Benefits of Online Class

Published: 2022-10-06
Benefits of Online Class
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  History Economics Medicine
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 678 words
6 min read

Research has established various challenges facing the traditional norm of learning, especially that of higher education. Among the problems, the higher education tuition programs, budget cuts, and source shortages are among the most severe issues. Approximately, three thousand students are currently enrolled in the full-online courses (Norman, 2016). Also, roughly six million students are have enrolled in part-time online courses as part of achieving their college or university certificates. Currently, online education proves to be one of the fundamental instruments towards, expanding the education system due to its advantages. Moreover, the approach has reduced the impact and effects of face-to-face evidence learning because of the following results (Akiyama, Teramoto & Kozono, 2008). Online education proves to play an essential role in the current society, for example, it has created room for the establishment of a variety of programs and education courses (Le, Joordens, Chrysostomou, & Grinnell, 2010). Additionally, it enhanced in the provision of lower total cost due to its structure and access. Next, promotes convenience and comfort while learning among others. The paper focuses on the advantages and importance of online education since it proves to embrace evolution and ease of access.

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Online education has advantages that surpass that of the traditional method of learning. As earlier indicated, the conventional form of education has numerous problems, for example to the accountability of pay vast sums of money to attend prestigious schools. Moreover, the busy schedule and budget cuts have made the traditional education system to fail; thus, promoting the idea and structure of high enrolment figures in online education systems (Carnevale, 2002). Next, the online education system supports the concept of evolution and creativity; therefore, promoting the elements of flexibility and establishment of new courses that take short durations to accomplish (Le, Joordens, Chrysostomou, & Grinnell, 2010). Such a system enhances the slogan of learning whatever a student is interested in and learns as per his/her convenience (Norman, 2016). The idea is to determine as per the student's comfort since he/she does not have to travel long distances to attend classes but can stream online and receive the information from either recorded video files captured of a lecture or stream online and real-time to obtain the information (Carnevale, 2002). Additionally, the system of online studying has brought forth an essential means of professionalism; thus, the idea of incorporating online degrees in a resume advances the candidates ideal approach of adapting and computer user skills.

To conclude, online education is an essential and up-to-date system that has opened the horizons of learning, especially advancing the higher education system. With the elements of more top education systems, it is ideal to note that it did not replace conventional way of learning, but upgraded the means of learning as well as provide better accountability and secure platforms of receiving educational services from lectures and tutors. Among the advantages of online education, the idea of cutting the budget costs is essential since the education system does not require the physical attendance of the student. On the other hand, it lacks the student to obtain a computer or electronic device that can link to various online storage and video platforms with the aim of accessing lecture notes posted by the lecturer. Moreover, students get the liberty of choosing a course of their interest from the multiple subjects offered. Next, the student gets to learn at his/her convenience since; he/she can watch the lecture files at their own time. Lastly, online means of education enhances the professional scope since it is advantageous for students who search for jobs in foreign nations.


Akiyama, H., Teramoto, A., & Kozono, K. (2008). Educational effect of online lecture using streaming technology. Electronics and Communications in Japan, 91(3), 37-44.

Carnevale, D. (2002). Stronger Students Benefit More From Online Course, Texas Study Finds. Chronicle of Higher Education, 48(45), A30-A30.

Le, A., Joordens, S., Chrysostomou, S., & Grinnell, R. (2010). Online lecture accessibility and its influence on performance in skills-based courses. Computers & Education, 55(1), 313-319.

Norman, S. (2016, March 10). 5 Advantages Of Online Learning: Education Without Leaving Home. Retrieved November 20, 2018, from Elearning Industry Commercial Website:

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