Essay Example: Background Information about the History of Media Psychology

Published: 2022-03-23
Essay Example: Background Information about the History of Media Psychology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Social media
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1789 words
15 min read

Media psychology deals with the relationship that exists between human behavior, media, and technology. It is as a result of the advancement in technology. The emergence of media psychology can be traced from the creation of "Psychology Div .46 in the American Psychological Association(APA) " (Fischoff, 2005 p. 45). It was an essential move in legitimizing media psychology and bringing together its goal and purpose. The initial priorities targeted to use media in disseminating information like hosting programs in the entertainment media. Research has expanded along the evolving media and technological advancement like the phone media technologies (Rutledge, 2012 p. 43). In 1993, an article in the" Div.46 circular" discussed the media and in 1996 the division established "Media and Technologies" committee that was later renamed "Telehealth and New Technologies" to include the healthcare and the quality of life aspects. The team has recently created other committees to increase understanding and promote best practices in the emerging technologies and ethical issues.

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In 2010, the Div 46 established a program "The impact of social media on self-representation and self-image" that featured the symposia on topics like consulting and training and social change through the technology in Australia and the United States. The trend continues to embrace technology along with the media. Using traditional and the social media, members, presented the advantageous effects of video games and the professional guide to using social media.

The agreement in 2013, had a program theme "Media psychology and Technology" that introduced innovative media such as the use of mobile apps together with programming. The panel had experts from the media literacy field and emerging technologies to assist the veterans and the military personnel. It was in 2012, nearly forty years since its inception that members decided to change the name of the media psychology division. The members of the division committee, officially reformed the name from the "media psychology division" to "the Society for media psychology and Technology" to embrace the diversity of the members and to honor the extensive impact to the media psychology.

Psychological Approaches Used In Media Psychology

The approaches are based on the perception, cognition, and humanistic aspects of the user in regards to their interaction with the surrounding. The theories are used as the backbone of the media psychology and guide the subject itself. The theories are:

Affective disposition theory (ADT)

Affective disposition theory concept is useful in the explanation and differentiation of the users' perspective on the various systems and forms of media content. There are four components that the theory uses which revolve around emotion. Firstly, the basis of media is formed on the individual's emotion and behavior towards others. Secondly, enjoyment and appreciation of individuals drive the media content. Thirdly, Individuals form either positive or negative feeling about others. Lastly, the conflict between individuals and their reactions towards the battles are essential for media advancement (Haynes and O'Brien, 2004)

Simulation theory (ST)

The theory stipulates that an individual does not exclude the external information that is around them, but rather the stimuli are reshaped to form simulation. Further, it explains as to why a user is in a position to create the experiences without using technology. Therefore, it outlines the importance of construction and internal processing.

Psychology theory of play

The argument uses a more general approach to the media entertainment concept. The playing activity exhibits steady results in the use of entertainment. The theory states that play as an actor has three aspects: It is highly attractive and intrinsically motivated, it suggests a change in perceived reality as players build a new fact while playing, and it is often repeated. Additionally, the theory forms its basis on how people use media for their gratification and how media varies within a person's life regarding its content. The play is self-contained and is arguably used for pleasure. People can relate to the surrounding which influences them either positively or negatively.

Application of Psychological Approaches

The psychology theories are fundamental in media psychology in the utilization of pictures and visuals in communication technology (Luskin, 2002). Moreover, the psychologists have appeared in the in print and electronic media as the psychologists produce products for the press. The psychological approaches apply to the advancement of the media psychology. Therefore, media psychology flows from the use of the strategies of psychology to Media.

Usefulness of the Psychological Approaches

The value of the psychological methods cannot be undermined. It provides a mechanism through which morality is engaged at different levels and affects the standards of morality in the various cultures worldwide. Furthermore, it influences the behavior through altering the pride. Additionally, it is a driver of the worldwide communication. In the current world, media psychology is a growing aspect of the social media and online education. Besides, the media psychology is increasing in entertainment and consulting. Media Psychology is essential in cinema especially to film analysis (Luskin, 2012). Media publishing in medical education makes use of the psychological approach.

Role of Media Psychologists

Media psychology is a broad field that focuses on how people produce, use and consume media. It used by nations to understand communication that is facilitated by technology. Different people interact in different ways, and media psychologist comes in to know how people communicate with media technologies and how this shapes society this includes media messaging, branding, visual design, research, perception, teaching, digital games among other current emerging issues in the community.

