance to hear about a person’s life journey and their pains. But, more importantly, being able to assist a person in overcoming these pains is what I hold dear to my heart.

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I am applying to the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work because of its excellent reputation and abundant learning resources.The school of social work was one of the first schools to be accredited in 1919 and, therefore, has a vast experience in social work. I believe the opportunity to study under the guidance of highly experienced faculty will enable me to receive high-level training in this field. The university is also ranked among the top ten best in the United States in social work, and thus is the best institution for my graduate studies. Moreover, the school offers a choice of two concentrations: Direct Practice and Community, Organization, and Social Action (COSA). I am particularly interested in Direct Practice because of its applicability in a school setting.

One of my short-term career goals is to secure a social work job in a school setting. A masters degree in social work will impart me with the requisite knowledge, advanced practice skills, and competencies indispensable in the job market thus making me more competitive. Therefore, this degree will open more employment opportunities. Furthermore, MSW will indirectly enable me to achieve my career goals by giving an excellent professional networking opportunity. Specifically, the chance to interact with students who have prior working experience or are currently working will open more doors for me since they may be informed about job opportunities in their organizations.

My special skill is relating to people and seeing the best in them. I believe my strong interpersonal skills will be crucial for the development and maintenance of trust between myself, other students, and faculty members. The ability to build close relationships with others will be critical to my academic success. My strength is never giving up. I derive my strength from my brother, Christian, who has been my greatest source of inspiration to me. I can vividly remember the time Christian lost every wrestling match. He was in 8th grade then. Despite having cerebral palsy, he never gave up in wrestling. When the league championship came, he won automatically because the competitor did not produce a heavyweight to wrestle him. One of my limitations is that I sometimes care too much. However, I believe that this limitation will come in handy in my future career in social work. This is because social work entails taking care of the disadvantaged in the society, which demands great attention and understanding of their situation or struggles.

I believe that my personal attributes will be vital in my development as a professional worker. I am proud of my strong communication skills. Effective social work demands excellent communication with all stakeholders (e.g. carers and other professionals). This will be helpful in building healthy relationships. I am an empathetic person and I believe that my ability to offer care, understanding, and empowerment to individuals in crisis and emotional distress will provide great comfort to my prospective clients. Additionally, I am objective. My objectiveness will be essential in making fair and informed decisions on behalf of my future clients. Furthermore, I am patient. Social work demands patience. Patience will be vital in reducing frustrations that come about as a result of encountering the difficult circumstances faced by the clients. This important attribute will also enable me to fully understand the challenges the clients go through and thus I will have a better chance of helping them.

My contemporary issue of concern is social media and bullying in school. Nowadays, bullying is conducted via Internet sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Increased accessibility to computers and the Internet in schools and homes have aggravated the problem of cyberbullying, and thus the need to address the issue with utmost immediacy. For this reason, I believe that there is a need to understand if school climate can help alleviate the problem. I am a strong advocate of a positive school climate; where students, teachers, and administrators are at liberty to interact with one another out of mutual respect. Additionally, I believe that all school members should be actively involved in setting parameters of acceptable behavior in school. If these measures are enacted, the quality of life of all school members will be immensely enhanced. Specifically, a positive climate can have a positive impact on students’ behavior. Such environments are likely to discourage peer-on-peer bullying and thus enhance students’ safety.

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Social Work. (2018, Feb 05). Retrieved from

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