American Sign Language Essay Sample

Published: 2019-10-28
American Sign Language Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Languages
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1655 words
14 min read

American Sign Language refers to a visual language. Incorporated with signing, the brain developments linguistic material through the eyes. The placement of shape, hands movement, together with facial expressions and body gestures, that play significant parts in relaying information. American Sign Language entails unique rules of syntax and grammar, it is a living language that grows and modifies over time, (Duke, 2009). This paper stipulates recommended procedures in book selection for ASL users and tutors beside analyzing critiques related to the current ASL instruction and supplying advice on proper ASL program administration.

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Question 5.

Explain how you decide to choose your main textbook or curriculum. Include the factors or criteria you use for selecting a particular textbook for American Sign Language.

Sign language has been existent in the United States since colonial era that began to standardize and spread across the school networks for the deaf established in the entire United States. Students undertaking ASL classrooms face a lot of challenges, both linguistic and cultural differences. ASL instructions appear in the target language. This may frustrate initial learners fixed with common misconception that it is possible to sign ASL and be able to speak English simultaneously, (Duke, 2010). For fluency in SL to be achieved, children need to engage hands, face, eyes and body.

A significant component of studying ASL is the process of communication spatially. ASL grammar is conveyed via particular markers produced on the face like tilting the head and use of eyebrows. Additionally students need to use mouth movements to provide adverbial information which concurs with and modifies the meaning of signs produced by the use of hands. Various factors have to be considered while selecting the appropriate textbooks for ASL students.

For one do learn a specific language, proper understanding is required and appreciation for the culture of the people who use the ASL language in daily maneuvers. This entails exposure to the standard cultural beliefs, practices and values of deaf people. The standards for learning ASL has become imperative due to technological advancement. The standards set for learning ASL is meant for tutors and administrators of American Sign Language in K-16 educational settings, (Fant, & Miller, 2008). They reflect the framework of communicative modes that were established by ACTFL that incorporate the goals of the 5 Cs factors of foreign language instruction that a complementary textbook for ASL students and administrators course should entail. Such include, communication, cultures, comparisons, connections, and communities.

Communication in American Sign Language

Students employ American Sign Language to engage in conversations to provide information, express emotions and feelings, and exchange opinions. This emphasizes the significance of interpersonal communication where cultural and linguistic elements are required for face-to-face communication. The principal objective of ASL study for both heritage and new learners is to develop the ASL and culture skills to effectively communicate and interact with native users. Here students have to distinguish between differences and similarities by use of gestures in hand-shapes signs, dramatize the basic non-manual signals which correspond to feelings and emotions.

Gaining knowledge and comprehension of American Deaf Culture

Students need demonstrate keen understanding of the interrelation between the perspectives and practices of American deaf culture. Students should participate in and reflect the cultural norms present in their birth community. The deaf Americans also express specific cultural norms, formative experiences and behaviors distinct to those approaching the world from a visual perspective and use ASL, (Liddell, 2002). Students have to observe and employ age-appropriate manners of expressing farewells and greetings, they practice attention-capturing strategies and participate in age-appropriate cultural functions.

Connecting with extra disciplines and obtain information Practice of American Sign Language

Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through American Sign Language where they acquire information and be able to recognize the distinctive viewpoints which are made available through ASL and deaf culture. These students interview other deaf people to acquire insight into social and cultural concerns.

Developing insights into the nature of language and philosophy.

Students should have the capability to demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of American Sign Language and their own languages. Students encounter a particular language designed for the hands and eyes (Liddell, 2002). Also these students need to demonstrate understanding of the nature of culture via distinguishing factors of American Sign Language to their own culture.

Application of American Sign Language to partake in communities, at home and in the entire world.

The students have to learn how to apply American Sign Language within the United States and beyond the school setting. They should indicate evidence of becoming long-life learners by using American Sign Language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Explain how you adapt your main curriculum or textbook by supplementing with materials from other sources. Include criteria you use for including these supplemental materials.

For the purposes of fulfilling the set educational goals and objectives of the learning system, the board endeavors to provide instructional resources that will supplement and upkeep the curriculum and improve student education. Instructional provisions should represent the rich diversity of the United States and suitable for the maturity levels and capabilities of the scholars. Instructional materials organize all materials, whether digital used in the instructional package. For determinations of this policy, instructional sources are separated into two categories: textbooks and other supplementary materials.


