Affective Events Theory - Free Essay on Organizational Behavior

Published: 2019-10-07
Affective Events Theory - Free Essay on Organizational Behavior
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Organizational behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 576 words
5 min read

Affective events theory is a theory that begins by recognizing that the emotions of individuals are a response to an event in the individual work environment. In this instance, the work environment consists of everything that surrounds the job-the characteristics of the job may include the variety of tasks, the requirements for expressing emotional labor and the job demands (Robbins and Judge, 2015). Additionally, the environment creates work events that may include uplifts, hassles or both. Work events may trigger negative or positive emotional reactions. However, the events reaction relationship is moderated by the employee mood and personality. Through the affective events theory, one can understand that emotions offer a valuable insight into the comprehension of the employee behavior. Additionally, it is vital to comprehend that the emotions in the organization and the events that are responsible for causing the emotions should not be ignored. The past and the current emotions can affect the job satisfaction of individuals. The emotional fluctuations that employees may undergo over time can create variations in their job performance. This is because both the positive and the negative emotions can distract the employees and may even reduce their job performance.

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Emotional intelligence affects how individuals manage behavior, make personal decisions, and navigate social complexities. Emotional intelligence can be used to communicate well with others, and solve problems. With humor, emotional intelligence can be used to comprehend that the employees with a good personality may be fun. One, however, has to be careful in that this does not necessarily equate to success in the job environment. A manager has to be able to keep their composure even when they are in situations that are stressful in that this creates a positive work environment (Robbins and Judge, 2015). Empathy can be used to place themselves in the position of their employees.

One can change the job characteristics, and the job demands to be in a position to improve the job performance and satisfaction in various ways. One of the ways is to ensure that as a manager, there is a proper communication channel with the employees. This way, the manager can be able to receive all the complaints and comments from customers. This enables the manager to work on the areas that may have some problems. The second method to improve job satisfaction is to engage in different activities with the employees. This ensures that the employees comprehend that the manager is not part of another project and is fully invested in the current project. Managers can also make training fun. This ensures that the employees feel, as they are part of the job and interested. The manager should also ensure that they find the different likes and dislikes of their respective employees. The manager then focuses on reducing the dislikes and increasing the likes of the employees. The manager may also keep a motivational work environment to the employees. This enhances their job satisfaction and their performance as well.

The other characteristics that the manager may change may include making sure that the employees are given a productive day which ensures that the employees are more committed on the specific days. Additionally, the managers may provide education while on the job which makes the employee get new ideas and thereby become more innovative. When employees are assigned specific tasks, they are able to get a sense of ownership of particular tasks.


Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. (2015). Organizational behavior. Boston: Pearson.

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