Essay Sample Dedicated to Ambient Intelligence and Interior Design for Kids

Published: 2022-09-09
Essay Sample Dedicated to Ambient Intelligence and Interior Design for Kids
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Intelligence Design
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1247 words
11 min read

Ambient Intelligence offers options to underwrite to more personal care. The core of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) centers on users. The model necessitates an artificial intelligence (AI) framework that can robotically and precisely monitor people and their collaborations with the environment. Environments that are integrated with intelligent systems and sensors have properties like; awareness of the presence of individuals, recognition of activities; recognition of the individual's identities; and adaptation to transforming needs of individuals. The paper focuses on the environmental impacts of the choice of the store compared to the product offered in the kid's sector, considering the evolution of physical retail and their transformation. The convergence of multiple computing areas that Ambient Intelligence entails emphasize on improving kids retail. The paper also reviews how the perception of space and the purchase experience change as well as how it is possible to stimulate new functions inside stores, in a kids-centered design vision.

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According to Fishbach et al (2011, p.39), there is an increasing concentration in improving store setting as dealers are going the extra mile in making the customer experience a vital indicator. An outlet's setting impacts the volume of acquisition, time, money, outlet fondness, evaluation, and quality of merchandise. Store environment is associated with the various facets of shopper conduct. For example, music impacts time and money spent completely and lighting impacts the handling (touching and feeling items) and the buying of products confidently. It is notable that kids prefer stores that have colorful lighting. Studies have revealed that store environment propels preference and spending of time and money in an outlet. Baker et al (2002, p.124) illustrate that different aspect of the store setting impact store support. Ambience, store design, and sales staffs may also impact inadvertent purchase. As the environment becomes a larger priority in a competitive market, retailer's stand on sustainability must be clearer to the customer.

According to Baker et al (2002, p.134), store environment has a mixture of several basic variables such as scent, music, lighting, sales staff and layout that is in a composite style. Diversity seeking is treated as the propensity of a person to pursue variety or adjustment in selections with time, for procurements made within the product class. In kid's store interior design, most of the products are expected to be appealing. Most of the stores designed for kids have a wide range of plastic materials. However, it is the duty of the retailers to make plastic reduction plans in an effort to show consumers their concern for the environment. Retailers should focus on using recyclable plastic packaging. Although the retail industry's effect on the environment extends beyond the use of plastic in interior design for kids, there is an increased awareness from consumers considering environmental effects. Use of colorful designs for kids comes with some environmental hazards. Some of the structures built to appeal to the kids are made of plastic and sometimes break down causing environmental impact. Additionally, most products that are appealing to the kids are made of plastic.

The one key psychological influence that all retailers can and do-make use of is color. Color can be everything to a prosperous store if the palettes work well across the whole store and supplement other components like product displays and lighting. The issue is not about creating a coherence and beautiful store. In creating a good customer experience, color is very essential. In children design, color associations form the basis of customer experience. Kids are known to respond positively to bright primary colors. Those primary colors are most prevalent in toys, clothes and kid's books and the color schemes of the most effective kid's retailers. Studies note that shoppers especially kids react emotionally and psychologically to music. These reactions happen mainly at a subliminal level. A song is a crucial, constant and collective variable that impacts attitude (Bosse et al, 2008, p.102). In stores where cool music is played, kids tend to have a good customer experience. Positive experience occurs if the outlet is easy for customers to find the item they want to buy, when the design of the outlet appears rational and when there are adequate symbols in the outlet. The design makes the shopping enticing and generates positive influence.

One concept in ensuring that the stores have a kids-centered design is coloring the window displays. Window displays are expected to be environmentally friendly and ensure that they do not affect the ecology in any way. For instance, in a bike store for children, the retailer may desire to display cutouts of a group of kids on bikes, with their parents quickly walking beside them. A picture of pets would also provide a wonderful customer experience. There are numerous tricks that retailers can play to impact buying decisions like 'chevroning' and being conscious of the outlet space's alteration sector. There are adequate statistics and acumens on buyer purchasing behavior, all of which is crucial but eventually treats the customers to a wonderful experience. The kid's stores should be designed to generate diverse feelings and emotions (Alahuhta & Heinonen, 2016, p.1). Fluffy clouds, temperature changes, ambient sound, and insightful exteriors are added up to generate an event-like experience for kids. This may be the reason why stores with interior kids design sell a lot of products and remain relevant.

The kid's interior design with Ambient Intelligence should be obstructive, not entailing a steep learning curve. Most kid's stores focus on user-friendly design principles in their products. The AmI setting provides an environment that is suitable for the kids. AmI is also expected to work reliably, within the constraints of the state-of-the-art technologies. Elements like capacity, accuracy and fail-safe measures for all the software and hardware components are usually taken into consideration in stores that aim to provide a positive customer experience (Trotter, 2016, p.87).

Conclusively, Ambient Intelligence software based on human comprehension can lead to more insightful activities and will feel more normal for people. Store environment entails ambient like lighting, scent, and music as well as design in form of layout and assortment. Store environment also entails social factors like availability and effectiveness of sales staff. Layout entails the way in which products, aisles, and spending are organized, the magnitude and outline of products as well as the spatial links among them. The design also entails space configuration and provision, arrangements and assignments of the merchandises. Product variety in the stores entails the offerings of the retailer, mirroring the scope and complexity of product lines. Environmental aspects influence the stores on a large scale especially when it involves interior design targeting kids. Music, light, scent, layout, and color are very important in stores. Additionally, product assortment is also important in kid's store interior design.


Alahuhta, P. and Heinonen, S., 2003. Ambient intelligence in everyday life: housing. VTT Building and Transport: Espoo, Finland.

Baker, J., Parasuraman, A., Grewal, D., Voss, G.B., 2002.The influence of multiple store environment cues on perceived merchandise value and patronage intentions. Journal of Marketing. 66 (2), 120-14

Bosse T., Castelfranchi C., Neerincx M., Sadri F., Treur J. 2008. First International Workshop on Human Aspects in Ambient Intelligence: Preface. In: Muhlhauser M., Ferscha A., Aitenbichler E. (eds) Constructing Ambient Intelligence. AmI 2007. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 11. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Fishbach, A., Ratner, R.K., Zhang, Y., 2011. Inherently loyal or easily bored? Nonconscious activation of consistency versus variety-seeking behavior". Journal of Consumer Psychology. 21, 38-48.

Trotter, C. 2016. How to use retail design to impact customer experience and increase sales. Retrieved from: on date 12/10/2018

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