Bigotry: A Legacy of the West and Its Power Over Humankind - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-13
Bigotry: A Legacy of the West and Its Power Over Humankind - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Political science
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1554 words
13 min read

Bigotry, in its identity, is disregarded a frame of mind or forms of reliance purely; it is conveyed in the operations, establishment, and edifice that a feeling of great variation vindicates or approves. Bigotry, therefore, is viewed vastly than whatever has been talked about or written down about the variations in humankind or giving a negative thought of a crowd that no one has power over (Memmi, 2000). Bigotry has a past course and is major if not absolutely, an idea of the West. But it traced its origin back in at least an archetypal structure in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. It was formally segmented in the expressions of doctrine more than in those of inherent discipline (CERD Task Force of the U.S. Human Rights Network, 2010). The history of bigotry in the society is complicated; from the start, most of the European Nations and the major parts of America had been reluctant to fully integrate the Blacks into their country, be it politically, economically, and culturally. Still, the economics and politics of America and other European nations have taken a different route throughout the past five decades.

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Chauvinism is rather a vague idea that certain people in the society have different characteristics associated with their human nature, that is, in their body view and can be put asunder based on the supremacy of someone's origin (Arnold et al., 2020). This brings out an aspect of discrimination that tends to separate the 'who is who' in the society. The people 'who belong' are put on the one side of the edge while those whose racial appearance does not match with the rest are secluded to an almost 'left out' zone in the society (Boggs, 1970).

W. Ralph Eubanks in Color Lines reflects how origin has been viewed in the history of humanity, giving it a broad consideration in respect to his flesh and blood nonsegregated past. He contemplates on how the original meaning of origin is taking a different route and expounds on the feedbacks of various learners in a lecture on origin connections after they engage in the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) experiment. "Do you muse DNA forebears experiment would alter someone's thought of their origin? How do you perceive origin?"

Whatever gives us identity in life is what we associate with most. Our DNAs seem to be the epitome of realizing who we are, what we are made of, where we tend to think we belong, and a whole lot of things that we extract from our DNAs. With the subject of DNA taking headlines in defining ourselves, controversies have been raised over the past in regards to the color of our skins, depending on the prototype genes forming our DNAs. The great debate has sent out mixed signals in our societies more so in America, where the issue seems to be an unending 'fire outbreak' in the jungle forest (Karthikeyan & Chin, 2002).

Bigotry in the United States of America (USA) has been there since time memorial and existed rules and governance that secluded others in respect to their origin or tribe, a clear sign of discrimination. Whereas most white Americans were privileged to have favors and rights at their disposal, other origins and inferiors were left out of the privileges (Sears & Henry, 2002). The privileges outlined, such as issues of exercising democratic casting of lots, effective judicial procedures, schooling privileges, among others, were only enjoyed by the whites. Hispanics, for instance, have been subjected to vigorous chauvinism over the centuries in America regardless of their European forbearers (Landrine & Klonoff, 1996). The Middle Eastern lot, that is, Arabs, Iranians, and Jews have had it rough too with outrageous seclusion in America, leading to a majority from this lot disregarding themselves to be whites (CERD Task Force of the U.S. Human Rights Network, 2010).

As described by the author of 'Ever is a Long Time' and 'The House at the End of the Road' in his essay – Color Lines, W. Ralph Eubanks attest that it was rough in his times even to declare yourself associated with a white person because of the massive segregation happenings in America in the 1950s and 1960s. "My folks hid my granddad's photo away from reach since, in the 1960s in Mississippi, blacks' chauvinism was massive, and showcasing the photo anywhere in our house was nothing short of dangerous. A lot of implications were in place for a black man who had or insisted on relations with a white man. In that veil, the photo remained 'a miss,' an indication of history in our family, Eubanks narrates.

