Free Essay on Zero-policy Ethics Policy

Published: 2019-09-10
Free Essay on Zero-policy Ethics Policy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics Organizational behavior
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1274 words
11 min read

The Zero-policy of ethics is an organisational policy regarding ethical conduct in which there is no tolerance for non-ethical behaviours. All the affiliated members of the organisation are expected to abide by the accepted code of conduct; there is no provision of behaviours or rather for practises that fall out of the agreed and written down rules (Bibles and store, 2013). Typically, there are consequences that one is likely to face if he or she goes against the accepted code of conduct of the particular organisation that is implementing the zero-tolerance policy. By adopting this policy, institutions usually recede from the practice of having ethical problem-solving exercises or decision making; they now depend on disciplinary actions and the fear of the said disciplinary measures to guide employees conduct (Johnson, 2013).

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In achieving the zero-tolerance ethical policy at the workplace, various factors have to be considered; these factors are regarded as elements that facilitate the policy. Most notable of these features include; integrity, this involves ethical soundness, wholeness, and consistency. As per this element, all units and organisational levels share a commitment to high moral standards, this unity in commitment should be backed up by their ethical talk with their good work. Moreover, integrity increases the level of trust in individuals at the workplace. The second element to be considered is trust; it is vital as it improves the relationship between various individuals at the workplace (Hair,, 2015). Social responsiveness is another essential aspect of zero tolerance ethics policy; this is because it is difficult for an individual to act badly to a person whom they are socially ok with. This is the element that is absent at Siemens global and is as a result of less interaction between employees and also due to the limited communications channels that exist between them.

Siemens battle against corruption

Siemens Global has had a business culture that focusses a lot on the sustainability and growth of the organisation both in regional and international markets. The firm believed that an enabling business environment could only be achieved by a company if it had good and proper entrepreneurial culture. Their culture should involve upholding of responsibilities by the firm which will ensure that it fights corruption and bribery. According to the leadership team at Siemens global, subsiding the cost of fundamental factors for human survival and other necessities is useless if there is corruption in the target regions, this is because corruption makes people selfish and consider their needs ahead of those of others or community needs. Therefore, the subsidised funds will just be stolen by a few individuals and wont benefit the larger targeted population.

Siemens Global has previously been involved in corruption cases especially those relating to bribery; this saw the company lose about $1.6 billion through a legal settlement of dues that had accrued as a result of bribery cases (Floyd, Atkins, and Caldwell, 2013). This coupled with the companys now firm stand against corruption has seen the business enact several means of comparcting corruption. The techniques used have included; replacing the businesss management and executive team, this is because it is the management that allowed the corruption issues to happen under its watch. The firm has settled all financial claims against it as a result of bribery case, this has allowed it to begin on a new front without any corruption issues hanging in its closest. The latter ant-corruption technique being pursued by Siemens Global is helping its employees to adapt to a new culture that does not condone corruption, for instance, the firm has been helping the employees who come out to report fraud cases by giving them legal assistances. Moreover, they are not sacked as the companys employees.

Even though the firm has achieved significant beneficial results from these initiatives, Siemens global remains wary of corruption issues; this is because of the firmness the vice had taken in the company (Chen, 2013). To further alleviate this ethical problem of corruption, the firm can adopt other means such as improved worker and employee monitoring at the enterprise, this could be achieved through evaluating and assessment of each persons business documents. The supervision for both outhouse and in-house activities has to improve and be able to cater to the needs of the increased number of employees whose records have to be assessed. The firm also can implement techniques that will increase employer and employee understanding of corruption and its effect on the company, this will be useful if each person is made to understand that corruption will not hurt other people alone, but it will hurt everyone including the firm, the active participants to the vice, and the passive participants. Proper adoption if these techniques together with the current means through which the war against corruption is being fought by the company will significantly reduce and probably eliminate corruption from the enterprise.Compliance at Siemens

Indeed, Siemens is suffering from various compliance issues. These are factors that came about as a result of the companys earlier operations, the historical operations are now having a toll on the firms progress (Moutinho, 2016). The events began in the ear 2006 after being sparked by German authorities who got wind of the bribery scandals being covered up by the companys management. The raid brought to light various corruption cases by the company officials. These cases continue to affect the firm up to today and form the base upon which Siemens global compliance issues are based. Despite these challenges, Siemens as a global company need to move forward. The firm cannot allow the past actions derail its operations, therefore. There is a need to find means through which compliance issues will be sorted out to allow for the creation of an enabling and positive ethical climate.

Siemens global can do this by continuing with the techniques currently being implemented in dealing with the earlier corruption cases. This is because the fight against corruption goes a long way in stressing the companys stand on unethical practices. The actions then make everyone know that the company does not in any way entertain unethical behaviours and is doing everything possible to ensure that all activities carried out by the business are right in both the clients, the publics, and the stakeholders points of view(Johnson,2013). Moreover, enhanced activities which are aimed at changing the employees culture will also cause a shift in ethical behaviours from the traditional ones that was associated with corruption to a new one that will be more ethical. Lastly, encouraging practises that lead to positive social responsiveness will substantially contribute to the establishment of an active and healthy ethical environment.

In conclusion, ethics is important in ensuring smooth day to day operation of a company. It enhances employees relationship with each other and their employers. However, organisations need to be careful in management and ensuring that ethical behaviours at the workplaces remain positive, this is because there are chances that unethical relationships can occur at a firm and cause retardation in its growth as was the case with Siemen global after being involved in various corruption allegations.


Bibles, F., & Store, C. B. (2013). King James Version.

Chen, L. F. (2013). Denis Collins: Essentials of Business EthicsCreating an Organization of High Integrity and Superior Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(3), 557-559.

Floyd, L. A., Xu, F., Atkins, R., & Caldwell, C. (2013). Ethical outcomes and business ethics: Toward improving business ethics education. Journal of Business Ethics, 117(4), 753-776.

Hair Jr, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., Samouel, P., & Page, M. J. (2015). Essentials of business research methods. Routledge.

Johnson, C. E. (2013). Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: Casting light or shadow. Sage Publications.

Moutinho, L. (2016). 18: Siemens (Germany).

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