Essay Sample on Adopting Renewable Energy Sources

Published: 2023-11-12
Essay Sample on Adopting Renewable Energy Sources
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Energy
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1787 words
15 min read

In Kenya, the solar plants have been created, and they are being used to offer a significant portion of its energy and raising the electricity generation. The move has enabled the nation to meet the rising demand for electricity and reduce cases of blackouts that have engulfed the state over the years. The geothermal power sources have reduced the over-reliance on other elements such as coal burning and oil consumption that trigger a wide range of pollution in the country. Elavarasan et al. [1838] note that cutting down of trees has reduced, and this has ensured that there are improvements in measures that are seeking to conserve the environment. According to the article “Renewable energies sources in Africa,” the Photovoltaic Geographical Information System is a tool that stands to provide the country will massive energy for its various uses rather than relying on the materials that pollute the environment. Monforti [4] notes that the nation has been working on widening the electrical installation, and this is a move that is reducing its dependency on the trees. Wind farms are on the rise, and according to the article, in 2010, it was found that the country could produce 300 megawatts from wind.

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Liu et al. [530] state that China is one of the most populous states in the world, and the demand for energy is high. Due to the devastating effects of the energy sources that are polluting the world, there is a great need to have renewable sources to meet the huge demand. According to “Renewable energy cooperation in Northeast Asia: Incentives, mechanism, and challenges,” a rise in economic growth have led to the demand for electricity to rise in the country. Xiangchengzhen, Meng, and Serafettin Yilmaz [5] state that the domestic supply is not in a position to meet the local demand, and this has led to the government scrutinizing its energy policy. The country is considered to be poor on matters regarding natural gas and oil, but it has a massive wealth of natural resources. It has a significant solar energy potential, hydro, and wind energy, and it can produce 54.5 Gigawatts of power. However, the nation has not instituted the right measures to ensure that the energy is exploited optimally. Delorit et al. [13] note that climate change is causing havoc around the world, and there is a need to ensure that countries like China are utilizing their resources in the right way to ensure that green energy becomes the major source of power. Khatera [435] states that cases of persistent drought and flooding will become manageable with a detailed focus being placed on the conservation of the environment and saving human life. The Paris Climate Agreement was signed in 2015, and China was one of the nations that played a role in supporting the implementation of the guidelines that were highlighted in this convention. According to Chebotareva et al. [4], it is a move that showed that the nation was willing to take all measures that would ensure that green energy was fully utilized to minimize the environmental destruction and the amount of carbon emissions in the world.

Yang et al. [84] claims that China is one of the countries in the world that has installed the largest hydroelectric and wind power, biogas installation, and solar heating, and this is supported by the fact that the country is the largest consumer of electricity around the world. Askari, Baniasad, and Ameri [48] notes that the nation was involved in the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) in 2013 in a move that was geared toward ensuring that the nation increased its generation of the green energy. The move is providing the country with favourable returns. Jin et al. [6] notes that it has become a major exporter of renewable technology, and its huge financial capability is making the nation is a major player in renewable energy production. Ahmad et al. [5] notes that the huge interest in the sector is making the country to reduce the carbon emission to the atmosphere and ensure that there is massive environmental conservation.

Hossain, Mohammad, Hossain, and Uddin [45] states that Bangladesh is another country in the world that is working on lowering emissions to the atmosphere by reverting to the use of renewable energy sources. Based on the details raised in the article " “Renewable energy: Prospects and trends in Bangladesh,” the country is still developing, and the electricity distribution is yet to reach the desired levels. However, it is promising to note that the nation has been investing in solar photovoltaic, and the solar home systems are being recommended for use in rural areas. Solar power is one of the energy sources that are significantly changing the way that power is used in Bangladesh, and there is a possibility that in the coming years, there will be a reduction in relying on oil and coal for energy, for they usually cause massive pollution to the environment. Al-Ghandoor [35] claims that there is a huge demand for solar energy in the country, and utilizing the available resources optimally will ensure that the country will manage to meet the demand in the market. According to the authorities, the country is working on campaigns that will ensure that the cost of producing energy is reduced by lowering the expenses involved in the installation of the solar energy systems. Therefore, reducing these expenses and raising the efficiency levels will ensure that there is a reduction in the carbon emission, and the environment is conserved. Choudhary et al. [5] state that issues of global warming will be effectively managed to lead to the reduction in the cases of flooding and persistent drought.

