Birth of American Emperor - Paper Example

Published: 2023-09-26
Birth of American Emperor - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics United States American history
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 691 words
6 min read

The United States was founded as a Britain colony as it settled in West America as a root of the tradition of conquest exploitation opportunism and conquest. The United States of America became imperial through land acquisition. Other factors included pressure from politicians to protect its citizens and the promotion of American interests that redefined American society.

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Broadly, following the First World War in 1898, the USA emerged as a formidable world power with cultural development and political growth. By the end of 1898, USA acquired territories across the Caribbean and specific through the borders. According to Dochuk (2019), An American Historian showed how the Imperialists in the United States insisted on the civilization of the USA's inferior community. However, the opponent who was lobbied on the colonies' side contradicted the principal notion with significant funding of equality, democracy, and sovereignty.

Before World War 1, the United States was growing in isolation. Hence, the country remained unnoticed until 1800 when the country entered the war with Spain. Though the war ended after four years, ending with a treaty with Paris, Cuba gave their independence to the USA. The USA also ceded possession from Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philipines. (Maçães, 2020). The UK spends all of its money in the war giving the USA chance to take advantage of the situation. The USA began negotiating workshops with the UK in exchange for land and other various positions from the UK. Specifically, by the end of the war, the UK owed the USA a debt worth of billions of dollars. The UK suffered greatly in production losses and was forced to rebuild itself (Dochuk, 2019). Other wealthy nations in Europe like France, Germany, and Italy also suffered financially, politically, and economically and the USA was given a chance to prosper as the sole world superpower. In sum, by the end of the war, the United Nations was overseen influenced by colonial powers.

At the turn of the 20th, the United States had become the world's most superpower. First World War impacted the USA significantly to the 20th century in terms of industrial growth, production sector, and ease of racism. The rise of the USA brought a significant change in the culture among the Citizens. Alcohol gained economy surfacing bootlegging and, leading to an increase in illicit trading. In the 20th century, people of color enjoyed fair employment and equal work among different races. Additionally, the major players in the civil rights movement changed the works' rights based on their race. Other aspects of actions were also influenced, including non- violent protest and bus boycott.

Significantly, the country enjoyed significant development on Roads putting millions of American Citizens to their work on time. The USA continued to experience substantial economic turmoil with improved structures that keep many families out of poverty (Wang, 2019). The First World war also impacted the growth of its industries and the progress of women's movements. The USA government adopted new diplomatic policies. Production in the USA industry boomed since the production of goods was kept up to the pace (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2020). The creation of products was advanced due to the use of technology.

In 1899 and 18998 United States acquired the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and other parts of the island and specific Islands. In the 20th century, the expansion raised a fateful question as to whether the annexed individuals would receive the right to being American Citizens.

Conclusively, during the turn of the 20th century, the USA had become a world power. Imperialism in the United States of America was achieved through the acquisition of land pressure from politicians for the protection and promotion of American interests with an expanding population redefining American society.


Dochuk, D. (2019). Anointed with oil: How Christianity and crude made Modern America. Hachette UK.

Maçães, B. (2020). History Has Begun: The Birth of a New America. Oxford University Press.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2020). Birth settings in America: Outcomes, quality, access, and choice. National Academies Press.

Wang, J. (2019). Plants, insects, and the American empire's biological management: tropical agriculture in early twentieth-century Hawai ‘i. History and Technology, 35(3), 203-236.

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