Free Essay Example - Adult Abuse

Published: 2023-10-15
Free Essay Example - Adult Abuse
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Violence Abuse Child abuse Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 657 words
6 min read

The case of the woman who called the police on his husband is an excellent example of adult abuse. The shock in the woman's face when the officer arrived, screaming and covering her face, portrayed a dangerous level of abuse. Indicators and red flags of abuse were all over the woman, who looked very bartered. Her face was still badly bruised and full of blood as she screamed, trying to cover her face (Meyer, 1989). Physical abuse had traumatized her and thought everyone was an attacker, even the officer who had just rescued her.

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One of the most effective ways of preventing cases like this from happening is community sensitization and education. Women around the world must be educated on better ways of reporting any type of abuse to prevent disagreements from escalating to more severe and fatal abuse. If necessary, policies are implemented, and mass education for women is done correctly, domestic adult disagreements will be solved early, and avoid unnecessary escalations later (Crowther-Dowey et al., 2016). If nothing is done, women will continue to be abused by other adults in households. Furthermore, those experiencing abuse at this minute will not have the courage to come out as well.

Child Abuse

Another form of domestic abuse/violence is child abuse. In the story 'The Massacre' by Max Meyer, a perfect example of child abuse is portrayed. Two young girls, two years apart, lied helplessly, faces shocked and pale when an officer entered their house (Meyer, 1989). They had bullets wounds on their chests, a clear indication of severe abuse to children. The red flags and indicators of abuse to these young girls were their shocked faces and the cries they made. Their father had shot them right in the chest without any concrete reason.

Such incidents can be prevented from happening if the responsible bodies must focus on tackling the problem from the root rather than the head. Bodies should focus on educating parents and supporting them to promote positive parenting and come up with ideal policies to minimize corporal punishment by parents (Crowther-Dowey et al., 2016). Proper mass education on positive parenting will drastically minimize cases like this from happening, or instead, stop them before happening. A considerable number of innocent lives can be saved if proper policies are developed. The number of such massacres will only increase if proper family-friendly policies are done implemented.

Partner Abuse

From 'The Massacre' by Max Meyer, a perfect example of partner abuse is highlighted. Before meeting her untimely death, the woman had been spotted at the local police department front desk, a few moments after a domestic disagreement earlier that evening (Meyer, 1989). She even requested an escort from law enforcement, which means she feared for her life. A clear indicator of severe abuse from her partner is seen when she decides to report her partner to the police. This indicates that the abuse had gone too far, which prompted her to resort to law. Her request from police escort indicated the level of violence the woman had experienced.

Such kind of massacre is performed by men who are either mentally ill or under the influence of something, alcohol, or other hard drugs. Proper childhood upbringing of boys, where they are taught the ideal ways of controlling and managing anger and stress, would gradually reduce such incidents (Crowther-Dowey et al., 2016). Not all parents are ready for their kids, and thus, the majority lack the knowhow of raising a child. Responsible bodies can minimize this through proper parenting education, especially to the young and troubled mothers. Failure to take action will result in a rise in such cases, especially now that mental health is an issue among the youth.


Crowther-Dowey, C., Gillespie, T., & Hopkins, K. (2016). Building healthy relationships for young people and the prevention of domestic abuse. In Domestic Violence (pp. 155-179). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Meyer, M. (1989). Blaze of Glory.

file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/IPV%201%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Meyer%20UL%20The%20Massacre.pdfMeyer, M. (1989). The Massacre.


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