Essay Example: Being a Yellow and Becoming a Successful Leader

Published: 2023-08-01
Essay Example: Being a Yellow and Becoming a Successful Leader
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication skills Leadership development Developmental psychology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 624 words
6 min read

Organizations want the best person to become the leader. Personality traits help in identifying a great leader and separating him from others who would wish to be in leadership positions. Employees and employers can identify a great leader by observing how the individual interacts with others, to, create essential relationships that could lead to strong networks. Using the results of the assessment, which is yellow from week one, it is possible to become a great leader. Leadership is about the ability to influence, and yellow personalities have qualities that make it easy to influence others and make a change.

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Yellows are incredibly sociable. It is a quality that can be exploited to the benefit of a leadership role within an organization. A friendly yellow creates essential relationships that are directly beneficial to the organization and you as a person. Sociable personalities also tend to have the ability to persuade, which, as a leader, is essential (Freeman, 2011). It makes you have your way and influence change within the organization or without the organization. Leaders are defined by their ability to influence change, and friendly personalities who are persuasive tend to influence change effectively. A yellow has the gift of a good heart and makes it easy for people to follow, which would help in promoting leadership ability (Kaiser et al., 2015).

Leadership is about being honest with work colleagues and associates. Honesty is a virtue that is attractive to the majority, and Yellows have the advantage of being honest and showing it. You can take advantage of people being attracted to you being honest to influence them in different ways and get things done (Freeman, 2011). Yellows tend to give a higher priority to friendships. Using that yellow quality, it is possible to make people see you as an honest friend a person they can rely on whenever they need. Being trusted as a leader is essential, and it only happens when you value and maintain genuine friendships (Kaiser et al., 2015).

Leaders should not be easy to control, and yellows are not easy to manage. They are expected to give direction and be decisive, and hence a yellow personality can use this quality to show leadership abilities in decision making and being firm. Characters that are easy to control tend to be indecisive (Freeman, 2011). The yellow nature of not being easy to control, it possible to advance the leadership quality of decisiveness to the benefit of the organization and the people that you lead. Leadership is about fearlessly making decisions, and as a yellow; it is possible to use it in promoting decisive leadership quality (Kaiser et al., 2015).

The ability of a yellow to see it when a person has a plan to control is a good leadership quality. It is quality than can be used in negotiations and deal-making for the benefit of an organization by leaders (Freeman, 2011). Good leaders know what they want, and a yellow knows what he wants by not allowing people to manipulate him. To use this quality to become a leader one must be intentional about it and always go out of the way to read people’s minds and have a clear understanding of what they want (Kaiser et al., 2015).

Yellows can be said to have natural leadership traits. They have personality qualities that are good for leadership. If exploited, yellows tend to become highly influential leaders that can take their organizations and personal achievements to higher levels.


Freeman, V. (2011). EDUCATION LEADERSHIP: EXPLORING PERSONALITY STYLES: DISC" HIGH I" AND COLORS. Review of Higher Education & Self-Learning, 3(11).

Kaiser, R. B., LeBreton, J. M., & Hogan, J. (2015). The dark side of personality and extreme leader behavior. Applied Psychology, 64(1), 55-92.

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