With a clear indication that racism is a factor of past centuries, the question remains if the magnitude of past bigotry and the new era range is the same measurement. All factors laid forth, studies have revealed that there is a great improvement on how humankind relates with one another despite the color of one's skin. The new regime in existence has adopted the spirit of tolerance with one another as the need to hate another person because of their skin color is seen as an unnecessary issue; "in the 21st era America, we would be seen as multiracial together with my folks," Eubanks declares.

Official racial biasness was vastly wiped out by the mid- 20th century, and gradually, people viewed it as a vice (Arnold et al., 2018). The major concerns that still got people scratching their heads are the issue of bigotry politics, which in turn leads to the unfair distribution of resources in the economy (Gorrod & Joel, 2006). Conclusions have been drawn based on the intense proofs pointing towards various departments in the formalized U.S., which include the court system, trade sector, medical sector, mass media and communication, and housing in the past centuries in the United States. But the reforms which have been put in place by the United Nations and the U.S. Human Rights Network have proven a great deal being bias in any way in the United States pervade all elements of life and stretches to every race (Bobo et al., 2009).

"I perceived that we could have a vast conversation on the way DNA changes the past idea of origin the other way round. But for my son, Patrick, the whole idea of the origin had an already different perception in him, and the conversation we had brought out a major generation different understanding between us. For me, the percentage outcomes of Patrick's forbearers were foreseeable: seventy-two percent European, twenty-five percent African, and three percent Asian. But the moment I hinted how reflective DNA was on my side when I first received my results, my son hurtled his shoulders, as if he cared less, Eubank narrates. "They have nothing to do with my thoughts or how I regard myself or my perception of the globe," Patrick said. "When I am, I asked, 'what are you?' I reply that an American. And given my dynamic circumstance, I would give a hint that it's just in America that such a situation is found, he continues."

In conclusion, bigotry has long been spoken of, and the debates continue to arise. But the 21 st century seems to be doing away with racism to provide a leeway for everyone to enjoy liberty, rights, privileges, and freedom in whatever capacity someone fits. Just like Eubank, in his essay, Color Lines, we should first and foremost be in a position to think and belong to the human family. Taking in this kind of concept opens the room to balance ways of accepting that the past clouds the future. We should, therefore, embrace ourselves regardless of anything, including our races for us to achieve liberty, and just as stated by Bois in his 1990 biography of John Brown, "the price of freedom is decreased than the cost of quashing."


Arnold, D., Dobbie, W. S., & Hull, P. (2020). Measuring racial discrimination in bail decisions (No. w26999). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Arnold, D., Dobbie, W., & Yang, C. S. (2018). Racial bias in bail decisions. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(4), 1885-1932.

Boggs, J. (1970). Uprooting Racism and Racists in the United States. The Black Scholar, 2(2), 2-10.

CERD Task Force of the U.S. Human Rights Network. (2010). From Civil Rights to Human Rights: Implementing U.S. Obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)". Universal Periodic Review Joint Reports: United States of America. p. 44.

Dawson, M. C., & Bobo, L. D. (2009). One year later and the myth of a post-racial society. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 6(2), 247-249.

Garrod, J. Z. (2006). A Brave Old World: An Analysis of Scientific Racism and BiDil®. McGill Journal of Medicine: MJM, 9(1), 54.

Karthikeyan, H., & Chin, G. J. (2002). Preserving racial identity: Population patterns and the application of anti-miscegenation statutes to Asian Americans, 1910-1950. Asian L.J., 9, 1.

Landrine, H., & Klonoff, E. A. (1996). The schedule of racist events: A measure of racial discrimination and a study of its negative physical and mental health consequences. Journal of Black Psychology, 22(2), 144-168.

Mustard, D. B. (2001). Racial, ethnic, and gender disparities in sentencing: Evidence from the U.S. federal courts. The Journal of Law and Economics, 44(1), 285-314.

Sears, D. O., & Henry, P. J. (2002). Race and politics: The theory of symbolic racism. Handbook of political psychology. Japan: Matsysaka University.

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