Essay Sample Behavioral Goals Setting

Published: 2022-11-10
Essay Sample Behavioral Goals Setting
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Organizational behavior Behavior change
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1235 words
11 min read

Behavioral goals isolate individual actions from outside influence since they focus on what an individual is doing. In the event of setting behavioral goals, it seeks significant commitment. However, in this paper, we set behavioral goals for Rad in consideration the radical behaviorist approach. In an account of the observations about Rad's desired behavior, there are numerous developments and changes that can be complementary to Rad as an instructor. Within the behavioral change approaches, they entail behaviorism, humanism, constructivism, and cognitivism. Rad needs to develop a definite interest in the things he does along with other self-involved ambitions. An attempt to enforce desired behavior can be best promoted through positive reinforcement since this approach seeks to deliver additional stimulus meant to encourage the desired behavior (Davis et al., 2015). With such varying principles of behaviors, positive reinforcement can be used along with other procedures especially by approaching the learning environment. The approach of learning environment seeks the application of various principles concerning a change in behavior model as involved in this about Rad.

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Appropriate Reinforcers

According to Keijzer (2005), radical behaviorism approach derives a strong emphasis on the environment as one of the significant causes of behavior as well as a focus on the operations involved in the modification of the desired behavior. Therefore, in the case of Rad, one can derive that the environment designs the radical behaviorism approach he holds among other operations surrounding him. As a reinforcer, individual understanding of the environment is critical especially in the event of setting behavioral goals and with the intention of acquiring the desired behavior. One of the primary reasons as to why I selected this reinforcer is because, when Rad is in a training environment comprising of behaviorist learners, there will be a need for reinforcement in expectation for rewarding as a result of achieving the desired outcome. Thus, this delivers a positive reinforcement to Rad ability to learn and work harder through his operations. The ability to provide an appropriate learning environment as well as assessment to maintain positive reinforcement assists in supporting that the involved individual acquires the necessary information required or achieved the desired behavior outcome.

In the course of measuring the significance of the assessment, they seek to ensure that once each task is accomplished, feedback is delivered with a necessity of positive reinforcement in the event of accomplishments. It also elaborates on the reason as to why I selected this reinforcer for Rad. In consideration to the environment, Rad's behavior can be changed through the utilization of operant conditioning and classical conditioning. Operant conditioning involves a learning process through which the strength of an individual's behavior is modified by punishment or reinforcement while on the other hand classical conditioning consists of learning by association (Keijzer, 2005). In operant conditioning, it could include an occurrence whereby, for example, in a classroom context, if there are individuals making noise in his class, Rad could react by punishing them. However, in classical conditioning, Rad would not punish the individuals but emphasize the importance of listening.

Procedure Selection for Changing Behavior

With the intention of achieving the desired behavior in Rad, there are various procedures that, as the instructor, I implemented. In consideration to the different behavioral approaches, (such as cognitive learning theory) Bloom's Taxonomy is evident in this theory which describes the hierarchical order in the cognitive process of learning (Davis et al., 2015). The process of learning entails creating, evaluating, analyzing, understanding, applying, and recalling. According to West (2005), in the event of any behavior changes, it seeks a process of different stages. These behavioral change stages include precontemplation, contemplation, determination, action, and Maintenance. Through this procedure, the first stage revolves around the occurrence that Rad either thought of needing to change a particular behavior or he has never thought of that. In the second stage (contemplation), it involves thinking about the need to change a behavior, which according to Rad he felt the need. Contemplation can last from a moment to an entire lifetime. In the third stage (Determination) one needs to prepare both physically and mentally for action which in the case of Rad involved his ability to weigh between options. Through the fourth stage (action) and the final stage (maintenance), they seek to start on the action to behavioral change while continuing with the necessary occurrence to maintain the behavioral change (West, 2005).

Moreover, the main reason for choosing these procedures revolves around the fact that in as much as the environment is involved in behavioral change, the individual drive is among the significant development. Rad is flexible to change, and according to his practice in the field, it is evident that he recognizes a need for behavioral change. Through this, it justifies the proceeding of the first stage in every procedure towards behavioral change thus elaborating on the reasons for choosing these procedures.

Implementation of Procedures and Recording of Results

Furthermore, Rad is open to receiving information regarding his bad habit which increases the likelihood of using educational interventions and reflecting on his feelings and thoughts. The occurrence signifies on the implementation of the procedures and recording of the results. Rad has committed to working on his behavioral change. Through the five stages of behavioral change by West (2005), (precontemplation, contemplation, determination, action, and Maintenance) Rad seems to take the necessary steps towards cessation. In most cases, one ends up skipping some of the stages which on the other hand delivers various challenges in the future. As for Rad at the implementation stage, he believes in his ability to change his behavior especially through the utilization of the different behavioral change procedures or techniques. The action stage relies on individual will power as they make an effort to change a behavior regardless of the costs. Correspondingly, in the observation of results, the methods included recording, report writing, and assessment. Since positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to measure results, it is made possible through assessments which are a form of evaluating progress. In another occurrence, report writing was meant to ensure that Rad was still motivated in the strive to change behavior.

Evaluation and Revision

In the assessment of the effectiveness of the desired behavioral change in Rad, it is essential to consider the acquired results after the implementation of the behavior change procedures. Through the evaluation, I established a cause-effect relationship concerning the changes evident in Rad's behaviors to a given extent of the set procedures. Also, I ensured the observation of the difference between any involved environment that Rad was present in the event of a behavioral change. Rad is acquiring new skills and can deal with situations differently. However, the major revisions I would consider in the program in future is the effectiveness of the five-stage behavioral change procedure. In as much as behavior change is necessary, it is critical to understand that, in one way or the other, an individual may face challenges and at times regress. Thus, it is imperative to understand that regression is standard and is still a sign of progress.


Davis, R., Campbell, R., Hildon, Z., Hobbs, L., & Michie, S. (2015). Theories of behavior and behavior change across the social and behavioral sciences: a scoping review. Health psychology review, 9(3), 323-344.

Keijzer, F. (2005). Theoretical behaviorism meets embodied cognition: Two theoretical analyses of behavior. Philosophical Psychology, 18(1), 123-143.

West, R. (2005). Time for a change: putting the Transtheoretical (Five Stages of Change) Model to rest. Addiction, 100(8), 1036-1039.

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