Admission Essay Describing My Research Interests

Published: 2019-12-09
Admission Essay Describing My Research Interests
Essay type:  Admission essays
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management Admission help
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 670 words
6 min read

Leadership is a core skill that any individual in a managerial position should possess. It is imperative to acknowledge that leadership can either be learned or in some cases, it can be innate. Leadership is the ability to motivate a group of individuals or a team towards the achievement of a common pre-set goal (Ingram, 2009). Leadership is very critical to management and in todays business world. Lack of leadership skills in the individual vested with the authority to execute a given role or lead a team leads to failure. It is important that any individual with the ambition to pursue the running of a business should possess great leadership skills for easier management of the team. Leaders inspire change and initiate a shared vision that if well executed, leads to fruition and success of the venture. Leadership is critical in the fields of people management and the business world too (McCrimmon, 2010).

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Successful companies are always composed of a strong leader, a dedicated team, and resources at their disposal. A great leader should possess the ability to utilize the human capital and financial resources at their disposal to accelerate the team to achieve their planned goals. Leadership is highly critical in management; the organization of moving parts of the organization requires confidence, belief in the team, innovativeness and proper decision-making skills (Stumpf, 2016). People look at their leaders for inspiration, innovativeness and change management in the field of management and business. Leaders, in turn, should inspire people towards achievement, creativity and giving people a future outlook that can be shared among the team members.

Leadership entails model leadership through modeling of values, actions, and behaviors necessary to enunciate their control and management practices. Leaders have the ability to create and espouse policies that can be taken up by their subordinates and passed down to the lowly ranked employee. To be a leader, one should be able to motivate people to work and think beyond their perceived abilities. They inspire success that is yet unfathomable by most of the members of staff within the organization.

Managers are not necessarily leaders, but leaders can be mangers. The only difference between a leader and a manager is the personal conceptions that they hold deep in their psyches, that is, of order and chaos (Tracy, 2016). Management requires the embracing of the process, seek stability and control since managers go into solving problems quickly sometimes without acknowledging the overall impact of the problem. Leaders on the other end thrive in chaos and disorder; they are able to wobble through the challenge until they understand what the cause of the problem is. Through the use of the power vested in a leader, he/she is able to influence thought and actions of people whether in adversity or success (Zaleznik, 2004).

The business world is highly turbulent and in this highly unpredictable world, a strong leader is required to be the captain of business. Leaders are the kind of people required to give the management direction of where the business should be, what the best possible solutions to their problems are and he/she always reminds the team of their long-term vision. In any case, leadership entails moving people out of their comfort zones; it is all about inspiring and leading people, and this is a core requirement if one has to sail through management and the business world.


Ingram, D. (2009). The Importance of Leadership in Business. Retrieved 2 November 2016, from

McCrimmon, M. (2010). A NEW ROLE FOR MANAGEMENT IN TODAYaS POST-INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION a. Retrieved 2 November 2016, from

Stumpf, M. (2016). 21st Century Leadership: Redefining Management Education: Educating Managers in the Modern Era. strategy+business. Retrieved 2 November 2016, from

Tracy, B. (2016). Management Skills- What Makes a Good Leader, Leadership Qualities. Retrieved 2 November 2016, from

Zaleznik, A. (2004). Managers and Leaders:A Are They Different?. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 2 November 2016, from

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