The desire to ensure that Bangladesh becomes reliant on green energy has led to the development of the programs that support subsidiary regimes. According to the “Economics of energy subsidy reforms in Bangladesh,” The nation is working on removing energy subsidies to ensure that it has an efficient way of managing the sector. Timilsina, Govinda R., and Sheoli Pargal [6] notes that the existence of the reforms leading to inefficiency in the usage of the available resources is leading to rising environmental costs. The low-income households in Bangladesh are the ones that are targeted, and they are required to benefit from the reform subsidiaries, but this is not what happens. Costa-Campi et al. [6] notes that a significant share of the benefits tends to accrue to high-income households. Therefore, improving the efficiency in the provision of renewable energy in the country calls for the removal of subsidies that tend to benefit the persons that are performing well financially, failing to realize the desired effect.

In the United Kingdom, the use of renewable energy has been on the rise, and the move has ensured that the region is managing to reduce environmental pollution. Jillian [2] claims that the region has been reducing the reliance on fossil fuels, and it has reverted to renewable biomass, British wind farms, and solar panels to generate power. The improvement in the use of the zero-carbon electricity is managing to reduce the reliance on coal-fired power and gas usage. Britain has banned the usage of the coals materials with a deadline of 2025 being proposed, and various plants have been closing down businesses to ensure that they are compliant with the rules set by the government. The West Burton A, Kilroot, and Ratcliffe-on-Soar plants are some of the plants that are expected to remain operational in the next few years though they are still expected to meet the deadline of 2025, failure to which they will have to face the full force of the law. It is an indication that the region is working on ensuring that changes are made that will ensure that the energy production realizes the desired outcome that incorporates a reduction in the carbon emission and conservation of the environment. Rizzi et al. [660] notes that the region has been reducing the amount of emissions by around 40%, and the economy has been growing by more than two-thirds since the 1990s. Brennand [83] notes that in the world, there have been calls to ensure that there is environmental conservation, and there are reduced cases of carbon emissions for these are the moves that will ensure that the world is secure and all the facilities are working in the right way. Romo-Fernández et al. [502] states that cases of flooding and persistent drought will be minimized, and people will not be suffering from respiratory diseases that emanated from breathing polluted air. Like other parts of the world, such as Kenya, China, and Bangladesh, a lot of resources have been diverted by the United Kingdom government towards renewable energy, for this is the direction that the world is moving. Harrison, Conor, and Popke [168] notes that the world has found that increasing pollution levels is highly likely to trigger cases of skin disease that results from the destruction of the ozone layers. It is critical to note that the main desire to invest in renewable energy is to ensure that governments are reducing the costs of generating electricity. Additionally, the pollution in the world is causing many problems, and the environmental groups in the world are advocating for changes to be made that will ensure that the wold is clean, and there is less pollution.

In conclusion, the reliance on energy sources, such as coal has led to increased cases of environmental destruction and global warming causing, havoc in the world. These issue has led to the environmental bodies in the world, advocating for the various states to adopt measures that will ensure that they manage to meet the rising demand for energy while remaining environmentally sensitive. The calls have led to the adoption of programs that have led to increased investment in the renewable energy sector. Countries like Kenya, the United Kingdom, China, and Bangladesh are at the forefront advocating for the conservation of the environment. These nations have heavily invested in renewable energy with much of the consideration being made towards making sue of wind, solar, water and geothermal sources as their main sources of energy, and the move has paid dividends.


[1]A.Jillian.” Renewable electricity overtakes fossil fuels in UK for first time.” The Guardian.

[2] Ahmad, Fayyaz, M. Draz, I.Ozturk, L. Su, and A. Rauf. "Looking for asymmetries and nonlinearities: The nexus between renewable energy and environmental degradation in the Northwestern provinces of China." Journal of Cleaner Production (2020): 121714.

[3] Al-Ghandoor, Ahmet. "An approach to energy savings and improved environmental impact through restructuring Jordan's transport sector." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18 (2013): 31-42.

[4] Alizada, Khatera. "Rethinking the diffusion of renewable energy policies: a global assessment of feed-in tariffs and renewable portfolio standards."

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