Supplementary constituents are instructional and education resources to complement, sustenance, enrich or outspread the curriculum (Nickens, 2008). Such materials comprise, for instance, particular materials designated to meet varied needs or speedily changing environments, archive materials, ordinal resources, the department systems mass media collection, schoolroom collections and tutor-selected resources for separate classes.

Objectives for Assortment of Additional Materials

The obtaining of materials must be proficient in accordance with law, comprising the First Amendment of the United States Constitution; panel educational objectives; board acquiring and bookkeeping policies; and recognized selection strategies, that include the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association (Penilla, & BarCharts, 2001). The purposes for the assortment of supplementary materials are;

a. To deliver a wide range of resources that will supplement and sustenance the curriculum, taking into attention the distinct needs and diverse interests, socio-economic circumstances, progressive levels and the learning styles of the students served;

b. To deliver materials that arouse growth in accurate knowledge, literary indebtedness, visual values and ethical morals.

c. To deliver a background of material which will permit students to understand their responsibilities as citizens in culture and make bright judgments in their daily endeavors.

Procedure and Criteria for Picking Supplementary Materials

The accountability for the assortment of supplementary resources is delegated to the specialized staff under the course of the administrator and shall be primarily made at the department level with the participation of institute media and technology review committee (Stokoe, Mitchell, Rose, Nelson, & Bauman, 2006). The commission shall be selected by the director and shall include instructors and instructional sustenance employees demonstrating various subject ranges and ranking levels, the collection media planner and the expertise facilitator. Scholars also need be convoluted when possible.

The assortment procedure used by the commission will include: a comprehensive evaluation of the current collection; complete assessment of the obtainable resource and syllabus requirements of the school; and proper reflection of individual instruction and scholarship polishes. In the process of synchronizing the assortment of resources, the board should use trustworthy, balanced selection implements and ought to organize, when conceivable, for immediate inspection of resources to be obtained (Taylor-Dileva, 2010). Once examining projected materials, the board should think through these factors:

A. The materials general purpose, enlightening significance and straight connection to instructional purposes and the program and to the benefits of the ASL students.

B. The materials consistency, counting the degree to which it is precise, authentic, imposing, up-to-date, impartial, and inclusive.

C. The materials methodological quality, counting the degree to which methodological components are pertinent to content and reliable with state-of-the-art competences.

D. The materials creative, fictional and physical superiority and arrangement, comprising its permanency, manageability, lucidity, appropriateness, adroitness, organization and desirability

E. The likely uses of the resource, including appropriateness for ASL students, in-depth study, remediation and enrichment.

Question 6: Scenario: A program administrator (who is not familiar with the area of ASL instruction) is considering offering ASL instruction in her college. She respects your opinion and asks you to comment on the course syllabus and sample lesson plan.

Within ASL as the language of the Deaf community and within the course description students should learn basic conversational skills and cultural behaviors. Conversational skills in the course description should be broken down into expressive and receptive skills. Culture should be provided for in the course description, (Chafin, & Grindstaff, 2009).

There are variations in the objectives offered for ASL students in separate institutions. From the syllabus, one should garner the curriculum attitude of each of the programs correlated with. Some of the objectives are;

Understand and express in interactions through electronic means.

Engage in relational conversations and share rudimentary information that relates to specific instructor-led joint topics.

Converse other disciplines and to associate Deaf culture with an individuals own.

Obtain information and perspectives of Deaf people over one-on-one dialogue.

Recognize the beliefs, standards, and approaches within Deaf culture.

Familiarize oneself with basic products connected to Deaf culture and acquired by Deaf people.

Explain dissimilarity between ASL program and English languages

Practice ASL to contact information regarding Deaf culture that will result to enduring learning experiences.

The course design and infrastructure should relate most with other language courses. Each of these programs has three years of linguistic courses: Beginning, transitional and advanced stages of ASL. The material covered in all of these courses has to adhere to the Signing Naturally series that also has a beginning, transitional and progressive textbook. The usage of the same textbook simplifies consensus on the language program.

There is a clear presence of a communique policy. Every syllabi is explicit in demonstrating policies that encompassed no voicing in lesson, Deaf space, and the prominence of generating an immersive atmos...

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