With the advance in technology, media psychologist helps society understand well the changes in the world as this specialist can explain to people to the best of their understanding. Everything started from the mind of a person some may lack an exact word to express their thought and make it fun for other individuals and a lesson to the nation and this is where media psychologist have to play a crucial role to ensure the message is communicated well. With increasing occurrence of changes in the forms of mass communication, the impact of media psychologist can't be ignored, and its impact in people's lives in areas such as violence, lifestyles, sex, and response to their audience. Media psychologist has played a part in influencing these areas in the media. They can perform activities such as consulting, production and marketing, films, design and news broadcasting in the real world, research on consumer motivations and behavior and how they react to the different message displayed on mass media (Sundar, 2015 p.277). Currently, media psychologist explore new media forms rising and legacy it has on society examples of internet, phone technology, television and how people can benefit from them

How Useful Psychology Could Be In Media

There are numerous advantages psychology has played in shaping the media it tries to understand the particular behavior of people with a deep understanding of media technologies. It looks at the whole system from the content formation, technology developer, consumer's response and the interactive process of people; this has broadened people understanding of changes evolving around them and how to best use these changes for their advantage.

Apart from the above, it has contributed to holding journalist and editors accountable in their field. The media psychologist has led to valuable and interesting work, when stories emerge of violence, drug abuse, sexual harassment, political instability, scam issues among others are vital areas media psychologist have dealt with and handled professionally for the welfare of the society. People are exposed to so many challenges and once addressed other members benefit example family violence, and breakage, when encountered, can be well-analyzed for families to learn lessons on how to deal with such cases when they emerge and to make productive decisions (Giles, 2002 p.301).

Another significant role is that it helps people adjust to technology changes. Media psychologist explains to slow learners the technology changes and how to apply them example the advance in cellular phones such that people can get news in their gadgets, some people may find it hard to understand how to use their phone to be updated (Dill-Shackleford, 2013 p 3). The media area cannot be fully defined since new changes happen now and then and so the media psychologist helps these people to learn at their pace and thoroughly understand the differences.

Strength of Psychology in Media

Media psychology one exciting line of research. The emerging issues in the world lenders more people to engage in this field, its broad perspective and large areas of research make media psychology an immense field that society needs.

Media psychology is on the front line of enhancing relationships and social communications. By understanding human behavior, media psychologist helps people to interact well and share common believes their differences are well stipulated, and this helps them know each other well (Brewer, 2011 p. 93). In most cases, people love to live in a peaceful environment, but the situations they pass through brings misunderstanding among them. With the help of media psychologist, it is possible to handle the conditions.

Media psychologist brings a better way of understanding the world. They play a crucial role in enhancing people's mind and explaining the widespread changes they are passing through, some members of society feel left out when they cannot comprehend and fully understand an issue the media psychologist helps people overcome self-denial and adapt to the changes. It is possible to bridge the gap between potential and actual accomplishment (Cheavens, Strunk and Goldstein 2012 p .700). The strength media psychology will make it remain relevant and more research will be carried out on how to advance it to meet people's needs and arising issues.

Weakness of Psychology in Media

There are consistent fights between the media psychologist and the politicians (Comstock and Scharrer, 2007 p. 12). When they expose the hidden secrets to people, they suffer from state threats, and this weakens this field. In most cases, their research is not measurable, and this makes it hard to prove its relevance. Media psychology field is passing through numerous challenges, for example, changing issues making it hard to understand these change as new once are expected, and this poses a challenge to media psychologists.

Contributions of Psychology to Media

Psychology has a primary role in the media and has immense contributions to it. Mass media is the form of communication that is passed in public. The information is delivered to the right receiver though at times it may not happen. Transmitters use psychological approaches to identify their target audience from the people using demographics (Heynes, 2004 p25). Additionally, psychology is useful in making the content more appealing to the recipients. Useful areas in media are integrated into the psychology theories like the advertising and entertainment. Media is essential in advertising as it forms a strategic process. The effectiveness of the strategic methods can be increased when marketers use psychology and target the most appropriate audience. Understanding the psychology of the consumers is essential in adve...

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